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Making waves - Printable Version

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Making waves - WarriorLord - 04-28-2024

[Image: fyauRWh.png]
I have arrived in some world that I am not familiar with. It seems this world needs some tender loving care, and also some anarchy. Maybe also an organisation that can change the way things work here.
Establishing myself in previous worlds has been succesful, and also my background says alot for what I am about to do within this world. I like being mysterious and also devious, and with it making my fortune. My expertise within this world will turn a few heads, and make people think twice about trusting me, and establishing relations.

I have alot of work to do for now to establish, what this world needs and how it can be made different. People here might not like change, but hopefully it will work to help alot of people to trust me, or not to trust me.
Establishing something within this realm seems a good idea, and by what I have seen so far, from a distance, is that certain areas can be influenced.I am hoping to bring alot of influence and respect from allies and comrades, who will be established very soon. I will be communicating with my fellow friends who are waiting to be informed to make their way here.

Now it is time to get things rolling, and to establish connections within this world ....

Continuation of this story SOON.

RE: Making waves - WarriorLord - 04-28-2024

[Image: fyauRWh.png]
OHHH .. Dam it, I forgot to mention,

I am Frank Fullard, entrepreneur, violent scum bag, hard case, drug taker, and business man. I can also say that my first impressions of this Sirius World, are to say the least tame.
Where I came from everyone feared for their lives, but its obvious I lived to tell the tale, but the main thing is will all these lame populous.

Continuation of this story again SOON.

RE: Making waves - WarriorLord - 05-01-2024

[Image: fyauRWh.png]
I have been here for a few days now, and am really impressed with what I have seen so far.
I have communicated, with what I would consider some very special operatives, and also had a chat with the Navy. Contacted a set of scientists too, asking if they can supply me some super powerful weapon systems.

Continuing our approach is going to be fun, and also gaining ground at the same time. More contacts will be available soon, and also gathering intel is a must. I hope I can use my new friends to help me to achieve the ultimate goal.

Continuation of this story again SOON.

RE: Making waves - WarriorLord - 05-02-2024

[Image: fyauRWh.png]
Getting hold of a second hand good condition vessel has been extremely hard, but I have managed to obtain a Montante class Gunship.

This will be my own personal ship, and will be well protected and armored. I managed to make my way to Planet Curacao, so that I can possibly set up a meeting with these Orbital chaps. I did send a communication, and I am just waiting for their reply.

I must say Curacao is such a beautiful Planet, its no wonder everyone loves holidaying here.

I will rest up here for now and enjoy the well earned rest from the grind of being the President of an organisation, my work is never done really.

Continuation of this story again SOON.

RE: Making waves - WarriorLord - 05-05-2024

[Image: fyauRWh.png]
Took out the Montante for a spin today, and came across a load of Navy LSF and also Core vessels, who seemed to be all working together. Rather strange to see such a sight, simply because they only seemed to be escorting them.

I proceeded to tag along, and as I did, low and behold an LSF Bison carrying Xeno Relics.. ?

Interesting to say the least, but I was assured that it was confiscated cargo, but seeing as I have done some homework on the LSF, sneaky and devious those assets are. I also contacted OS&C about holding some events once I get all my communications done for the relevant people and organisations I need to speak to.

I will fly around some more and see what I come across next time, maybe more suspicious goings on ..

Continuation of this story again SOON.

RE: Making waves - WarriorLord - 05-10-2024

[Image: fyauRWh.png]
I have contacted Mr Holliday today, and offered him some medcal supplies to be dropped off. I have instigated a Logistical vessel and it is docked, right under the noses of the LPI, and is presently being loaded with 620 crates of medical supplies.
Once I hear from Mr Holliday we will initiate the deliveries under escort, and will make sure we arrive safely, and not arouse any suspicion along the way.
These supplies will be delivered in large bundles, and distributed by my personal mediacl team, under the close eye of my personal security team to make sure they are distributed correctly and safely.

Hopefully this is the start of more shipments to Mr Holliday, depending on how his negotiations go.

Continuation of this story again SOON.

RE: Making waves - WarriorLord - 05-16-2024

[Image: fyauRWh.png]
Well .... I am so pleased that our new equipment has been sorted finally.

I went down to the hangar today to check it all over, and how impressed I was with the size of the new ship. It has been equipped very nicely, with docking facilities aboard and also it has the capability for stealth operations. I also checked out the new kit that will be used from the new ship, and was pleasantly surprised at those aswell. Once we launch them, then the fun will begin.

I am hoping we can test out this magnificent specimen very soon, and start arranging services, that require some etiquette and a bit of hush hush.

Now I will crack open some Liberty Ale and relax for now..

Continuation of this story again SOON.

RE: Making waves - WarriorLord - 05-29-2024

[Image: fyauRWh.png]
It has to be said, that he who wishes to succeed will succeed if the right opportunity arrives. And dare I say it, we are getting plenty opportunity to flex our muscles, and make a business that will thrive and flourish.

So far we have been able to talk to organisations, some not so cooperative, but others very cooperative, and giving us jobs to do.

Once we get these things out of the way, we will be extending our resources, and expanding the empire. OH, did I say empire .... how silly of me.

Continuation of this story SOON.

RE: Making waves - WarriorLord - 05-31-2024

[Image: fyauRWh.png]
Many stages of our organisation are now secure, and we will increase our capacity, very, very soon.

The jobs we have been given are proving challenging, but with the right people on the job we will prevail and deliver for our mission givers.

The more challenging the mission, the more challenged we feel. Success is always our goal, and with success will come gratitude, and wellbeing. Mostly the wellbeing of our operatives, are our goal, and as long as they satisfy our mission objectives then we can push the organisation forward and continue to grow.
Growth is the next step of my plans, and we will create a very succesful set of customers, to give us plenty to do.

Continuation of this story SOON.

RE: Making waves - WarriorLord - 06-05-2024

[Image: fyauRWh.png]
Our logistical operation has delivered the 620 crates of medical aid to Mr Holliday.

The first of many shipments that will be arriving to help those poor people to get back on their feet. Once again my operatives have proved their loyalty and efficiency, and making a difference to the health of people in need.

Also to confirm aswell, we have established more contact with many others, ready to initiate our overall goal.

Continuation of this story SOON.