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Finding descriptions of Factions - Printable Version

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Finding descriptions of Factions - Hunter - 12-18-2006

I was wondering if it would be possible to make a faction recruitment page or something like that? After going through what is listed it was kind of confusing. If it isn't possible I'll be fine.:)

Finding descriptions of Factions - Virus - 12-19-2006

Well, the "Faction Status Post", which it seems you've gone through, is what that is.... However, a few factions have recruitment threads. Some don't... Its the way it works.

Finding descriptions of Factions - Koolmo - 12-19-2006

Mines in my sig if your interested, but i would advise looking in the RP forum, you can usually tell alot about what a faction does by looking at their message dump, and other RP threads.

Finding descriptions of Factions - Hunter - 12-20-2006

Maybe I am missing something or just plain blind, but what is a message dump?

Finding descriptions of Factions - Nightfall - 12-20-2006

Look for threads containing 'message dump' in the title in the Role-Play section of the forum, you'll get the idea