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Star-lost Lovers - Printable Version

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Star-lost Lovers - Helix - 06-25-2024

[Image: AWtIE83.png]

Story and Log
Interactions with other players effects the story/log progression

Helix stood facing the horizon, his back was to his small compound on Planet Marseille. It was four years ago he had come to settle here on this beautiful world, far from other people ... he preferred it that way. He squinted at the ocean in the distance, the local star was setting over the beautiful vista with ominous clouds rolling in from the north.

"Rain coming." he said to himself. "'spose I should get the collectors up."

He turned away from the beautiful view and began his short walk back to the compound in the near distance. His life here was simple. He'd built a modest cabin in the deep foliage of the world and insisted upon being left alone by others. Occasionally Corse stopped by his compound, trading for various vegetables and fruit that he grew on his small island in exchange for various parts and items for his ship or other projects on the island. Other than that, he preferred to be left alone and the Corse respected his wishes.

His only ship was an old GMG Gunship from his time serving with the GMG and he had kept it later on when he had become a Zoner. He had used it to fight Liberty during the annexation of Liberty, and for what? His world was still lost, his family was incarcerated, and his ex-wife still considered him a terrorist for his actions against the state.

After Liberty, Helix decided he'd had enough of civilization and simply left.

By the time he arrived back at his compound, the rain had begun to fall in small pattering’s at first, then slowly it turned into a downpour. He stepped onto the porch of his cabin and toggled a large switch. Small pipes extended up quickly and unfurled at the ends, allowing water to flow into the containers buried underground. He sighed, dropped his hands to his sides, slumped his shoulders and glanced over to the road he had just walked down.

"Gonna be muddy for a while. Rainy season came early." He glanced to the sky once again, the dark clouds were becoming thicker as lightning danced across the sky like a show from the gods themselves. He sighed, shrugged an unenthusiastic shrug and entered the cabin.

While the outside of the cabin had a homey feel to it, the inside was anything but. Everything was put away neatly with all his belongings having their own place. His tastes were extremely spartan and everything here reflected that. A single bed sat in the back right corner of the cabin with a handmade headboard above it. In it were cubby holes with nothing in them except for a solitary alarm clock sitting on the upper right shelf of the cubby. Just in front of it was a medium sized desk with a terminal and various engineering type construction plans on it. Just in front of that, near the front corner of the living space, was a brick and metal fireplace with smoldering embers generating small wisps of smoke. Towards the left of the cabin, a door to the restrooms hung partially open next to the kitchen area with an old stove, refrigerator, and microwave. In the front left of the apartment was a small living room, complete with a pristine couch and an entertainment terminal in front of it.

The screen door slapped shut behind him as he sighed for the hundredth time today. "Home sweet home." he muttered looking around his living space. He strolled slowly over to the desk and took a seat at the metal chair in front of it. He pushed forward, rolling towards the desk and reviewed the plans in front of him. "Should be ready tomorrow..." he mumbled to himself as his eyes continued to scan over the document. After staring at it for a while, he leaned back in the chair and took a look around the cabin. He had lived here for almost four years now. He could scarcely remember the last time he took his ship up into orbit. That's what he was planning on doing tomorrow. Exchanging some of his engineering plans for credits and materials to expand his home in the jungle. "I hope this place stays together while I'm gone, it would be a shame to lose all of this work."

He stood up, grabbed the plans and rolled them up. After which he placed them into a tube leaning next to the desk. He sat it back down on the arms of the chair he had just vacated and shuffled over to the bed, collapsing into it's embrace. "...but first, a good night’s rest. After all, no sense flying in this weather." he mumbled to himself as the nightmares came once again.