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The Fontana Summit - Reeves - 06-07-2024

Fontana Freeport; California System; Republic of Liberty

The stage was set.

All that was missing was a red carpet, though it would have been woefully out of place on what was once a military outpost. Positioned conveniently near the beating heart of Liberty situated on Manhattan. And true to the terms of the summit security had been redoubled several times, guards in the hangars, and a few on a slow looping patrol around the corridors that led arriving delegates to the main chamber.

The venue itself was a large and well-lit room that had almost certainly been "renovated" ever since it was conquered years prior. A pair of large metal doors marked a threshold for every delegate to cross, guards on the inside and outside of it. Banners and small placards denoted the intended seating arrangement, with the Alliance delegation being entitled to the head of the table given that they had called for the summit. Immediately to the left and right of those seats were the Rogues and Hackers respectively, the militants and the Order positioned down the line. Some forethought had been used to have the Order's representatives sit next to the Hackers, while the far more nebulous Militants were meant to be seated next to the Rogues. The only oddity would be the isolated chair at the far end, directly across from the Alliance delegation. It was simply designated with the name "CALIBAN" and supplied no further elaboration, nor did it feature a flag of any kind.

This was done with the intent of keeping things civil, of course. But that was more so a hope than a directive, seeing as any attempt to use brute force to pacify disagreement would only make things significantly more heated. Though to placate any potential outbreak of excess grouchiness, food and drink had been served. A choice between vegetarian and not, as per the preference of whomever was sitting in their respective chairs. All no doubt stolen from OSC Liners or Bretonian shipping that had not been so fortunate as to make it through California without demands levied.

Space was also thoughtfully devoted to the provision of fixtures for cameras to record and stream the proceedings across distance, which honored the request of the particularly enthusiastic group of Hackers. All that remained was for the actual delegates themselves to arrive.

RE: The Fontana Summit - Traxit - 06-07-2024

A crude Kestrel matching the manifest harbours itself in the freeport momentarily after the Alliance Commander seats himself in anticipation of his guests, the guards notify him.

No more than five minutes and the Zoner delegate comes forth into the chamber, sporting the classic brightly-tanned outfit his people wear, with substantial dust discolouration and splotches of oil stains that grow larger in size and frequency towards his breeches and boots.
His facial hair spans across ear to ear and his lower cheeks, it's a greying and unkempt mess, his hairstyle is two months due for a haircut, but noticeably his mustache seems to be trimmed, deliberately groomed to minimise hair ingestion for when the Zoner takes the rare bite.
The obvious lack of care towards his appearance is akin to that of a grimy Junker, albeit in beige-khaki colours instead of brown-orange.
Cumulatively, it asserts the impoverished status the Erie Rebels have to endure while they fight for what is rightfully theirs.

He stops pacing into the chamber just ahead of the door-guards and under the proverbial red carpet, to look at the host and meet his gaze. He clenches his fist and puts it to his heart before bowing his head firmly. "Thank you, for the warm welcome, Mr. Cobra. Name's Tomas."

After gesturing his respect, he proceeds to his anointed seat and orients himself to lean left so as to face the Alliance Commander more naturally. With no further comment, he begins to nibble on the Luxury Food presented deliciously on the table. The gentle pickings show a civil demeanour, but the frequent outreach for seconds hints at a famished appetite. A thinly-veiled contrast fitting for the Erie Rebels, a once civil and content populace pushed to extreme measures, picking out scrappings like vultures.

RE: The Fontana Summit - Reeves - 06-07-2024

Mister Cobra. That was a new one.

"Commander Morreti or just Morreti is sufficient, Testament. And while you're at it, since you're the first here feel free to tear into the food without concern for table manners. Consider it a reward for punctuality." The words were accompanied by the abrupt shuffle of movement as he stood up, gave the Militant delegate a solid and seemingly friendly thump on the shoulder. He then placed an empty glass on the table before proceeding to gracefully add in three ice cubes and what appeared to be the sector's most generic looking soda. A beverage for this ravenous creature that had no doubt been hard at work clawing away at Liberty's military industrial complex used to secure Erie.

When this gesture was complete, Damien swiftly replaced himself in his chair.

RE: The Fontana Summit - Toaster - 06-07-2024

The doors slid open again. A tall man clad in a simple, unadorned anthracite uniform entered, hands clasped behind his back. Cold blue eyes set into an almost comically handsome face scanned the room, pausing once on each of the two individuals already present. An easy, charming smile, revealing perfect white teeth, split the man's face, and he gave both the host and fellow early arrival a polite nod.

"Commander Morreti. A pleasure to finally meet you in person." The man approached the Alliance's leader with an outstretched hand, maintaining his disarming smile. "Senator, Section 8," he introduced himself.

RE: The Fontana Summit - Reeves - 06-07-2024

It was like looking into a mirror for a moment. Fake smile and impeccable manners that came from a routine burned into the brain rather than a position of respect or sincerity. Regardless, Morreti once more rose to his feet but stayed within the general vicinity of his seat while facilitating a firm handshake.

"Likewise, Senator. By all means please take a seat and fetch yourself something to eat or drink." The dull formalities were at least an opportunity to study the people trickling in, to get a measure of people like this doppelganger. Though for his part, Damien was dressed in the now-iconic white and red of the LFR, a blue medal hanging from the neck of his uniform among several other small pins and ribbons to denote service in either a particular campaign or endeavor.

Keeping this colorful bunch of guests from using the utensils provided as weapons was surely going to be a hassle. Damien was already mentally preparing himself for tantrums and demands, as well as the means by which he could defuse or otherwise detract from subjects that were irrelevant to the agenda up for discussion.

RE: The Fontana Summit - Nekrotalis - 06-07-2024

Hester had her eyes closed as she stood in front of the mirror. Her temporary quarters on Fontana had served her well for the last couple of days but now it was time for the grand event. She felt nervous and honoured. Honoured to be selected to accompany Damien for this occasion but also nervous due to the many different guests that were to arrive. Hackers, Order, Rogues and Militant Zoners, as well Caliban.

For a moment she pondered why he had been invited as the sole individual not affiliated with any organisation but Cobra trusted him and that must account for something. A long drawn out sigh escapes her as she opens her eyes to look at herself one more time before starting her track down to the meeting hall. “Well… I hope that something positive will come from this meeting.” The thought of an all out brawl breaking out at some point crossed her mind but she quickly pushed that away.

A couple of minutes later footfalls can be heard coming from the hallway leading to the conference room and soon a woman in her late twenties to early thirties enters. The long brown hair that usually flowed over and down her shoulders neatly put together in a ponytail. Over what was the standard, dark grey and brownish red, of an alliance dress uniform she wore a similarly greyish field jacket. On the left sleeve there was a snake poised to unleash it’s venom, the Rinkhals.

“I hope that you did not have to wait too long for me, Damien.” Her voice hid the nervousness well enough so that only her long time friend might pick up on it. For a moment she looked around. Her gaze taking in the unfamiliar faces. A soft sigh escapes her as she is slowly circling towards what appeared to be her seat to the left of Cobra. She waited for Cobra and what she guessed to be an Order representative to finish their exchange. “I am Adjutant Hester, otherwise known as Rinkhals.” Her voice was just enough to reach everyone in the room, hoping that it’d suffice as an introduction for now.

RE: The Fontana Summit - Caliban - 06-07-2024

Amidst the colorful bunch of ships donning both flags of the civilized and the underworld, this Valkyrie looked fairly out of place. The landing procedure was accompanied by the engines' low hum. Scratches across the hull and 'tattoos' covering the hull's former Rheinland motifs with those of a renegade were most prevalent. And yet the pilot proved to be nothing short of an enigma. The man was fairly bulky, hiding his physique under a long brown coat and head with what seemed like a helmet with an opaque 'V' shaped visor that shined with streams of information.

His feet were heavy against the metal floor, resonating with every step against its surface that were taken towards the Summit. Five, probably ten minutes in and the mercenary would finally walk into the room without saying anything at first either out of anxiety or by the mere intent to not disturb the others who have arrived before him. His optics hounded for a place to sit - a more distant chair with his name written next to it. "Figures" he muttered to himself under the sealed helmet. A mere mumble to anyone else hearing it.

"Cozy." - Caliban said as he took his rightful seat at the table with a rather laid back stance. Not because he felt like being disrespectful to a meeting like this, but because the space required to have proper posture was limited and ever so slightly uncomfortable. There was a subtle static in the way his short-lived statement flowed. Mechanical, even.

RE: The Fontana Summit - Raphael Drake - 06-07-2024

Sierra Ice Field... Fontana Freeport? What did he say about the conquest? It's something about a former Hellfire Legion base. The hangar doors opened leading into a carved-out asteroid station. Impressive but nothing special in Drake's eyes as he has seen that even simple criminals had the tools to do such a job. A man dressed in a long dark coat left the landing vessel catching the attention of the hangar guards. After a short conversation, Drake has been shown the right direction to the meeting room. Lighting up a cigarette before entering the room the door slides open and a familiar face is revealed. It appears I am not the first one to arrive here.

"Name's Drake as he nodded towards the unknown people that had already gathered in the room. Drake approached Morretti stretching out his hand for a firm handshake. Unfortunately, Goldfinger couldn't make it to the meeting but I guess that is not very important anyways. I guess the drinks are on you today?"

"Drake gestured towards the rich offer of drinks placed on the side of the room." Surely you have no issue if I help myself with a nice drink, hm?

RE: The Fontana Summit - Toaster - 06-07-2024

Thanking Morreti for the invitation to the various foodstuffs, Senator strode to his seat directly across from the militant delegate, observing the three new arrivals, his easy smile only just disguising the intensity of his eyes. A nervous, young adjutant to the Alliance commander, a member of the Inner Circle, and - causing the agent's jaw to clench ever so imperceptibly - the dangerous mercenary known as Caliban. Given the list of attendees yet to join the meeting, he was certain the summit would, if nothing else, not lack excitement.

RE: The Fontana Summit - Reeves - 06-07-2024

Another handshake, another rehearsed smile, and another face to study. At this rate his arm was going to detach from its socket under protest of unfair working conditions.

"Mister Drake. Welcome to what was once Hesperia." An apparent triumph to tout, but a veiled magnitude of tension deliberately betrayed a sense that Morreti perceived the conquest of Hesperia as something of a slight, at least with regards to the Inner Circle. Perhaps Drake was clued in on the history, but he might elect to simply not care given the average Hacker MO.

The other Hacker delegation was likely to be far more flamboyant and potentially annoying. Which would serve nicely insofar as undermining the cardboard cutout personality of the Professorship's gunmen was concerned.