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Frigate conversion/rebalance - Printable Version

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Frigate conversion/rebalance - Big Bison Bessie - 06-02-2024

I am wondering if it would make sense to take a few existing transports and convert them into frigates... mostly thinking about the pirate transport, l'ane, and outcast battle transport for instance. They're all largely used by factions with a lot of enemies and also cannot rely on house trade lanes for their travel. There are a couple odd outliers here and there like the Dunlin in it's weird position of being the only frigate with transport equipment too. Thoughts?

RE: Frigate conversion/rebalance - Lusitano - 06-02-2024

no. they can get a frigate if they want. those transports have certain characteristics that owners like, and if they are converted to frigates, those ships had to lose then, like handling and/or cargo space for example. the ceres frigate can be bought on FP5 on Omega 41 system, and the Peregrine on Gran Canaria Omega 48, all Zoner bases.

RE: Frigate conversion/rebalance - Skorak - 06-02-2024

Handling of basically all transports will change eventually. A frigate is basically just an update to a small transport that makes it more viable.

RE: Frigate conversion/rebalance - Antonio - 06-02-2024

Transports will definitely get more depth and identity so it doesn't boil down to only frigates, hegemons and 5ks like right now. The only thing stopping us is workload, 5.1 already had so much in it and there was simply not enough time to flesh out other transports.

RE: Frigate conversion/rebalance - Traxit - 06-02-2024

(06-02-2024, 10:29 AM)Big Bison Bessie Wrote: I am wondering if it would make sense to take a few existing transports and convert them into frigates

don't worry the team is very much aware about frigate supremacy. we will have more soon :fingerscrossed:

RE: Frigate conversion/rebalance - Lord Chaos - 06-02-2024

Honestly think tha all armoured transports like the Bretonian Shire could be changed into frigates,
this would naturaly give all Houses frigates with more "identity" and "their own" frigate model.

RE: Frigate conversion/rebalance - Lusitano - 06-02-2024

people can choose ... more firepower and protection from a frigate, or more cargo hold and/or better handling and/or smaller size from transports. if you guys think that houses should have frigates , like the gallics have, well so make them one. the rest of transports it is better leave as they are.