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RNR - Call for aid Answered - Printable Version

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RNR - Call for aid Answered - Arne - 06-26-2024


[Image: 8Vxllpr.gif]
[Image: GPWEaDx.png] [26 June 834] Bretonia's call for Aid answered!
[Image: GPWEaDx.png] [834 AS] Thuringia labeled "a Myth"
[Image: GPWEaDx.png] [834 AS] Aluminium considered "the New Gold" for Krüger
[Image: GPWEaDx.png] [834 AS] The dark Motives of the Bundschuh
[Image: GPWEaDx.png] [834 AS] Sigma 15 Firmly under Rheinland control
[Image: GPWEaDx.png] [834 AS] GMG losing influence in the Sigmas


[Image: PmpIbub.jpeg]
With Sigma 15 stabilized, troops are diverting to Omega 3.

Bretonia's call for aid answered!: Rheinland has answered the call for aid from Bretonia! Many ships up to the famed Donau Cruisers have been spotted passing through Bretonian space straight to Dublin to help the Queen's forces in it's quest to take back Dublin from the Molly terrorist group.

"We have organized a battlegroup meant for patrolling Omega 3 so the Armed Forces can focus on it's war in Dublin. Some ships of said battlegroup have also been sent as support units to the Bretonian Fleet there." - Admiral Kunrad explained. "Unlike the other Houses, only Rheinland has shown to be a loyal ally that has not only helped Economically, but Militarily as well."

Questions have been asked if this move by the Military is actually fruitful to it's economy. "Naturlich does this help Rheinland itself." - Großadmiral Henze proclaimed. "The Mollys are staunch allies of the Red Hessians. By weakening them, the Hessian terrorists will have nowhere to run. By fighting them in Bretonia, we create a safer environment in Rheinland. Despite past disagreements, maintaining peace and stability between our houses is our highest priority!"

Another statement that proved bilateral relations are at an all-time high came from Fleet Captain Harold Sommerville of the Bretonian Armed Forces: "I wish to express my utmost gratitude to the Rheinland Military for their support in Dublin, to the Rheinland Government for standing by the side of Her Majesty through this crisis, but also to the people of Rheinland, whom we Bretonians have grown to treat as brothers and sisters. As I have said before during talks with the top officials of the Rheinland Government, we shall never forget the assistance offered in these trying times."

Fighting continues in Dublin as we speak. With Bretonia trying to keep up the pressure on the Mollys and mainly the Republican Provisional Army. For now it seems there is no end in sight to the war. We will keep you posted on updates on the front.

More news: The myth of Thur... CLICK HERE FOR MORE

Danke für tuning in! We will see you on our next broadcast of Rheinland Nachrichten!
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RE: RNR - Call for aid Answered - StellarViss - 06-27-2024

Yea! Good job, but should the people of Rheinland suffer for because of Queens inability to control her own people?
Glory to the Kaiser!
276 93

RE: RNR - Call for aid Answered - Chronicron - 06-27-2024


Kanzler Niemann would have never allowed such leniency.
15.7k 1.9k

RE: RNR - Call for aid Answered - Locksmith - 06-27-2024



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RE: RNR - Call for aid Answered - Xenon - 06-27-2024


Rhineland military vessels in Bretonia space... heh, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
11 0

RE: RNR - Call for aid Answered - Kherty - 06-27-2024


I wonder how the Gallic Union would respond to their Rheinlander friends helping their age-long nemesis...

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RE: RNR - Call for aid Answered - Fab - 06-27-2024

[Banned User]

How about the rheinlanders move all their ships into the closest blackhole?

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RE: RNR - Call for aid Answered - Groshyr - 06-27-2024


Hot lonely mommies in your area!
666 999

RE: RNR - Call for aid Answered - rwx - 06-27-2024


We finally bring civilization to our tea slurping neighbors. Since the molly movement mostly consists of miners, they'll fit perfectly for their new jobs at Hammersee.
4563 8343

RE: RNR - Call for aid Answered - Alx21 - 06-27-2024


Interesting development, profits of liberty delicacies, food and drinks in liberty will soar with the deployment of Rheinland forces in Bretonia, our democracy will be needed and delivered to even more people, great times.
801 578