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Looking for bomber advice - Printable Version

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Looking for bomber advice - Big Bison Bessie - 05-05-2024

I am still re-familiarizing myself with the game, and I know bombers have changed a lot since I last played with the instant kill SNAC. Does anyone have any advice on bomber loadouts and tactics these days, perhaps breakdowns of different weapon options?

RE: Looking for bomber advice - Toaster - 05-05-2024

Currently the most meta loadout is 4x Arbalests, 2x Hellfire Rocket Pods, 2x Neutralizer Bombs. It makes bombers shockingly effective against fighters while still packing a solid punch against capital ships. Alternatively, you can mount a Nova Torpedo for more anti-cap oomph.

Edit: This is likely to change with 5.1, if it ever releases.