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Potential Alternative use of PoB Refineries - Printable Version

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Potential Alternative use of PoB Refineries - LegendOfTheWolf - 04-25-2024

Hey guys!

So, I've recently been reading some old posts about how the current economy has left a few factions, a bit irrelevant - And I think this idea as a whole could bring back some relevance.

So, refineries, the act of throwing in ore, and getting metal out? Basic, normal. Now think, what about if we did that with people?

Ok, here me out.

At the moment Lawful factions have nothing really to do in regards to refineries on PoBs (that I can think of) How about... A correctional facility? "Pirate" Pilot goes in, Prisoner comes out? Or we could really spice it up with some more base brought commodities, Criminals go in = Prisoners go out. Doing this could be somewhat good use of Prison Liners. Eh?
Of course this would have to be balanced as I'm not expecting people to "Mine" people out of rocks, but could be balanced to be less than mining, but giving some extra flavour?

For example, if you're PvEing and get [FACTION] Pilots.. they could 100% Becomes a Prisoner. Where as normal commodities from Prisoners, could be like 70% Prisoner, and the other 30% would become Passengers ( As the correctional facility on a PoB - Worked!).

This would work with Orbital Spa & Cruise. Instead of a Correction Facility, you'd have a Tourist Attraction! Passengers go in, and the end product would be split. Passengers, and LUXURY Passengers. (Luxury Passengers want to go on the next tour! Whereas Passengers, they've had their fun, and wanna go home)

If the devs REALLY wanted to go into depth. You could put a "naughty Passenger" as a end product of the Tourist Attraction, maybe they took their murder mystery week too seriously! And boom, the Lawfuls now have to collect said Criminal from said base.

I feel this will give OS&C Some much needed love, and give Lawfuls a commodity to trade - Heaven forbit a Prison Liner gets intercepted by pirates!

Let me know what you think!

P.S - thanks for reading.

PS.S - For those not wanted to read - I made pretty diagram

RE: Potential Alternative use of PoB Refineries - Barrier - 04-25-2024

I like this idea and I supported the last time it was suggested. I personally added Marines as a catalyst, and Consumer Goods as an advanced recipe option.

The current problem is mainly in the programming - all pilots have their own internal name, which poses problems for the refinery flhook script. Not only is it weird to define all of them and likely iterate through them when "refining", but the player options would look very messy. It's also likely that you'd have to refine one type of pilot at a time.

However, after 5.1 is out, it's possible that this will get revisited, streamlined, and implemented in some form. So fingers crossed until then.

RE: Potential Alternative use of PoB Refineries - LegendOfTheWolf - 04-25-2024

Good to know this was suggested and looked into. I appreciate the reply!

I did wonder if having all the different factions pilots would cause headaches

RE: Potential Alternative use of PoB Refineries - Big Bison Bessie - 04-25-2024

Theoretically this could be made a lot easier to do if the pilot commodities were streamlined, rolling them into generic labels, but that could be a lot more work to set up a refinement mechanic... IE making Rogues, Hackers, and Xenos NPCs spawning Liberty Criminal pilots
The thing is the old system has been in place for a while, but I am not sure anything is being done with it really... a good start could be just making prisons always 'buy' criminal pilots for a much higher cost than all other stations. Right now almost all pilot NPCs sell for the same prices save for I think in Penn? I need to double check that.