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Bretonian Broadcasting Channel - Crown victory in Dublin! - Printable Version

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Bretonian Broadcasting Channel - Crown victory in Dublin! - Galway Frontiers - 06-22-2024

[Image: CNwiaZq.png]
[Image: Y19BxpH.png]
Lisheen Logistics Depot, Dublin

[Image: zNAGUUC.png?1] 834 AS - Crown victory in Dublin!
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[Image: iAhPvlG.png?1] 833 AS - Rheinland pledges support over Dublin action
[Image: GPWEaDx.png?1] 833 AS - Gold volatility taxes Kusari economy
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834 AS - Crown victory in Dublin!
NEW LONDON - Great news bless Bretonia this fine evening as Galway Frontiers officially announces its refinery becoming operational. After an arduous campaign against Molly terrorists and other conscripted ne'er-do-wells, the Armed Forces and BMM elements have successfully deterred the siege from the recently established facility - Lisheen Logistics Depot - located in sector G/3, just outside the Achills field.

As of last Saturday, June 15th, Dublin has been the site for bloody battles between Crown forces and criminal groups aligned with the Mollys. A fringe gang spotted the freshly planted Lisheen and immediately attacked the innocent construction team. With sheer luck, the venerable HMS Naseby rescued the construction team and escorted them safely out of the system, providing vanguard as the Galway group streamed essential supplies to their base. Today, after a week of fighting, a decisive blow was dealt as the Armed Forces counterattacked a forward operating outpost, which forced a cowardly retreat from the Molly aggressors, securing a Crown victory.

Miners and traders alike will be glad to know that as of now, Lisheen is importing ore at 160c/u and exporting refined Gold at 100c/u.*

*prices are subject to change.

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RE: Bretonian Broadcasting Channel - Crown victory in Dublin! - Big Bison Bessie - 06-22-2024

22 June, 834 - 23:00

Is this station servicing exclusively Bretonian corporations? As far as I know anyone who enters Dublin still counts as a blockade runner if they ain't BAF, BHG, or bret corps. How's the ATA gonna factor into this?
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RE: Bretonian Broadcasting Channel - Crown victory in Dublin! - EisenSeele - 06-24-2024

22 June, 834 - 23:00

Typical Bretonian propaganda. Has anyone actually BEEN to Dublin? Seen it? There is NO SUCH PLACE.
THEY are LYING to us to justify taking our tax money to fund private resort stations in Coronado for the Armed Forces and Royal family higherups to indulge in UNSPEAKABLE luxuries.

EDIT: Looks like the pro Bretonian bots are out in force today
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