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RPA Files: The Gate Anomaly - Printable Version

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RPA Files: The Gate Anomaly - RepublicanProvisionalAssembly - 06-07-2024


Arranmore Archive File #016305
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Name: The Gate Anomaly
Priority: High
Secrecy: General
Department: Provisional Republic Fleet

The destruction of the New London jump gate was a master stroke that concluded the campaign to liberate Dublin and signified the beginning of the War of Final Liberation. For the next two years, the gate lay dormant while we endured a siege from the Bretonian Armed Forces and their witless Corsair catspaws, with only mild radioactivity as a consequence.

This is no longer the case. Forty-eight hours ago multiple scouts and sensor probes in Dublin reported elevated radiation levels emitted by the gate. Shortly after, all sensors picked up a gravimetric fluctuation within the gate. Visual scans by patrols were able to confirm that an unidentified anomaly is beginning to form within the gate's superstructure.

[Image: yB97f6y.gif]

We're not able to identify the nature of the anomaly at this time due to lack of advanced equipment and qualified personnel. It seems to resemble the early phase of a jump hole's opening, but we don't know how it's happening or why. It is possible that it's connected to the damage inflicted by MRS Shillelagh's attack run, the Pulse, or the Blackout, but there's currently no theories why it took two years to begin forming.

  • Immediate cessation of all salvage & recovery operations around the gate wreck;
  • Adjust Connacht Depot's orbital path to steer the station clear of the anomaly within the next few weeks;
  • Instruct all personnel to stay at a safe distance from the gate wreck at all times. Adjust the Fleet's patrol paths accordingly;
  • Issue MOPP gear and iodine tablets to any personnel whose assignments take them near the gate wreck's vicinity; Procure additional protective equipment on the market.

Although this is a concerning development, the Assembly expected something like this to happen. We will prepare and monitor the phenomenon closely, but it will not distract us from the war effort.

Long live Free Dublin.