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>: Inner Phalanx [SECURE] - Printable Version

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>: Inner Phalanx [SECURE] - Amy West - 06-02-2024


[Image: mbnPBij.png][Image: aUhNgNj.png]
[Image: XZM1F0P.png]


I'm sure some of you noticed the big, beautiful hunk of junk that floated in a week or so ago. Abaddon, or Andraste as you'd know it, came in as practically an engine with an IFF transponder, and with some of our people aboard as well. Not quite the same people I remember leaving Veracruz aboard it, but our people nonetheless.

For now, I've got ships getting ready to offload the surviving crew for treatment and rehabilitation. Figure I'd shoot the Phalanx a word on it, since I imagine some of you lot still have an interest in the thing. Hit me back when there's a free moment.

Libera te ex Infernis.

West, out.


RE: >: Inner Phalanx [SECURE] - Vendetta - 06-02-2024

...neural.uplink detected...
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identified: Joshua 'Leviathan' Hunt

[Image: T0a6VGC.gif]


Amy West. Always a pleasure to hear from a familiar face, and with some remarkable news at that.

I had no idea that the Andraste was even among the survivors of the last battle, but seeing it arrive has inspired some ideas. Quite a few, actually. Can you give me a recollection of when you saw it last? I can have a technician pull the black box. I'll also send some medical teams to come down to analyze the crew and see what their condition is. We'll do an analysis and reference the last time we had outfitted it to determine whether we can bring her back up to fighting speed or not.

I'm sure her old Captain would be happy to know his ship has remained tried and true, since leaving The Order.

Oh, and before I forget - I've got an Inquisitor for Prometheus that has cleared its refit process, and it should be readily in your hands soon.


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RE: >: Inner Phalanx [SECURE] - Amy West - 06-04-2024


[Image: R6ntNmX.png][Image: aUhNgNj.png]
[Image: XZM1F0P.png]


She was one of the first we sent out when the flights began, so I've no doubt that command changed hands over the last three years. Given the sheer number of ships we sent out in that first flight, though, I wouldn't be surprised if Moreno and the gang were on some of the escort ships. Those days were quite chaotic.

Regardless, it's back, and it's gonna need some work. I've got my hands full with my own plethora of projects, but considering one of them is the Incursus, feel free to let me know if you want some additional expertise. Andraste may be beat to shit, but it's still a newer ship altogether, and that just sounds rife with insight.
Also, while you're going through that black box, let me know if you come across any headers on the Arcturus. I've had Onyx on the search for her over the last three years, and haven't found squat. Andraste went out with her, so there's likely to be a lead to follow.

As for the Inquisitor, I'll have one of the teams come down and start looking at it. Appreciate it.

Libera te ex Infernis.

West, out.


RE: >: Inner Phalanx [SECURE] - Vendetta - 06-04-2024

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identified: Joshua 'Leviathan' Hunt

[Image: T0a6VGC.gif]


I'm sure we can find ways to benefit each other in our mutual endeavors. The Technocracy specializes in manufacturing high-grade and often hard to come by, sometimes experimental weaponry. Should you need anything in particular, I can have Aether work out the details of getting the manufacturing wing started when their queue is cleared.

I think I speak for everyone when I say I'm thankful that the Andraste has made her way home at last. Our familiarity with this ship goes back a long time. I only need to find a place to handle the work, so that the Citadel is a bit more freed up from this long list of refits we've got ahead of us. I'll also have my people comb that black box thoroughly while we assess the situation. Moreno and what's left of his crew have made it into the hands of our medical staff. Barely seventy people, and they made it this long on their own? You led a resilient force, even after the end.

Let me know if there's anything else you need.


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RE: >: Inner Phalanx [SECURE] - Amy West - 06-30-2024


[Image: QDrdoRc.png][Image: 54TS1KX.png]
[Image: XZM1F0P.png]


Got a couple of things I wanna ask about, both concerning the Interdictor I'm working on getting field-ready.

First, the priority, I've got a dead thruster unit - battlecruiser-grade - and all my spares were on Leniex. Do you guys happen to have any, or know someone with a unit gathering dust? I'd rather not buy second-hand from Invergordon, for obvious reasons, and running one out from Arranmore is asking to be intercepted by Bretonian crumpetmunchers.

Second, in the realm of experimental toys, I'm curious what all you produce on Aergia that we could use Procyon as a test-bed for once she's ready. She used to be kitted with tracker weaponry, high-impact missiles, and I'm very interested in seeing what might fit that bill.

Bird's the word.

Libera te ex Infernis.

West, out.


RE: >: Inner Phalanx [SECURE] - Vendetta - 07-07-2024

...neural.uplink detected...
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identified: Navarch Leviathan

[Image: ne35gTu.gif]



A thruster assembly isn't out of the question. There could be potential for you to seek out the Independent Miners Guild for getting one. They might even snag a fresh one right out from under Crayter's noses, which'll cut down the time it'll take to get it from anywhere else. The alternative is I bring some back through the Omegas when I ship the Andraste down that way.

In terms of weapons, it depends on the role you're looking to fill. PPACs, Breakers, Blasters, Ion blasters, Maulers, Repeaters. Mass drivers, or energy weapons. Most ordinance these days are pretty standardized and easy to come by. There's more... 'experimental' pieces, which require some hefty data collection, but those we can discuss in person. If any of the above catch your eye, just let me know and I can either check the vaults or put a work order in.


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RE: >: Inner Phalanx [SECURE] - Amy West - 07-08-2024


[Image: mbnPBij.png][Image: 54TS1KX.png]
[Image: XZM1F0P.png]


The IMG were people I'd considered, though not quite so far as being able to sweep a unit from under Crayter's nose. We largely left communications with them dry after Freeport 4, so I'm dry on contacts in their direction as well. If you've got someone's number, I'm down to try the hook up.

Weps', some of the ships Knight's goons brought over sported some spicy stuff, mostly 'KT's and some Breakers on the more mainstay ones. I'd looked into 'PPAC's before the Fall, and while we never got our hands on any before the Fall, some of the Navy ships assigned to the invasion force gave us some firsthand experience on their potential. I'd be interested in fitting Procyon with one or two, as they look like pretty capable support weapons, and that aligns with our current field strategy well.
'Experimental pieces' has me very intrigued, though, Procyon-wise and beyond. If we're talking things in the realm of those SAM-site launchers you demonstrated a couple weeks back, then I'm more than down to talk deets. Door's always open on the Palmdale.

Bird's the word.

Libera te ex Infernis.

West, out.


RE: >: Inner Phalanx [SECURE] - Vendetta - 07-19-2024

...neural.uplink detected...
...starting encryption...establishing connection...
identified: Navarch Leviathan

[Image: ne35gTu.gif]


Amy, sorry for the delay. I was away on business.

I can get you in touch with the Guildmaster himself. I've an upcoming operation with some friends in distant places to see to the Andraste. Perhaps you'd like to tag along for the meeting? It may prove to be a beneficial connection in both directions.

I can also put the work order in for some PPACs for the Procyon. Those ordinance batteries you're speaking of are SR-HE Unguided Rocket Batteries. Effective at long range bombardments of enemy capital-class vessels, and close range deterrence against cruiser-class. Difficult to source, but not impossible with a recently strengthening connection in Rheinland. Should you be interested in acquiring some, or the HEQ-C7MZ prototypes, we can make a deal.

In the meantime, I'm hoping you can help me solve a problem. A ship recently turned up flying the identifier 'INS-Tundra' - a Hel-Class cruiser flown by one 'Captain Jack'. Is that name and that vessel on any of your records? It has been making an effort to disrupt relations with the Zoners, and having now spoken to the Administrator of the Freeport and a member of the PLF, I'm certain they're either acting alone or an agitator from the Free Republic. Whatever intel you can or cannot provide will aid in verifying that.


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RE: >: Inner Phalanx [SECURE] - Amy West - 07-20-2024


[Image: mbnPBij.png][Image: 54TS1KX.png]
[Image: XZM1F0P.png]


Comm with the guildmaster would definitely be the place to start, though I might be stepping into Mori's territory. I'll forward him a notice about it, but a direct line to the IMG's head honcho may help both our cases.
If you're talking about that op out to the Edge, pretty sure I've got ships earmarked for that as well, so I'll be part of that committee for sure.

On weapons, the PPACs for Procyon are largely the concern. The ODD and what I have left from the R&D labs before the Fall are still a hot mess, and I'm mostly getting a feel for the kinds of tech that's washed up over the past few years. I'll definitely look into those SR-HEs down the line when I've got heavier assets in dock, but if you just want to send me a brochure of things Aergia can cook up, that'd be awesome.
The PPACs themselves can be sent to either the Procyon's hangar bay or the Palmdale whenever they're finished. Let me know what I owe ya for 'em.

As for that 'Jack' guy, I can assure you neither he nor his ship were one of ours. Only 'Tundra' we had was a siege cruiser that got itself torpedoed in Kansas before the Insurgency's formation. The only Hel-class cruiser or similar the Insurgency ever had was the one Knight's goons brought over from Bering, the Juneau. That one's accounted for, too, since it showed up around the same time Procyon did.
I've encountered him myself, and he's seemed to flip-flop on his reasonings, mostly on that damn IFF marker. His recollection of events around the time of the Fall seem more on point, but he refrained from explaining how he made it out, so I'm still doubtful.
But, I mean, c'mon. 'Jack Frost of the Tundra' is just so cheesy. It's tasteful, but still.

Bird's the word.

Libera te ex Infernis.

West, out.


RE: >: Inner Phalanx [SECURE] - Vendetta - 07-20-2024

...neural.uplink detected...
...starting encryption...establishing connection...
identified: Navarch Leviathan

[Image: ne35gTu.gif]


Heh. We were talking about the name last night, and its origins in folk stories. It was very much on the nose and obvious.

Anyway... The operation I'm referring to is far more domestic, and involves the 55 corridor. We've stripped the Andraste down to its bare bones stealth drive for transporting it through the unstable anomaly, and in collaboration with some friends who we're passing on an old deprecated asset to we intend to traverse the connection into the Omegas to link up with the Guild. Our friends have their own meeting on the other side to reach, and we part ways from there.

I can't speak too much as to the nature of the agreement we've had ongoing, but the support the Guild is offering is crucial in seeing that old warbird operational again. The departure of the Erdhenne from our dock will free up a significant amount of space and resources for the rest of our assets, and does away with an underutilized project that took far too much resources to sustain. The familiarity with the Andraste we have from its time in our ranks will be beneficial in propelling this work forward. It's a matter of making it through the corridor safely, and ensuring that anything which picks us up on sensors when we touch Vespucci is kept at bay.

You're welcome to tag along.

As for Frost - you've helped me immensely. I'll have this problem sorted in no time. I've left note with the people at Aergia to reach out with a comprehensive list, and commissioned that turret for you. I'll let you know when it's ready.

Or logistics will. Whoever wins the race to the paperwork, I suppose.


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