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[SALE]Skorak Account Cleaning - Printable Version

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[SALE]Skorak Account Cleaning - Skorak - 05-01-2024

My accounts are a mess, the names make no sense and they're full of stuff I don't use. Offering all these ships. My B|-ristol people who want to use any of these for B|-ristol can get the ships for half their purchase price instead.

Price - Ship - ID - Ship.Name

1,000,000 - Mammoth Liberty Transport - Freelancer ID - Road.Runner

Pob Repairs
1,400,000 - Colossus Rheinland Train - Kruger ID - Behemoth1
1,400,000 - Colossus Rheinland Train - Kruger ID - Behemoth3

Pob Repairs 2
100,000 - Train - Freelancer ID(?) - DSE-Montgomery
100,000 - Train - DSE ID - DSE-Sacramento

50,000,000 - Sunburst - Freelancer ID - Cat

RE: [SALE]Skorak Account Cleaning - Darius - 05-01-2024

I'll get the Atlanta LSC. Where do you want the cash to?

RE: [SALE]Skorak Account Cleaning - James Greed - 05-01-2024

I have a legal claim on rat, my lawyers will be in touch.

RE: [SALE]Skorak Account Cleaning - Skorak - 05-01-2024

(05-01-2024, 07:24 PM)Darius Wrote: I'll get the Atlanta LSC. Where do you want the cash to?


(05-01-2024, 07:24 PM)James Greed Wrote: I have a legal claim on rat, my lawyers will be in touch.

These are my joke sales. But I should probably give it to someone at some point

RE: [SALE]Skorak Account Cleaning - vladimir26 - 05-01-2024


I'll take the Constellation. Lemme know where do you want the credits

RE: [SALE]Skorak Account Cleaning - Vlad - 05-01-2024

I would like to purchase these from you

1,100,000 - Stork Advanced Train - Outcast ID - NC-ET-Gioia.Tauro(Rename required - money on ship)
800,000 - Tridente Outcast Gunship - Outcast ID - NC-MNS-Taranis(Rename required - money on ship)
800,000 - Junker Salvage Frigate - Junker ID - JM|-Barely.Scrapping.By(Rename required - money on ship)
1,200,000 - "Shetland" Bretonian Train - Bowex ID - BES-Sealand

Money has been sent to FRS-Harmony

RE: [SALE]Skorak Account Cleaning - Skorak - 05-01-2024

Money to FRS-Harmony

RE: [SALE]Skorak Account Cleaning - Skorak - 05-01-2024

Kudessi got taken too. I'll go set up codes now and then clear the list.

You guys are crazy fast.

RE: [SALE]Skorak Account Cleaning - Darius - 05-01-2024

Monets for the LSC

RE: [SALE]Skorak Account Cleaning - Traxit - 05-01-2024

(05-01-2024, 07:21 PM)Skorak Wrote: 2,200,000 - Kusari Destroyer - KSP ID - Kusari_Overlord