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TO: Dr. John Holliday, Med Force Enterprises RE: Congratulations - Printable Version

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TO: Dr. John Holliday, Med Force Enterprises RE: Congratulations - EisenSeele - 06-08-2024

Büro des Marinenachrichtendiensts
BDM|RNC-Brynhildr, Frankfurt System

Dr. John Holliday, Med Force Enterprises


Dr. Holliday,

I am Flotillenadmiral Kai Siegfried, of the Buro. It is my pleasure to inform you that you have been awarded a humanitarian grant by the Medical Society of the North Western Quadrant of Frankfurt. In recognition of your sector-wide efforts, we have allocated a sum fifty million credits to be disbursed in the form of goods and services delivered through the logistical arm of our organization.

Food, water, medical supplies, fission warheads, refugee shelters, automated weapons platforms, industrial water purifiers, repair equipment - anything you may need, we can deliver discreetly to whatever humanitarian crisis zone staging area you may require - wherever that may be.

We will be monitoring this frequency for your reply.

Flotillenadmiral Kai Siegfried
Büro des Marinenachrichtendienstes

[Image: rThYheR.png]

RE: TO: Dr. John Holliday, Med Force Enterprises RE: Congratulations - Doc Holliday - 06-09-2024

*incoming transmission*
Comm ID: Doc Holliday
Location: Personal Quarters, [MFE]Med.Force.One
To: Admiral Kai Siegfried

Guten Tag, Admiral Siegfried,

I must admit that your transmission was a pleasant surprise. I do not frequent Rheinland as much as I used to, mostly due to my work.
It is humbling to be honored like this so I thank you for it. In reading your list of goods, fifty million credits is a lot of goods but each and every good we get is put to good use. My question to you is delivery as we are limited in that respect and out here in the Omicrons is dangerous space. Med Force Academy in Omicron Theta can use a lot of what you offer. Getting alloy to maintain the base is always a big plus as goods are harder to get. Our base in Omega 3 can also use them.

One thing we are not really in need of are warheads and weapons platforms. We are agents of peace and those go against our oath. I would rather have that in medical goods and the many other things you offer.
Again, I thank you for this honor and what comes with it. I look forward to speaking with you.

Dr. John Henry Holliday
Med Force Enterprises