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To: The Platform | From: RPA| - Printable Version

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To: The Platform | From: RPA| - Luminium - 05-22-2024

[Image: cBJ6ymo.png]
[Image: Vr5dqKn.png]

> Incoming transmission <

Source: "Maguire" Comms-Net
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[Image: alRwfsV.png]

From: Matthew J. Burns
To: The Platform
Subject: An Inquiry

Greetings, representatives of the Platform.

My name is Matthew Burns, I am the Minister of Economy of the Republican Provisional Assembly. It has been some time since one of your ships has visited Dublin - I trust all is well in your part of the sector?

I am contacting you now because a matter has arisen within the Assembly that requires someone more familiar with Rheinland and its surroundings than we are. To put it simply, we need information, and given the sensitive nature of the inquiry, we would prefer to keep it off the Neural Net for the time being. We are ready to dispatch an agent of the Assembly to meet with one of your own at a time and location of your choosing - preferably far from the prying eyes of the Houses.

I look forward to your reply.

Matthew Jamie Burns

> End of Transmission <

RE: To: The Platform | From: RPA| - Karst - 05-24-2024

[Image: DzFSO7m.png]

| Private Connection Established

Name: Lena Atzenbruck
Identification: The Platform
Encryption access: <U-235>
Location: Geneva Base
Subject: An Inquiry

Mr Burns,

I'm Lena Atzenbruck. I don't have a title as formal as Minister of the Economy, but I have a good deal of experience in the sector from prior to joining the Platform that could be relevant, so I took it upon myself to address your inquiry.
A lot of people who follow democratic principles against state tyranny in Rheinland and, I imagine, all over Sirius, have been watching the developments in Bretonia with a sense of optimism. What the Mollys have achieved against the Crown really is unprecedented in colonial history, and we're definitely open to networking with a movement that seems to share many of our principles.

You're keeping your cards pretty close to your chest in regards to what it is you're looking for, when you say you're "keeping it simple" you really mean it.
But I wouldn't mind setting up a meeting and hearing what sort of information it is you seek. The way you phrased it, it sounds like you want just a one-on-one with one of yours and one of ours? That's a little strange of a request, usually a meeting like this would involve at least a few delegates for security and diversity of opinion, but either way, we could arrange something.
If you want a location that's between our homes, neutral, not busy with traffic, and not frequented by Corsairs, the list is pretty short, but I'd suggest Madeira.


[Image: The-Platform-Flag-Black.png]

| Port Closed

RE: To: The Platform | From: RPA| - Luminium - 05-25-2024

[Image: cBJ6ymo.png]
[Image: Vr5dqKn.png]

> Incoming transmission <

Source: "Maguire" Comms-Net
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[Image: alRwfsV.png]

From: Matthew J. Burns
To: Lena Atzenbruck
Subject: A Meeting

Miss Atzenbruck.

You are correct - we are looking to set up a meeting. It need not be a one-on-one, if you feel additional expertise or security is required. For our part, we are unable to commit more than one messenger due to an upcoming fleet sortie.

I apologise for the lack of details, but sourcing the information in a more public way is not possible. Working through personal connections is our movement's preferred way of operating, given the sporadic nature of communications between Dublin and the rest of the sector at this time.

If we have your assent, I will give our messenger the word to make way to Madeira. She will know to look for you.

Matthew Jamie Burns

> End of Transmission <

RE: To: The Platform | From: RPA| - Luminium - 06-24-2024

[Image: cBJ6ymo.png]
[Image: Vr5dqKn.png]

> Incoming transmission <

Source: "Maguire" Comms-Net
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[Image: alRwfsV.png]

From: Matthew J. Burns
To: Lena Atzenbruck
Subject: Rheinland in Dublin

Miss Atzenbruck.

I suppose you were not able to turn up any answers regarding our inquiry due to a limited number of clues. Unfortunate, but not unexpected. With time, we were able to narrow down the information on our own.

I am now contacting you because of a different matter. It seems the government of Rheinland has promised military support to Bretonia in dealing with our movement. More importantly, they are starting to deliver on that promise. We have sighted several Imperial Rheinland ships in Dublin, fighting alongside the Crown's Armed Forces.

It goes without saying that if the Rheinland Military is committing assets to foreign adventures, their presence at home is weakened. I will leave it up to you how to best exploit this. While we would certainly appreciate severing their supply lines, your movement may be able to take advantage in a different way, perhaps pressure the government politically by calling out their blatant jingoism.

Matthew Jamie Burns

> End of Transmission <

RE: To: The Platform | From: RPA| - Karst - 06-30-2024

[Image: DzFSO7m.png]

| Private Connection Established

Name: Lena Atzenbruck
Identification: The Platform
Encryption access: <U-235>
Location: Geneva Base
Subject: An Inquiry

Mr Burns,

So, we met with your contact. We have some questions about that, actually.
A civilian who identified themselves as one Tracey Rivers claimed to be the representative Dublin sent to Madeira. They didn't give us any particular reason to doubt this, but we had expected a ship under official Republic flag. After all, the reason we chose this remote location was that it would be safe and private for both of us. So communication was a little awkward, since we weren't one hundred percent certain we could trust this individual.
If that was indeed your representative, I have to ask why you didn't send someone with visible credentials?

That aside though, I'm afraid we have no real news either way. This "Federal Express" company wasn't known to us at the time of the meeting, and all our inquiries since turned up empty. My best guess, a shell company with no physical presence, or maybe the vessel you encountered just made the name up on the spot. Could be intel, could be corporate grey ops, I'm afraid we can't say at the time.

As for the Dublin situation. I have to say I'm surprised that the Rheinwehr actually cleared the legal and financial hurdles to get involved in such a remote location, I guess it really emphasizes just how critical they consider the gold supply.
In a sense, that's good news, since it means they must really be feeling the pressure. I can't imagine they'd be fielding more than a small expeditionary force, but I'm afraid that's as much or more than we can ourselves. Dublin just isn't realistically in reach for us to send anything beyond envoys or small scale individual missions too. The best we can realistically offer is to try and intercept military excursions and corporate convoys in the Omegas when they're heading west.
We'll do our best on that front.
Same goes for the media angle. You're right that if publicized, the exotic excursions of the military would be pretty unpopular among the moderates and fiscal conservatives, we'll see if we can put something together there. It might be hard to trade the actual line of funding for this sort of thing, but we will look around if we can get an inside lead.

Let us know any further developments.


[Image: The-Platform-Flag-Black.png]

| Port Closed

RE: To: The Platform | From: RPA| - Luminium - 07-04-2024

[Image: cBJ6ymo.png]
[Image: Vr5dqKn.png]

> Incoming transmission <

Source: "Maguire" Comms-Net
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[Image: alRwfsV.png]

From: Matthew J. Burns
To: Lena Atzenbruck
Subject: RE: An Inquiry

I apologise for the confusion, Miss Atzenbruck. If you felt that this inquiry warranted official Assembly representation, that was not our intention. Sometimes we have no choice but to rely on independent operatives, especially with matters outside of Bretonia. Broadcasting an IFF of what is known as a terrorist organisation invites unwanted attention.

In this particular case, it was judged that delivering a message to a remote location did not warrant openly deploying an RPA asset, out of concern for their safety when bypassing Bretonian border control and Corsair-controlled space. Miss Rivers has performed such tasks for us on several occasions before. But if she has misrepresented our movement in some way, let me know. We will deal with her appropriately.

I wish you luck in your endeavours to rein in the imperialistic greed that has taken over Rheinland.

Matthew Jamie Burns

> End of Transmission <