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Lottex - Win big to rebuild Bretonia! - Printable Version

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Lottex - Win big to rebuild Bretonia! - jammi - 06-27-2024

[Image: WKYpC.png]

Message Contents:

Borderworld Exports is proud to announce the return of Lottex™, Bretonia's premier elite public lottery! Working in close partnership with the Department of Trade and Industry, Bowex will be administering the running of the scheme for the benefit of the Bretonian people.

Lottex™ tickets are being placed on sale to contribute towards the Peacetime Reconstruction Fund, sponsoring a range of projects across New London and Planet Sprague.

[Image: ogj4g.png]

This amazing opportunity is available to all reputable peoples in good standing with the Kingdom of Bretonia. By transferring $100,000 to Bowex)Winner! , you will be bestowed with ONE (1) Lottex™ ticket. You may purchase as many Lottex™ tickets as you desire across the investment period.

The first Lottex™ draw will be run over the next month, with a winnings pot being accumulated between 1st July 834 - 31st July 834.

Prize Draw and Winnings:

On the 31st July 834, a prize draw will be held by Bowex outside Canary Wharf Station. This will involve a randomized dice roll to select the winning ticket.

The bearer of the winning ticket will be entitled to 90% of the accumulated prize pot, with the remaining 10% being retained by Borderworld Exports to cover administrative overheads, and redistribute to the Peacetime Reconstruction Fund.

To claim the prize pot, the ticket bearer must provide proof of good standing with the Kingdom of Bretonia for anti-money laundering purposes.

Win big to rebuild Bretonia!

[Image: 5YV4WdX.png] [Image: 220px-BretoniaFlagPS2.png] [Image: O09kP5p.png]

Transmission End

RE: Lottex - Win big to rebuild Bretonia! - Hopewell - 06-27-2024

Let's compete then!!
[Image: CH0YOkm.png]

RE: Lottex - Win big to rebuild Bretonia! - jammi - 07-08-2024

[Image: 1HWlf.png]
Incoming Transmission from Server Hosting Hub B0w-3X, Canary Wharf
New London, Kingdom of Bretonia
8th July 834 A.S.

[Image: GNF34ZL.png]
Message Contents:

Dear [VALUED] Lottex™ [CUSTOMER]. Thank you for expressing interest in the Bowex Lottex™ draw. Your interest is [IMPORTANT] to us.

The [WEEK ONE] Lottex prize draw now stands at a magnificent [$600,000]. Do not miss your opportunity to buy a ticket and WIN BIG TO REBUILD BRETONIA.

To purchase a ticket, send [$100,000] to our ticket management terminal, [BOWEX)WINNER!].

The BOWEX LOTTEX™ PRIZE DRAW programme wishes you a [SAFE AND PRODUCTIVE] day, and the swift demise of the Kingdom of Bretonia's enemies.

Escort and Reward Centre
Bowex Services
Border World Exports