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To: Captain of the Einbeck | From: Hans von Goeben - Printable Version

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To: Captain of the Einbeck | From: Hans von Goeben - Hans von Goeben - 06-28-2024

*Incoming transmission*
*Source: Corvo-Type Explorer "Hasenpfote"*
*Sender ID: Hans von Goeben, private relay*
*Location: Barrier Gate Station, Coronado*
*Encryption: Maximum*
*Starting text message*

*As he was told weeks ago, the doctor activates this here long-range communication frequency to convey a certain confirmation. The digital letter reads as following*

Good day, Captain.

First of all, my sincerest apology for the long wait. But I am happy to tell you that your patience was worthwhile in the end.

Today, I finally picked up the requested docking module. Following your instructions, I hereby inform you of it over this encrypted channel.

To give some background information, the docking module was constructed by a highly competent manifacturer in the Border Worlds who does not ask questions, as long as the price is right. Which I made sure it was! Sourcing the materials and components were almost exclusivley done by various small third-party suppliers as well. The financial aspects are inititally covered at my personal expense, but will be processed as an official request for the upcoming modernisation effort for the MedForce will then look like just another clerical error, and swept under the carpet of red tape. What's one more or less piece of equipment, right? All of this should provide maximum concealment of your module's origin.

Delivery through me, or your confidantes, can be conducted at any time you see fit.

Again, thank you for your benevolent leniency after the...misfortunate event in Zeta, and this second chance.

Hans von Goeben.

*End of message*
*Transmission terminated*

RE: To: Captain of the Einbeck | From: Hans von Goeben - Einbeck - 06-28-2024

[Image: ptO1vTS.png]

A desolate battlefield, so reminiscent of battles of old, in Sol, yet also all too familiar for the people of Sirius too -- from Toledo, to Leeds, to Veracruz. What the mindnode lacked for in words, it made up for in images; shrouded by their eternal desire for revenge upon Humanity, the animalic instincts of The Wild Hunt, moreso those of the Einbeck, were suppressed, their place taken up by harmonic soothing, allowing, at times, silence to take over. This perpetual state of torment, the very antithesis between the 'living' vessel's various states of being, was the pinnacle of The Wild Hunt's work. Much alike the shared vision, with a empty field broken by machines of war, only ever allowing brief silence between the distant sounds of warfare, the Hunt too ensured that silence dominated the vast expanses of the Omicrons and Omegas rarely, if at all.

This carefully orchestrated image was aimed at Goeben, the unfortunate soul that met the RNC Einbeck some months prior and agreed to cooperate, as far as The Hunt was concerned, with procuring important equipment. Whether it was merely a test of his abilities and the groundwork for further such agreements with the 'useful idiot' -- as many of the unknown associates and accomplices of The Nomads deserve to be called -- or the first step towards an attempt of converting Goeben too towards The Light is for the history books to show...

Nevertheless, the Hunt's abomination had no intention of stirring the pot for too long or potentially creating an opportunity for The Order's agents to catch onto Hans' doings, and so the shared vision faded, replaced by a simple, yet to-the-point message:

Omega-11, four hours from now.

As the saying went, the ball was now in Goeben's court. The Hunt marched forward, preparing for the upcoming mission ahead, yet there was little to do should Hans meet trouble before arriving at the destination...