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ICNS - Molly assault on Lisheen Logistics Depot repelled - Independent Colony News - 06-17-2024

Molly forces attempt assault on BMM base, repelled by massed BAF/BMM force.

[Image: l8DqJg0.png]
Lisheen Depot. Cause of the conflict in Dublin. (Photographer: Kendra Marshall)

This is Kendra Marshall, reporting for the Independent Colony News Service. I was on the scene today as a large battlegroup of BAF and BMM vessels, aided by Police and Bounty Hunter forces, engaged and repelled an Molly attempt to destroy the Lisheen Logistics Depot, a recently established, yet currently minor outpost in the Dublin system.

The establishment of the base in Dublin is seen by the Mollys as a blatant attempt by the BAF to have a base from which they can launch attacks on Molly shipping in the area, as well as launch assaults on Molly bases, with the intent of reclaiming the system for Bretonia. The BMM meanwhile, insist it is only to aid in the logistical side of mining and shipping Gold from Dublin to the other houses of the Sirius sector.

Upon arriving in the system I was able to witness, from a safe distance, two engagements between the Molly forces and those of Bretonia. On both occasions the Mollys were utterly destroyed, with only minor losses of ships for the Bretonian forces. It's unclear how many are dead, as several pilots from both sides were able to eject before their ships were destroyed.

[Image: ZhaG1y7.png]
BAF ships, supporting a BMM Civilian Cruiser, moving into position.

After the first battle I was able to interview the Captain of the HMS Hellhound. In a brief interview, they confirmed several details, including BAF plans to send both more troops and ships into Dublin, to secure the outpost, as well as confirming it will likely be used as a springboard into Dublin by Bretonian forces. They also stressed the need to dismantle the minefield surrounding the Jumphole, to make it easier for larger vessels and crews to safely enter the system. BMM also intends to place further defense platforms around the Station, to prevent further attacks.

They also made it clear that more escort craft will be required for vessels visiting the outpost in future, as Mollys will likely step up attacks on shipping from the Jumphole. When I asked if the BAF intended to construct their own facility in Dublin, her reply was "One step at a time, dear."

As my last question, I asked if she felt that the war between the BAF and Mollys would cause the Corsairs in sector to try and take advantage, but she felt that this far from their home systems, the Corsairs are still at a disadvantage.

[Image: 9iRS3U1.png]
BAF and BMM forces scrambling to repel the second assault.

It's worth noting that before the battle began, negotiations were attempted, but failed. Evidently the recent attack on a Molly Funeral has left their forces incensed at Bretonian forces. It is likely we can expect future Molly attacks on the new outpost. But if they'll succeed? Only time will tell.

[Image: 2iRHmMX.png]
Another battle between the BAF and Molly forces rages.

With Lisheen Logistics Depot seemingly secure, it is evident that for the coming future, the Mollys will be facing a rough time, with Bretonian military forces stepping up their activities in the system, and BMM moving to exploit the gold supplies in the sector, to alleviate the Sirius gold shortage. We hope to interview a member of the Mollys in coming days, to get their perspective on the issue.

For the Independent Colony News Service, this is Kendra Marshall, reporting from the Dublin system.

ICNS - Bringing you the facts, not bias.