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Black Sails - Communications - Black Sails - 05-02-2024

[Image: akZzwbv.png]
The Black Sails


Message template


[align=left][font=Cinzel][size=x-large][color=#800000]Incoming transmission[/color][/size][/font][/align]
[font=Cinzel][size=medium][color=#800000]Recipient:[/color] Arthur Ortega (or any other recipient)
[color=#800000]Sender:[/color] Firstname Lastname or a Callsign
[color=#800000]Location:[/color] Location[/size][/font]

[align=center][img]Image of (preferably) 300x400px size, 2px frame of #800000 colour[/img][/align]


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[align=right][font=Cinzel][size=x-large][color=#800000]End of transmission[/color][/size][/font][/align]

Black Sails Guild Discord

RE: Black Sails - Communications - vladimir26 - 05-02-2024

[Image: J1SHOGK.png]

Incoming transmission

Recipient: Black Sails Guild
Sender: Massimo Insigne
Location: Battlecruiser Perdition

[Image: inGame_22042023_181842HIGH_RES_EMM_None....6073ffc9c6]


I've just recieved a report from one of our patrols in Dublin. It doesn't comes as a surprise that Samura Industries vessels have been tracked while supporting the Molly war effort.

Their convoy carrying refined Gold was intercepted in sector C3, danger close to the Santander, heading from C4. Taking into account their true heading, and that no mining operations were underway at that time, it leaves no question about the origin of their shipment.

Undermining our efforts in Dublin isn't something that we should turn a blind eye to. Therefore, all Samura Industries vessels have lost the benefit of doubt, making them prime targets to piracy, and if that proves impossible, to neutralization, effective immediately.


  1. Evidence

End of transmission

RE: Black Sails - Communications - Black Sails - 05-05-2024

[Image: J1SHOGK.png]

Incoming transmission

Recipient: Black Sails Guild
Sender: Arthur Ortega
Location: Ithaca Base, Omega-7

[Image: Kra1AmY.png]


Before he gets carried out, let me introduce to you my new advisor - Massimo Insigne. He's an ex-Detterence Capitán and famous for his successful raids in the Omicrons and the Omegas. Massimo and his crew proved themselves to be very effective in repelling the Maltese and Core onslaught. After a failed defense of a Deterrence's Construction Site, the Ravenna's rats left Dublin like cowards, but Massimo and his strike group Perdition were the only men who stood up alongside the Black Sails to proceed the offensive in Bretonia.

End of transmission

RE: Black Sails - Communications - vladimir26 - 05-07-2024

[Image: J1SHOGK.png]

Incoming transmission

Recipient: Black Sails Guild
Sender: Massimo Insigne
Location: Battlecruiser Perdition

[Image: inGame_22042023_181842HIGH_RES_EMM_None....6073ffc9c6]

Zoners..where do I even begin with f**king Zoners. A peaceful lot of w**kers they say. Bullshit. There's been no shortage of treachery coming from their side. Scheming with Bounty Hunters, Outcasts, Core, IMG, and now Mollys.

Doesn't matter. The Black Sails will give them their hard earned reward.


  1. Evidence

End of transmission

RE: Black Sails - Communications - vladimir26 - 05-11-2024

[Image: J1SHOGK.png]

Incoming transmission

Recipient: Arthur Ortega
Sender: Massimo Insigne
Location:Battlecruiser Perdition

[Image: 7wk9v8b.png]

Signor Ortega, I bring grave news, hear me out,

The treachery of the Zoners knows no bounds. I've had the pleasure to intercept an Omicron Supply Industries vessel in Dublin, carrying Gold ore. And, here is where it all starts.

First of all, my inquiries confirmed that he bought the ore from Rathmines facility, which unfortunately, does not allow Corsairs to dock, but they have no issues to welcome Zoners and Mollys aboard, even do business with them.

Now, the questioning of this OSI representative yielded a lot of unexpected, even unimaginable things. To keep it simple, it goes like this:

- Rathmines is being supplied by Mollys, including RPA| and BMM. He also mentioned Corsairs, but since our access is denied, I find it hard to believe. Or who knows, maybe some of our brethren work with them as well;

- This fella was moving the gold ore mined by Mollys and BMM to a station in the Omegas, Geneva, from where, the Deterrence buys it. Yes, Deterrence buys gold ore indirectly from Mollys and BMM, with the help of Zoners and the administration aboard Rathmines.

I suggest summoning the War Council to share the news and discuss our next approach. Never would I have thought that anything close to this could happen.


  1. Evidence

End of transmission

RE: Black Sails - Communications - Black Sails - 05-15-2024

[Image: J1SHOGK.png]

Incoming transmission

Recipient: Massimo Insigne
Sender: Arthur Ortega
Location: Cadiz Base, Omega-5

[Image: KCvfTeo.png]

Señor Insigne,

Your report helps shed some light on the situation, but only confirms what we've already suspected of the Deterrence. They are much more interested in making friends rather than expanding their empire. Additionally, as much as I'd love to act on this information, we need to confirm these claims by this Zoner pilot with our own pilots' eyes.

I will detach a reconnaissance wing to look into what our Zoner friend shared with us. In the meantime, you and your men focus on subduing the Mollys' operation in Dublin. It is vital that we stay focused on the task-at-hand.

That will be all for now.

End of transmission

RE: Black Sails - Communications - Black Sails - 05-30-2024

[Image: J1SHOGK.png]

Incoming transmission

Recipient: Arthur Ortega
Sender: Massimo Insigne
Location: Battlecruiser Perdicion

[Image: 7wk9v8b.png]


There's a huge traffic of merchant vessels within Bretonian space, and not the usual one. Ran into a Bowex supplying Scaglainne Oir with water, and a Navy transport hauling gin to Liberty. There might be something at work here, as both of these encounters aren't common. I suggest stepping up raiding parties within New London and squeeze more info and loot.

All I managed to squeeze from both traders is a gin tonic and a few coins from a BMF| barge stuck in the Cornwall Asteroid Field.


  1. Loot

End of transmission

RE: Black Sails - Communications - vladimir26 - 08-19-2024

[Image: J1SHOGK.png]
Incoming transmission

Recipient: Arthur Ortega
Massimo Insigne
Battlecruiser Perdition

[Image: 7wk9v8b.png]
Earlier this week, our patrols discovered a massive build up of Molly, IMG, Coalition, Technocrats and aligned Freelancer vessels, putting holes on an ex-Molly, actual Freelancer base within Dublin, Scaglainne Oir. As of such, the Black Sails War Council put in place:
Operation Fishnet

Intercept Provisional led operations against Scaglainne Oir and wreck havoc in their combined forces
96 hours and up to 6 major combat operations
Corsair units involved:
Dublin based Black Sails, Deterrence expeditionary forces and Santander fighter wings
Damage inflicted:
A considerable number of snub-crafts and naval ships of Molly and Coalition origin, including Tempest-class Coalition carriers
Casualty report:
A dozen fighter wings, alongside several damaged naval vessels
Same as the Black Sails, the Deterrence patrols also detected the massive build up of forces, therefore Santander became the staging point of military operations. Freelancers looking to earn a dime made their appearance and were put to good use. The debut of the operation went like a dream, as the Mollys redeployed most of their patrols to the siege, therefore the Corsair build-up managed to maintain the element of surprise. After the ensued chaos cleared out, the Molly led coalition laid in ashes. Combat operations continued for another 72 hours in at least 4 different major engagements, where both sides suffered breakthroughs and setbacks.
Neither side managed to score the defeating blow. However, the operation also acted as a delaying action, prompting the Mollys and their lackies to commit more valuable resources into the siege. Scaglainne Oir lies in pieces, but with great costs for the Provisional led task force , both in terms of manpower and naval assets. As for the Corsairs casualties, around half are accounted by the Deterrence Expeditionary Forces, 30% by The Black Sails and the Freelancers end the list with their 20%. Our sacrifices were big, but worth it. It's unclear how Scaglainne Oir managed to slip out of Molly control, but it made us a big service, by forcing the Mollys to step up and raze the base entirely, in order to prevent it from becoming a sort of freeport where bretonians and other hostiles might set camp. We also owe thanks in this regard to the Provisionals, as they acted in our interests as well. Suffering considerable casualties in the process was just the cherry on top. Further common operations with the Deterrence Fleet should be taken into account. Their presence on the battlefield had several uses. Aside their heavy indirect fire, some of their pilots were reckless enough to dive straight into Provisional lines, allowing the Black Sails to perform flanking maneuvers unhindered. It's a big waste of Corsair lives and naval ships, but better them than us.


End of transmission

RE: Black Sails - Communications - Chxlls - 08-20-2024

[Image: J1SHOGK.png]

Incoming transmission

Recipient: All Black Sails Pilots
Sender: "Vibora"
Location: Battlecruiser Santander

[Image: qGE7Z2n.png]

Good evening pilots,

On behalf of command, and as one of the front-line commanders of Operation Fishnet, I wanted to congratulate you all on the hard-earned victories achieved against our enemies in Dublin. Even though the odds were against us, we persevered and gave the "Free Republic" a bloody nose in the system. Soon, we will be able to wrest Dublin from their manos sucias.

But, now is not the time for rest. We have gained the upper hand in the system. It's on all of us to make sure we don't lose that. I will be leading our battlegroups personally in the coming days. I expect nothing short of victory any time our ships enter Dublin space.

Now is the time to up the pressure. Failure is not an option.

That will be all for now.


End of transmission

RE: Black Sails - Communications - vladimir26 - 10-21-2024

[Image: J1SHOGK.png]

Incoming transmission

Recipient: Arthur Ortega
Sender: Massimo Insigne
Location:Battlecruiser Perdition

[Image: 7wk9v8b.png]

Signor Ortega, it's been a while since the last War Council, let me bring you up to news,

I can't report a good amount of good news. The one worthy of attention is the discovery of a jump hole in sector 7D, leading to Omega-48 system. Unfortunately it's unstable for capital vessels, so our supply freighters and patrols to and from Casablanca will have to suffice. This comes with an obvious cost, as both Coalition and IMG can pour into Dublin unhindered, therefore making our lives more complicated.

On the other hand, the bad news keep flowing like a fucking waterfall. Recent reports indicate an increased Hessian presence in Omega-41, more than the usual that can be found on Freeport 5, relentlessly harassing our supply lines. Add to that a bunch of ships of unknown affiliation attacking both us and the Hessians. With the collapse of the Omega-11 jump hole, the Hessian presence should've dropped significantly, but the opposite is happening. I fear they established a foothold within the system. With the incompetence of the Brotherhood and Deterrence, it's up to us to further investigate, otherwise with our supply lines cut we'll become sitting ducks within Dublin. With Omega-41 blockaded from within, ourselves and other Corsair assets within the Omegas will be cut away, with supplies stop flowing to and from Crete.

Speaking of incompetents, that bunch of fools managed to piss off the Order. Reports say that their aspiring goals of becoming a shipping company thought it's a splendid idea to ship vast quantities of Artifacts to Kusari in plain sight, which got the Corsairs in an even more precarious position than we were. Ignoring the failure of their Artifact rush towards Kusari, in the near future we might face a new front against the Order. Not that I care about them, but our precious assets are already spread out too thin.

There's one more thing. The battlecruiser Penitence reported a renewal of Hessian attacks within Dresden and it's in desperately need of supplies and reinforcements. This is by far the worst out of them, since the Penitence is deep within enemy lines with no safe direct passage to provide any kind of support. The only tactical move available is an aggressive push on the Hessians on all fronts, forcing them to commit reinforcements from their main turf in Dresden. With any hopes, this will ease the pressure on Penitence, stabilizing the situation.

I can't stress how deep is the shit we're in, Guildmaster. Either we protect our backs, or we should brace for impact and hope it won't hurt.
