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To: OS&C | From: Task Force Prometheus - Printable Version

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To: OS&C | From: Task Force Prometheus - Denelo - 06-03-2024

Incoming transmission...

Identification: High Logarch Denelo Mori, Task Force Prometheus
Source: Valravn Citadel
Encryption: K3-Y5-1N-TH-3C0-NC-H5-H3-LL

Beginning voice transmission...

Good day.

I am told that my successors in the Hellfire Legion and Commonwealth of Liberty had a good relationship with your people, culminating in the placement of the Barbados over Iridescencia. This news has done my... well, not heart good, but whatever passes for it in this digital recreation.

I am High Logarch Denelo Mori, once Supreme Commander of the Hellfire Legion, now recreated through Technocrat wizardry to be the voice of my people once more. It is towards this end that I am reestablishing contact with you. I understand that my Legionnaires have had several encounters with your vessels in recent days, and they have been uniformly constructive. I would like to expand upon this relationship, doing so in a manner that as ever is careful not to harm your relationship with the Great Houses, most especially Liberty.

I come bearing offers of protection, logistics, and most of all information and mutual aid. Xenos activity has been sighted in Vespucci, and while we do not believe the Barbados is under threat yet, that could change if we do not act. The Gaians, too, remain a persistent thorn that we may address. But first things first: Are you willing to return to the table?

Libera te ex infernis,
High Logarch Mori

RE: To: OS&C | From: Task Force Prometheus - Lord Helmchen - 06-03-2024

[Image: D7ezXS7.png]

- - - - Incoming Transmission - - - -

ID: Caitlyn Cross
Location: Samson Resort, Planet Curacao, System Cortez.
To: High Logarch Denelo Mori
Encryption: OS&C Alpha One
Subject: Barbados

Good Day High Logarch Mori

My Name is Caitlyn Cross. I am the Chairwoman of Orbital Spa and Cruise. Excuse me if I don't know who you are, the Negotiations with the Helfire Legion/Insurgency about the Liner Barbados and its Placement in Vespucci were done before I became the Chairwoman. I also have to admit that I am a bit Confused about your Current affiliation, are you a member of the Insurgency Remnants or of the Technocracy of Auxesia?

While Orbital Remains Neutral with all the Factions both Major and Minor that operate in our Region of Space, we have taken a "Good Neighbors" approach to Auxesia and all the other Smal Nations and System governments around us. This means that we have friendly relations with each other while we are not taking any sides. This Stance led to the fact that Barbados was used as a Humanitarian Evacuation Point up to the Point till we had to Retreat from the Vespucci System. We could save many lives over this Humanitarian Corridor, mostly Women, Children, the Elderly, and people in need of Urgent Medical Care, but of course, also Ordinary Civilians were among those who could escape the War that had come to their Home.

As to the Potential Threats to the Barbados I am of course willing to have a Talk about Security information that you might have. The Xeno Movement mostly Ingnores Orbital Spa and Cruise due to the fact that we hire a Large Amount of our personnel from Liberty and are considered as a Labor Friendly Corporation by them. But of course, I am not Naive and take the Security of our Liner Verry seriously. That is also the Reason why we have Stationed one of our most Elite Squadrons of our Security Service Spa-Sec on Board. The Barbados is one of the Most Defended Liners in Orbitals Fleet.

The Gaians on the other hand are what we consider as our Arch Enemy. These Radical ECO Terrorists are some of the most Dangerous Threats that Orbital has ever faced in our existence. We have a General Bounty in Place for those Radicals and are highly Thankful for the Destruction of their vessels. So that our Liners can fly Safe trough the Space and giver our Guests a good Time.

I would indeed like to meet you and see how we can be "Good Neighbors" and how we can help each other in this way.

Safe Skys,
Caitlyn Cross
Captain Red Velvet Club
Director and Chairwoman of OS&C

> > > > Closing Transmission < < < <

[Image: PojtqNs.png]

RE: To: OS&C | From: Task Force Prometheus - Denelo - 06-03-2024

Incoming transmission...

Identification: High Logarch Denelo Mori, Task Force Prometheus
Source: Valravn Citadel
Encryption: K3-Y5-1N-TH-3C0-NC-H5-H3-LL

Beginning voice transmission...

Understandable, Chairwoman Cross. I myself was long gone by the time of that deal. Still, we have the opportunity to build upon the profitable history between my successors and your predecessors.

To clarify our affiliation, we are neither Insurgency nor Technocrats, though Auxesia is hosting us, and we are using their Identify Friend/Foe for the time being. Your stance is impressive—I know how difficult that diplomacy must be to balance from personal experience. I commend you.

I would be happy arrange a meeting. A fair warning, though, so as not to cause distress—I am a fully digital entity recreated by Technocrat genius, and due to complications am hosted by my own niece, who presently serves as my aide. With that in mind, would you prefer to meet in space or face-to-face?

Libera te ex infernis,
High Logarch Mori

RE: To: OS&C | From: Task Force Prometheus - Lord Helmchen - 06-04-2024

[Image: D7ezXS7.png]

- - - - Incoming Transmission - - - -

ID: Caitlyn Cross
Location: Samson Resort, Planet Curacao, System Cortez.
To: High Logarch Denelo Mori
Encryption: OS&C Alpha One
Subject: Lets have a Meeting

Good Day High Logarch Mori

I see that your situation is difficult. I can understand how hard this might have to be. And yes our own Diplomacy is pretty Difficult and sometimes a real Headache. But it is worth all the effort to have all of those neutral Relationships with the Big and Minor Houses of Sirius and Gallia. This Stance has saved orbital many times in the past and will also serve us well in the future.

I would love to discuss your True Affiliation and the things you want from us in a Direct meeting. And don't worry about your appearance, I have traveled through all knocks and corners of both the House Space and the Borderworlds. So I have seen a lot and it is pretty hard to Shock me. I would prefer a face-to-face meeting and would be open to visiting you in Inverness or Welcoming you as my Guest at my Private residence here on Curacao. Please tell me what you would prefer and when you would have time.

Safe Skys,
Caitlyn Cross
Captain Red Velvet Club
Director and Chairwoman of OS&C

> > > > Closing Transmission < < < <

[Image: PojtqNs.png]

RE: To: OS&C | From: Task Force Prometheus - Denelo - 06-05-2024

Incoming transmission...

Identification: High Logarch Denelo Mori, Task Force Prometheus
Source: HFL Ichihara
Encryption: K3-Y5-1N-TH-3C0-NC-H5-H3-LL

Beginning voice transmission...

I am happy to meet you at your estate. It has been far too long since I last gazed upon the wonders of Curacao. The Ichihara will reach Curacao orbit shortly.

Libera te ex infernis,
High Logarch Mori