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SNS - Blood Dragon Force Routed - Darius - 04-24-2024

Sunrise News Service

[Image: GPWEaDx.png?1] 834 AS - Blood Dragon Force Routed
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[Image: sjZpCL0.png]
Blood Dragon Force Routed
Kyushu, 24.04.834

In what can only be described as a bloodbath, Blood Dragon fighters, gunships and even a score of cruisers launched a daring incursion towards Nansei Complex yesterday, forcing the nearby Kyushu forces to request assistance from the IKN Haruna's 1st Expeditionary Fleet, stationed in New Tokyo ahead of preparations for a move into the Taus on a grand diplomatic campaign but also one to cleanse near systems of undesirables.

Whilst details have been withheld due to the rumored capture of several high-importance Blood Dragon rebels and even hardware from one of the disabled ships, Lord Mitsuo has expressed his utmost praise for the "brave warriors of Kusari, of Kyushu, working around the hour and restless, to safeguard our great nation". Further, Lord Mitsuo has also stated that "this attack will not go unpunished", calling upon New Tokyo to act and arrest any Blood Dragon sympathizers -- but also to closely watch Liberty citizens on Kyushu due to the recent spike in attacks.

A senior KOI official has also went on record to mention that the recent spike in Blood Dragon attacks, coinciding with the Liberty Navy's emboldened stance at the border, will be "closely investigated". Sunrise Party officials on Kyushu have spoken in support of both these calls as, with Bretonia pleading for military and economic aid and Rheinland focusing on internal affairs, only the Republic of Liberty dares stoke the flames for further tensions amongst the Great Houses.

SNS will bring you more news soon on this topic.

RE: SNS - Blood Dragon Force Routed - Red - 04-24-2024


Keep pushing this grand facade "Lord" Mitsuo, the naval forces are depleted, your time is up coward!!
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RE: SNS - Blood Dragon Force Routed - Mr. Lime - 04-24-2024


You didn’t hear this from me, but the Liberty Navy locked down Colorado yesterday to search for a flight of Blood Dragons that were there for some reason. Nobody’s talking about it, so whatever it was they were there to do, it doesn’t seem to be something Liberty’s brass likes.

They won’t talk about it, they might be coming for me next to keep it quiet. Liberty hates the Blood Dragons because its senior military officers are Kusari. The Kishiro takeover of Galileo was a fix. The Snakes were right.
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