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Meeting on the Dock of the Bay - Printable Version

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Meeting on the Dock of the Bay - Denelo - 06-05-2024

L2 Lagrange point, Curacao, Cortez system

[Image: sft9woC.png]

The HFL Ichihara, a converted prison liner, idled on the dark side of the water world. The scene was a lesson in contrasts—a ship built for the horrors of imprisonment to confine the most hated criminals Kusari had to offer converted by those same criminals into a warm and comfortable home floating high above a planet whose name was practically synonymous with the sector's greatest heights of luxury.

A small freighter emerged from the ship—a Draugr, itself a picture of hideous utility—and dropped down into lower and lower orbits in stages. By the time it reached the day side of the planet, it had disappeared into the atmosphere.

Samson Resort, Curacao, Cortez system

[Image: v7Q3vN3.jpeg]

Descending through the picturesque skies came the boxlike Draugr, cutting through the atmosphere with all the grace of a bulldozer. The home that received it stood out in its beauty, even amongst the white sands and deep blue seas of the paradise world: Samson Resort, the private residents of Orbital Spa & Cruise Chairwoman Cross. With its circular white-stone rooms and the palm trees so numerous they grew even upon the roof itself, the unfathomable price of the luxurious island resort was impossible to miss.

The freighter dropped to the landing pad where the delegation waited—called forth by Ichihara's most recent message—and landed gentle as a butterfly. The landing door hissed open and out strode two aides dressed in full military dress uniforms, accompanied by a short Kusarian woman in a similar uniform quickly approaching middle age. A cardamine breather tube led from her nose down under the collar of her uniform, and in her hand she held a small projector that itself had a wire connected to something in the back of her skull, though the connection was hidden by her hair. She stepped forward to offer her hand to the Orbital representative meeting them.

"Hi, I'm Yoko Mori, Adjutant to the High Logarch. He'll be joining us shortly—the projector is still warming up." As if on cue, the projector began to whir, then a moment later it issued forth a hologram of a far older man beside her. The family resemblance was clear in their near-identical noses and similar statures. The hologram, however, offered a bow instead."High Logarch Mori, at your service."

RE: Meeting on the Dock of the Bay - Lord Helmchen - 06-05-2024

The Sensor Grid around the planned would Detect the Liner as soon as it emerged from the Systems Gas Clouds. Orbital had spent a considerable amount of money on a Discrete Planetary Defense Grid after the Gallic War had Brought Devastation to their world. While such an Unknown Liner would usually cause one of Orbital's Patrol Flights to Investigate the matter, this one was Expected and therefore treated as if it was just a Normal Orbital Liner. At least Officialy, Inofficial they would Monitor its Moves and would make some Discrete Longrange Scanns of the Ship.

They would Inform Chairwoman Cross as soon as the Freighter broke trough the Upper Atmosphere and would send an Encrypted Data Transmission to the Ship to Guide it into the Security Zone around Samson Resort. The Airspace around Samson was Restricted in a wide Radius and only Invited Guests and some Orbital personnel were allowed to fly to the Resort. Everyone else would get exactly one warning before they would be forced to Land or shoot down, depending on the Situation. But these were awaited guests so they had nothing to fear and the defenses of the Resort remained Hidden and unused.

As they Approached to Land they could see two women waiting for them at the landing Pad at a Secure Distance from the Landing area of the Ship. One of them was a 1.67-meter-tall Redhead who had hair in a ponytail that reached halfway down her Back. The other was an Imposing 2.10 Meter Tall Blonde Woman. The Readhead was wearing a Business Suit and looked like she didn't really like it that much. The Blonde on the other hand would wear a Stunning Dress that Enhanced the look of her Sporty body. She had the look of someone who once had served in the Military. Both women would Wear a small Simple Golden Ring on their Left hand, the only difference was that the Readhead had a little green emerald in her Ring, while the Blonde had a Ruby in hers.

Both of them smiled as the Ship finally landed and their Guests would arrive. Cait had not seen a Draugr in Person before and was highly Curious about the ship. But her Wife would Remind her that she was here for a Different Reason as she cleared her throat. She would smile and walk towards them.

Cait: Welcome miss Mori, I hope you had a Pleasant Journey. I am Caitlyn Cross, and the Gentle Giant next to me is my Wife, Stephanie Cross-Fleischhauer. We welcome you to Curacao.

Cait looked Curious as the Projector spun to life as she took Yoko´s hand. She was pretty curious about everything that had something to do with Technology and would only stop the stare as Steph would give her a Soft hit at the back of Cait´s Head.

Steph: Please Excuse my Wife, she becomes a Curious Nerd that forgets her Manners whenever she sees a Technology that Sparks her Interest.

Cait rubbed the back of her head as she took a step back and looked at Steph. But it was pretty clear that this was some Comedic Dance between the two of them and she wasn't really Angry at her Wife. Before she could say anything else the Main Guest would Appear out of thin air as a Holographic Projection. Cait could immediately see the Similarities and had the Impression that she would deal with Father and Daughter or some other kind of close Relative Situation. She would also make a small bow towards him as a sign of Respect towards him.

Cait: welcome Logarch Mori, I am Caitlyn Cross, the Chairwoman of Orbital Spa and Cruise. But please Call me Cait, I am not really a Fan of Using my Title when it is not Absolutely Necessary. If you want to Follow me, we have prepared some Refreshments for your Companions to enjoy while we talk about the Business. We have also prepared some of the Guest Rooms if you want to stay over night, everything free of Charge of Course.

RE: Meeting on the Dock of the Bay - Denelo - 06-06-2024

"In that case, you may call me Hisoka, and my niece Yoko. It is a pleasure to meet both of you. We are much obliged for your generous hospitality." The hologram smiled, warm and practiced, before continuing. "Your home is truly gorgeous, Cait. While I am afraid that the luxuries of food and similar refreshments are long lost to me, I have no doubt my niece will enjoy them."

Yoko nodded, quickly following the pair as her uncle continued to speak. "I would love to let you take a look at my projector—your interest is both clear and flattering—but unfortunately it is Technocracy-built, and they prefer to keep their secrets close to their chest. Still, I can inquire upon my return if you are interested."

Yoko turned her head a little to him, furrowing her brow before adding, "As long as it doesn't include the connection to the chip. It's bad enough to have this thing in my head without other people figuring out how to undermine it or something." She gave her head a glum little shake and slowed for a moment, then sped up again to catch back up with the group.

RE: Meeting on the Dock of the Bay - Lord Helmchen - 06-07-2024

Cait Smiled as she led them deeper into her Home, the Resort was a Beautiful Place that had lots of open spaces and windows that let the Light in. Many of the Windows could be Retracted into the floor to Allow the Wind to blow through the house and cool down the air. They also had many Plants and Green around and in the Main Hall was even a Waterfall that would create a wonderful Soundscape. The whole building felt like a Mix of Indoors and Outdoors, and while it was indisputably modern it also had an old-school vibe. The woman would lead them to a Small Conference Room with a Large Balcony that would overlook the Bay underneath and have a Perfect view over the Ocean and the Dock where the Sailing Yacht of the Chairwoman was anchored and would slowly move in the waves. On the Table were all kinds of Delicious Snacks and Drinks from all over Sirius and Gallia. Cait would smile at her guests as she takes a seat on one of the couches and took a Glass of good Rum and some Snacks. The View from this room was Breathtakeing and the Sunset and Sunrise would be a Natural Beauty like no Other.

[Image: 51717be14b754a76abb6f8aa06c7d0cb.jpeg]

Cait: oh I can understand that, I wouldn't want people to mess with such things if I had them implanted into my head. It's just my Natural Curiosity as a Born Junker. My Lovely Wife often Complains when I take apart new Tech that sparks my Curiosity.

Steph: oh I have no problem with your Curiosity, just with the Mess you leave behind when you're Done.

She said with a smirk as she sipped from her Rheinbeer and enjoyed the taste as she laid an arm around her wife. They would look at their guests and give them a bit to get Drinks and Snacks and to get comfy. She knew that a Good Feeling of her guests was important for Negotiations and Business Discussions.
Friendly and amiable Cait could be, she was still a tough businesswoman. And she would take every Advantage she could get when it came to Negotiate the best Deal for Orbital Spa and Cruise.

Cait: Now that we all are Relaxed and comfy let us talk about how we can help each other and benefit from it in the Process. I think you Offered us Information and help with our enemies? I have to admit that I am always open to acquiring such things to make the Universe a bit more Secure for our Liners and Guests. But I have to ask you what you want from us in Return? I dont think you would give us this information from the Goodness of your Hearts?

Cait said with a smile and took a sip from her drink as she waited for the Response of her guests. She knew nothing much about those People other than that they were somehow connected with the Technocracy and that they claimed to be a part of the Insurgency or more specifically the Hellfire Legion in the Past.

RE: Meeting on the Dock of the Bay - Denelo - 06-07-2024

The Logarch followed them through the halls, giving slight hums of appreciation at each spectacular vista they passed. His niece trailing behind him, however, was clearly far more affected, eyes widening in awe at each new sight. It was clear she had never seen luxury of the sort. "I... wow, this really is incredible. My compliments on your, um, everything here?" She motioned vaguely around herself. "But I did live among junkers myself for a while. It really is incredible how well you can all reverse-engineer things.

The elder Mori chuckled. "Indeed. Do tell me—what was your favorite project, if I may ask? Every tinkerer I've known has one. He glanced between each of them as the group sat down. Yoko waited until her hosts had taken the first sip before starting on her own refreshment—seemingly a gesture of politeness. The digital ghost "sitting" beside her, however, clearly had little option to partake. Instead, he spoke again. "Ah, right. To business. To be frank, simply the act of protecting you is a reward unto itself. Imagine if you will a cruise full of civilians, trembling in fear as a flight of Xenos swoop in. Then their hearts surge with hope not when the LPI or Navy swoop in, but a flight of Prosecutors, rushing to save them. Even if we were not already inclined to protect civilians, which is in itself a core part of our mandate, the public relations is phenomenal."

He paused and leaned back, eyes still fixed on Cait. "That being said... there is much you could do for us, the same as we for you. The first is a favor as much to you as to us—a basic business transaction. We need a radio ship, and had great success with a Democritus-class yacht in the past. The Regent shows similar promise, both for its intended purpose of ferrying VIPs in luxury and for serving as a broadcast station." He tilted his head slightly, and a small smile crossed his face. "I have little doubt you have an unused Regent lying around, perhaps second-hand. We find ourselves flush with cash and lacking facilities, and would be happy to purchase one—perhaps even for above-market prices, should it help sway you."

The High Logarch closed his holographic eyes and slowly nodded. "As for the second... well, many of our engineers would enjoy a cruise to a particular location in Vespucci under the auspices of civilian life, shrouded by your hull and identity from the prying eyes of the LSF satellites in the area. Some old hardware must be refloated, and I have no doubt they would be all too happy to perform that task during their 'vacation.'" He reopened them and looked back at Cait once more, gaze piercing and expression knowing.

RE: Meeting on the Dock of the Bay - Lord Helmchen - 06-08-2024

Cait looked at him and smiled at his question as she knew exactly what kind of Project was the most important to her. She took a sip of her rum and
Let the ice cubes wander in the liquid. She loved the taste of the rum when the Liquid burned down her throat as it was on the way to her belly.

Cait: Well the Project that I love the most apart from my Wife of course. Chuckles would be the Red Velvet Club, My Personal Palace Class Liner. I bought the Ship from a Scrapyard in Bretonia and have restored her back to Glory. The Ship is now almost 100 Years old and Runs as good as on her first day out of the Shipyard. I know every bolt and Welding on her, and I can hear it if her engines don't run smoothly. My wife loves to call that my "Junker Vodoo".

She laughs as Steph gives her a light hit on her arm and shakes her head. Steph had the Body of a Soldier even when she would hide it under a Dress. But she also looked like a woman who loved to laugh and have fun.

Steph: It is a Good Dam Vodoo when you have your wife get up in the middle of the night because she hears that the Secondary Power Generator of the Backboard Engine runs slower than it should. Oh and that when our Bed is 5 Decks above the Generator and on the opposite end of the ship.

She Said as she shakes her head and drinks some more from her beer. She loved her wife even when this Junker Vodoo sometimes creeps her out. Meanwhile Cait would think about the things that he had said about what Orbital Could do for them in return for the help that the Prometheus could do for them.

Cait: well we have some Regent Classes in Mothball at the moment. Well sometimes Customers dont Pay on Time and we have to take the ships Back, or We have some Older ships that need to be Retired from Active Service. But the good Thing with the Regent is that it is a pretty Modular Ship so we can probaly squeeze in an Comunication Aray into it that lets you have a Long Distance Call from The Omicrons all the way up to Gallia with Minimal Delay. We can of course also sell you a brand new one if you prefere that, but Retired or Reposesed Ones are usualy Cheaper. Oh and you dont have to worry about our Safety, we have some Shell Corporations and other Entitys that we can use. So we would Officialy never be Associated with each other. Oh and dont worry about the facilites for the Upkeep and Maintainance, we have one of them in Orbit of Curacao that we can use for almost all of the Necessay things.

His mentioning of the use of an Orbital Liner for some sort of Covert mission would make her worried and she would put her glas down and scratched her chin as she would think about this.

Cait: What you Propose there as the second Request is Pretty Complicated for us. To shield your Actions and whatever you plan to do there could Harm our Neutral Status if it gets Discoverd by the Libertonians. So if we help you, and that if is a Pretty big one, then i want to know Exactly what you do there. And i want to know in what way this might benefit us. If you want me to Risk our Neutral Status then you have to offer something Realy big to us in Exchange.

She Looked serious about this and she wouldnt Risk Orbitals Neutrality when there wouldt be something Big in Return for her Company. She would see Orbital as more than a Company, it was her family and she would Protect her family at all costs.

RE: Meeting on the Dock of the Bay - Denelo - 06-12-2024

Yoko's eyes widen by the moment as Cait describes her liner, and are nearly as round as one of the hors d'oeuvre saucers on the table before them. "A Palace!? Kami, you have no idea how jealous I am. I tried to get my hands on one once and it was just impossible, no matter what I did. Those things are gorgeous, sure, but on top of that all the best parts are under the hood. I mean, you know that, but... gosh. Just the noise control on the engines alone... I'm amazed you can hear anything." She swallowed hard before continuing to gush. And I can only imagine how they've advanced in the last, what, 16 years it's been? Um, it's not within the scope of the meeting, but if you ever wanna show it off I'd about die with joy."

The High Logarch raised his eyebrows at her. "Well, if my niece's reaction is anything to go by, that's quite impressive indeed. I'm afraid I am not personally familiar, but I am a military man and have rarely had cause to visit Bretonia. Regardless, your proposal works for us. We can forward it to the accountants to draw up the contract with whichever shell you prefer once we part."

As he spoke, Yoko kept silent at last, but her excitement was practically palpable. The contrast between her and her more reserved holographic uncle was stark.

Hisoka sat quiet himself for a moment, deep in thought. He closed his eyes, considering for nearly a full minute before leaning forward again. "I understand that such an expedition would be a considerable risk for you. But first, let me explain further. We have no need for a full liner—only a small crew. You are familiar with the Spyglass, yes? A Navy project my old commanding officer was responsible for, built into a battleship known as the Ragnarok. At the turn of the century he was betrayed, and we fled with it. That is old news—the origin of the Hellfire Legion. While we did share our technology with groups like the Order and Lane Hackers (the latter of which we would come to regret), the Spyglass is inextricably linked with the Hellfire Legion. When our seventh generation of Spyglass-class battleships were replaced with the modern Arbiter-class, integrating it into the frame was our first priority." He let out a long sigh. "Unfortunately, our situation has left us without any of our Arbiters. Some survive, of course, but the LSF satellites in Vespucci have rendered our mothball yards inaccessible by Task Force-tagged ships. While we cannot revive all of them, we have found the resources via trade and diplomacy to sustain one: The HFB Pandion. Our allies have indicated they may be willing to fly parts into the system under the flag of neutrality, but people are far harder to move subtly—unless you already have a long history of moving eccentric people to unusual places, in which case the only thing that needs obfuscation are their identities."

He stopped of a moment to let the information communicated thus far process. He turned and stared out over the ocean, his holographic eyes watching the yacht floating across the paradisaical landscape. "Our Spyglasses are our lifeblood. With the shifting of jump holes, we have Xenos on our doorstep, and our scout ships have to run a blockade to escape Inverness. To have access to our traditional advantage again would save lives. For that, we are willing to share that advantage with you. While it is unlikely that we will be able to grant dedicated time on the scanner to you, we can share information we gain on pirate patrol routes and potential threats to your liners. This, too, would save lives.

"However, our offer is more extensive than that. Your predecessors and my successors once worked out a rather cunning deal. With our consent, you offered the LSF an opportunity to spy upon us by embedding an agent on Barbados. You actually came out of the other side better off for it. Between us, I think we can work out a similarly agreeable arrangement, no?

"We will, of course, pay the fees for the private cruise. They will travel under civilian identities. They need only refloat the ship and install a jump drive; once handled, it can jump out of the system without ever leaving the Guerrero, long after your vessel has returned to Barbados. As far as the LSF know, it will have been simply a normal trip by a wealthy freelancer to see the new anomaly that recently opened in the system.

"Due to its importance, we can offer a bounty of rewards in return for this one trip. The easiest, of course, are ships."
He nodded to Yoko, who flicked a switch on the projector. Immediately he disappeared entirely, replaced by a rotating model of a Prosecutor fighter. "While I doubt you need them, the Prosecutor is one of the more unique ships in Sirius, hybridizing Libertonian and Border Worlds technology. Likewise the Inquisitor"—the model was replaced by that of the boxlike gunboat—"is another fascinating ship, though this may have a more practical use. Since it fell onto the black market in the wake of the Insurgency's failures, we have noted a handful of pirates using it as a boarding craft. Access would give you not only the opportunity to use it, take it apart and look at it, et cetera, but also the ability to look at the boarding blade composition and harden your liners' hulls against it."

The projector flicked back to Hisoka, returning his image to the couch. "Second, we offer business. We are about to begin the process of contracting with a large company we cannot name for security purposes. Due to the shifting winds of trade, Inverness has become a key stopover on numerous trade routes from the Taus, and we are planning to sponsor a new copper refinery there that will outcompete the others in the area through sheer convenience. We are willing to, as part of the deal, add the stipulation that they must contract your company to supply their base. Should the deal go through, it is sure to be a lucrative supply contract, as it is but a short trip from Freeport 14 or Invergordon Shipyards.

"Third, as I mentioned before, is data sharing. And of course, we are open to further suggestions. We can offer much, but ultimately only you are privy to your internal needs of the moment."
He finally fell quiet, piercing eyes fixed upon the Chairwoman's face.

RE: Meeting on the Dock of the Bay - Lord Helmchen - 06-13-2024

Cait smiled at Yoko as she heard about her enthusiasm for the Red Velvet Club. Cait smiled as she heard about her love for Bretonian Ships. She herself also thought that the Bretonians were among the most Beautiful ships that Sailed through the Darkness of Space. Steph had to chuckle a bit as she saw that the Cute Girl would React. But she had to admit that the Girl was pretty Similar to Cait in that Regard.

Cait: Well you are more than welcome to Visit us on the Red Velvet Club. I make sure to give you a First Class Ticked after we are done with this Meeting. You will get one of our Best Cabins and a Tour through the ship by me. I mean to fulfill the Dream of a fellow Palace Enthusiast is something that I gladly Fulfill.

But her smile would be switching to a concerned look as she heard what he would ask of her. The idea of her Shuttling People to that Continent yard for the ship to Disapere was something that could end up in Disaster should the LSF ever find out about this. But the Option to get her hands on some of the Insurgent's Technologies and to get some Intel from the Spyglass system was pretty Tempting. She had to think about this carefully and see if the Profits would outweigh the Risks. She knew that even with all the Resources that they had poured into the hidden Armament of Curacao and the Strengthening of the Security Service they wouldn't stand a chance against the Liberty Navy should they Decide to Invade Curacao.

Cait: Your Offer is Tempting that is something I have to Admit. And while we aren't having the Probelms that you have With the Xeno I would be Glad to get in on the Rouges and the Gaians. As for your Offering of Ships I have to say that I wouldn't mind of getting my hands on some of that Technology. But I fear we couldn't use them openly, I am sure that the Liberty Officials wouldn't want us to fly the "Prosecutor" or the "Inquisitor". As I already said our Neutrality is a Delicate Thing and while we would otherwise ask for Licenses and Permissions it wouldn't be a wise thing to do in this Case. We Would basically admit that we shared the bed with Liberty´s Enemies and it might Raise Suspicion when a whole Battleship disappears and shortly after Orbital gets into possession of Former Insurgency Ships. This would raise too many Red Flags even for the Sometimes quite Stupid LSF to ignore. But we would gladly take your Offer of having an "Inquisitor" for Study Purposes nonetheless. I might also take one Prosecutor for Study and my Personal Ship Collection.

She said with a smile as she sipped on her Drink some more and ate one of the hors d'oeuvre. She loved what her Cook Hilda could make and she had really outdone herself with these ones. The Salmon and the Mustard were a Perfect Match on the Crispy Bread. But also the Sushi that she made was Top Quality and wouldn't need to hide behind the ones that were served in Kusari. She had a lot to consider in this endeavor and she would have seen what she could do to Minimize the Risks.

Cait: We want to be Informed First should your Spyglass come across any information about a Danger for OS&C Liners and especially for Curacao itself. We have made the Mistake Once to believe too much in our Neutrality, and we have seen how that ended as the Gallics Used our Resorts for Target Practice During the War. I also want your Guarantee that you will Come to the Aid of Curacao Should Such a scenario ever become a Reality again in the future.

Cait would Lean a bit forward and would look into his eyes a she would make want to make some more Things Clear. She had decided to help them but this help would have some Conditions and would not come to them Cheap.

Cait: Furthermore we will Demand that you will Wait for at least 24 hours after our Ship departs before you Jump that Ship out of there. We want to have a possible deniability in this matter. Longer would be better but 24 Hours is the Absolute Minimum. Furthermore, we Demand the Delivery of Two "Prosecutors" and one "Inquisitor" to the Orbitals R&D Department free of Charge. As well as some of your Technical Expertise to Develop a Defense against the Boarding Blade of the Inquisitor. In Exchange, we promise to keep this Knowledge a Secret and not to share it with other companies or Government Institutions. As for your Promise of Business, I have to say as Lucrative as this Offer seems to be we have to Decline it. Orbitals Logistics Fleet is Only Big Enough to Supply our own Needs, to supply someone else as well would put too much strain on our logistics network. On Top of all that will be the Costs for this Endeavor that have to be calculated by us. But I can promise you that they won't be Cheap and might go into the Millions. But all of this is only a preliminary list of Terms as I need to discuss this all again with the Board of Directors. A Decision that is as Risky as this can't be made by the Chairwoman alone and needs to be discussed by the Board, even when it will be me who will play the Scapegoat should this whole endeavor go South.

She said with a sly smile that made clear that she wouldn't be the only one who would go down should this Endeavour Fail. She still would have some Aces up her sleeves that she would play in such a Situation. Even when this would mean that she would have to step down as the Chairwoman of OS&C and probably had to go into Hiding for a while before she could Return with a New Identity. But she hoped this wouldn't happen and that the Legion would know what they would be doing.

RE: Meeting on the Dock of the Bay - Denelo - 06-13-2024

"All terms accepted. To assuage some of your concerns, too: All Legionnaires will board under assumed names, and most will leave the cloud with you. We barely need a crew at all for the jump; the majority of our personnel needs are for restoration and installation. Due to the Fall, most of our survivors have assumed names. The lead client will be a Junker named Suzume Davis, who made her fortune salvaging warships in the Southampton Debris Field." Yoko grinned and tapped her chest. "In order to avoid implicating you, we will wait no less than one week—to expose our partners to heightened risk is far from our own best interests as well. We will use our other connections to increase overall traffic to Vespucci at that time as well. Of course, we would be more than happy to share information on the Rogues and Gaians as well, both of which are perennial enemies of ours. Indeed, we already anticipate we will be tracking Rogue activity along the cardamine routes, especially in light of the recent realignment."

He paused for a moment and frowned, seemingly lost in thought, then continued. "While we are happy to commit to aiding in the defense of Curacao should it come under attack, I will warn you that we do not have a base in-system, and the closure of the Inverness hole will lengthen our response time. Some resources may be able to jump in, but most will have to traverse via Coronado. As long as you can accept this added response time, we are happy to oblige. We would also be happy to keep a wing of fighters based out of Curacao itself just in case, but I understand that the Navy may take issue with that."

RE: Meeting on the Dock of the Bay - Lord Helmchen - 06-17-2024

She was surprised that they would accept all her terms which were quite a lot and quite expensive. And she was even more surprised as they Accepted the Terms immediately and even gave her some better Conditions. The Fact that they would Wait for an entire week would give Orbital More than enough time to have Plausible Deniability and get cover that would Distance them from the Missing Battleship should someone get curious about the possible Involvement of Orbital Spa and Cruise.

Cait: I think we have an agreement then, but this has to be Authorized by the Board of Directors as well. But there is one thing that I have to Decline Right away. We don't allow Naval Vessles of Any Kind on Curacao. We have had to Implement this Measure after some of our Neighbors Abused our Open Ports policy to hide from the Police. This has caused a big Controversy among several of our Neighbors and we were accused of picking a Side when were in Reality a Neutral Party. To prevent this kind of Controversy in the future we have decided to Ban all Military and Police vessels from Orbital´s Ports in Curacao and on Liners outside of House Space like the Barbados and the Hawaii. The only Exception to this Rule is in cases of Medical emergencies. While we are Neutra we are not Letting People die on our Doorstep if we could have prevented this. Such an Action would only Cause a Public Relations Nightmare that would Cost us Customers in the Long Run.

She said as she would Write the Agreement down on a Tablet Computer and then send it over to the Board of Directors so they could Greenlight the Matter as well. Orbital wasn't a Democracy, but on such high Profile Decisions, they had to have the Agreement of the Board. Cait had a lot of Powers as the Chairwoman and could decide a lot when it came to leading the Company. But on such big and risky projects, they would need the Agreement of the Board.

Cait: well then I will send the Proposal to the Board of Directors. It might take a Couple of Hours till we hear from them back. Please Feel free to Relax and enjoy the Amenitys of my Home. If you want i can get you some Swimwear and you can use the Pool or the Beach. Oh and if you are still Hungry please feel free to order whatever you want from our Lovely Cook Hilda. She is a really well-trained Chef and knows the Kitchens of Sirius like she had grown up in them.

Cait said with a smile as she looked at Yoko and had an idea what she could show her that would Blow the Mind of the Cute Litle Nerd. She had seen the Reaction she had had to the fact that Cait owned a Palace Liner, so she was curious what she would say once she saw Cait´s Private Hangar. The Chairwoman had a Large Collection of some of the Most Rare Ships in Sirius.

Cait: Maybe I can show Yoko my Private Hangar and Take a Look at some Rare Ships while we wait? I am Promise that I will be a Perfect Gentlewoman.