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Hello - Swifty - 04-28-2024

Do you remember when this mod wasn't so restricted and people actually had fun playing it? I genuinely question myself (after watching from the shadows for a while both here on forum and in game, discord doesn't count simply because it is what Skype or TS used to be before it's release, so it's outside of the game like it should be, imho) how and why it became what it is today.

No I'm not trolling, for those who are so quick to come and point those stinky fingers at me for that reason. At most, I'm just bored and want to have this very discussion again so that the cycle doesn't break.

Don't hate, just come and speak your thoughts on why it became this way.

RE: Hello - jammi - 04-28-2024

It'd help to know what you mean by restricted I guess.

RE: Hello - Jayenbee - 04-28-2024

It'd be nice if a dude could talk in PMs to someone else, without a third party getting butthurt over seeing something that wasn't meant for them, then running to staff to get punished for some tertiary hurt feelings.

Gg Disco. Gg.

RE: Hello - Swifty - 04-28-2024

Every time i log in-game or post something here (and nowadays Discord, a place that is supposed to be outside of the game) i feel like im surrounded by a Federal Prison wall of unnecessary rules for reasons unknown. Or maybe they're known but just won't admit to it.

Simply put, i feel like I'm forced to play with duct tape over my mouth and let everything slide without being vocal about something in general. It's a scary thought considering this gives me some very unpleasant vibes i, along with some others had to deal with a while back.

RE: Hello - TheSauron - 04-28-2024

I can't use slurs in community discords ergo 1984

RE: Hello - Darius - 04-28-2024

[Image: LxGupFO.png]

RE: Hello - Swifty - 04-28-2024

Apparently it is toxic to have a place outside of the game for people to talk their shit or voice some unhappy opinions less PG rated. Sure we can all speak civilised until the trolls who don't wanna be held accountable for anything show up and more or less beg for the uncivilised comments to surface and ruin it. See the two grown up examples above.

RE: Hello - Lucas - 04-28-2024

Real and true

RE: Hello - Couden - 04-28-2024

Wish FRC would be back.

RE: Hello - HanCloudstone - 04-28-2024

Tbh just get some popcorn. It's always comedy gold to see an RP forum roll out bans and warnings for out of forum behaviour.