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[PERSONAL] Invincible - Printable Version

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[PERSONAL] Invincible - Amy West - 06-20-2024

[Image: PdU2YZD.png]

Project: Invincible

Prometheus Command
Personal Dossier - Trch. Amy West


Invincible will oversee the recovery, repair, and modernization of Arcturus. The ship's location is currently unknown; This file will detail all operations critical to securing Arcturus as an asset.


[Image: r7IKUr2.png]
- RED - Eliminated as zone of potential
- YELLOW - Zone of potential, inconclusive
- GREEN - Zone of potential, confirmed
I'm opening up this project in lieu of Onyx Squad finding her. We've spent thousands of credits of H-fuel searching the Barrier for her over the last three years, and with the return of Abaddon I've got reason to hope that we'll find her soon. Data from aboard showed she was the last to see Last Sunrise before she left scanner range, and as the Sunrise was the last to see Arcturus, a lead on her is a lead on the big girl. In a way, this project is also earmarking the Sunrise, but I'll slate her to a different project once we have her in hand.

My limited logs on the ship itself will be submitted below. This is earmarked as a personal file in the same realm as Incursus, though far more secure. This is my baby, and I'll be damned if I never work on her again.

Search records have eliminated Vespucci and Inverness proper as candidates. We've combed Cortez and Magellan well and good, but I'm not ruling them out as possible locations, given the sheer amount of nonsense that blackout caused.

Manchester would be one hell of a stretch, but connections within both Magellan and even historically in Cortez have linked them before, so we'll keep it open as a possibility. Coronado and Ontario are considerably less likely, although Coronado's outcroppings do punch deeper in, and there are plenty of large asteroids to catch lumbering dreadnoughts with.

California is certainly a possibility, and connections from Cortez wouldn't eliminate it, but the odds of a ship that large in the Tahoe not being found by someone are astronomical at best.

I'll keep an active log of search runs, and mark locations Onyx feels are worth pursuing.

  • DN Arcturus - 'Invincible'-class Dreadnought
    [Image: UaImlMt.png]

    Arcturus was one of the first to depart Vespucci during Duskstorm. Detailed analysis from logs sent back to Veracruz indicate that she made it through the blockade with considerable damage, and was under escort by Last Sunrise and accompanying battlegroup when contact was last made.
    Damage sustained is unknown, but expected to be substantial to severe.


The following ships are being earmarked for project focus:
  • DN Arcturus - Pending Acquisition


The current status of this project is:

This project is currently awaiting the proper materials, or is still in preliminary stages pending asset retrieval.

RE: [PERSONAL] Invincible - Amy West - 06-27-2024

Project Update

Update: Week 147
Profile: Trch. Amy West
Subject: Barrier Rim Recon


Recon update, usual fare. No material located this time, although background emissions in Sector E9.3c were promising.
  • Sector F10.2b - Residual background emissions, but nothing with signatures matching Arcturus or Last Sunrise. Cruiser signatures most likely, might be a lead on Damocles; Will keep sector in mind should future analysis turn up promising.

  • Sector F10.2c - Similar to F10b. Residual emissions, but fainter, which is interesting. Implies nebula is absorbing emissions, but timescale is wrong. Will require further analysis.

  • Sector E9.3c - Very clear emissions residuals, and heavy enough to match both ships. Concerning that such clear emissions accompany no such debris, implying that one or both ships escaped their pursuers. Will have Onyx do a deeper scan of this sector for further analysis to be certain.

West, out.

RE: [PERSONAL] Invincible - Amy West - 07-14-2024

Project Update

Update: Week 149
Profile: Trch. Amy West
Subject: Barrier Rim Recon


Normal flights, Sector E9.2c very promising. Recovery of gunboat asset likely, either as ship or parts. Both useful.
  • Sector E9.3c - Onyx confirmed no definitive physical evidence. Flight leader request for further emissions trailing approved, results below.

  • Sector E9.2c - Confirmed discovery of Gladius gunboat wreck, hull number HFGB-287, Bitter Blade. Edgy. Onyx formally requested boarding freighter dispatched on next flyout. Approved. Solid lead on Last Sunrise. Extent dependent on results of boarding op.

  • Sector F9b - Emissions trail intermixing with interstellar matter, no solid lead within this region. 'Waste of fuel', says Onyx FL. Won't argue.

West, out.

RE: [PERSONAL] Invincible - Amy West - 10-06-2024

Project Update

Update: Week 161
Profile: Trch. Amy West
Subject: Barrier Rim Recon & Update for HFGB Bitter Blade


Allowed resumption of exploration flights once things in Inverness calmed down. Onyx reported boarding of HFGB-287, and uncovered solid leads on both Last Sunrise and Arcturus, as well as their escorts. Gunboat salvageable, will have it towed to El Alto for repair and repressurization.
Additional flights as noted below.
  • Sector E9.1c - Derelict strikecraft located, but no sign of identified warships. Pilots recovered for burial, vessels earmarked for capture.

  • Sector F10.2a - Cruiser emissions, faint but present. Evidence from F10.2b/c indicates a direction. Will have Onyx investigate further once discovered assets are secure.

West, out.