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[Official Event] A Cultural Exchange - Congested Transition - Printable Version

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[Official Event] A Cultural Exchange - Congested Transition - Barrier - 06-29-2024

A Cultural Exchange -
Congested Transition

Dublin, New London & more
Trade, Mining, & Combat event (Part 3)

Mollys | Hessians | Coalition | Rogues | BAF | BPA | BIS | BMM | Bowex | Gateway | BHG | IMG | Junkers | Corsairs

[Image: F7sGqZp.png]


Jul 1 (8 AM) - Jul 12 (4 PM)


The republic leadership know that something big is coming over the horizon. Bretonian naval activity, in addition to the cooperation with their previous sworn enemies, paints a grim picture for the continued independence of Dublin. As the blockade continues to slowly choke the lifeblood from existing ventures before the final blow is delivered, the Mollys know that they only have a few more months to stockpile before the inevitable.

In addition to substantial benefits provided to local enterprising captains, the Republic has called in its external favors to get its allies all over Sirius involved in braving the blockade. Any hull able to carry the precious "yellow credits" has been encouraged to do so, exporting gold to offloading points operated by Junker and Hogosha insiders. With only a single stable point of egress being available to date, everyone knows that it's going to get hot out there, but the Molly war chest must be stocked by any means necessary.

While Bretonian authorities are aware of the progress of the closing vise, but not everyone believes that the situation will be resolved definitively after it is all over. The most pessimistic House projections predict the necessity of dealing with the Molly Republic to acquire a steady gold supply with homegrown industries. In order to alleviate investor concerns and counteract Molly interests, the Bretonian government has injected its own stimulus into gold extraction operations. Even the constant rivalry of Bowex and Gateway is expected to be put aside in order to maintain a steady supply to foreign buyers, though the main concern is always on BMM's ability to export the raw materials themselves from Dublin.

Due to the volatile market estimates and supply/demand schedules, both Republic and Bretonian interests have chosen to rely on the smaller but more efficient co-op refineries to deal with the uncertainty. The ability to scale up supplies based on day-to-day, and sometimes even hour-to-hour demand requires smaller, modular, operations that are both easy to set up and modify. While such efforts are often more vulnerable to interdiction efforts of their enemies, both sides have pulled out all the stops to ensure security during extraction and refining operations.

The increased activity in Bretonia and Dublin has not gone unnoticed by the Imperio, who have yet to definitely support a side in the coming conflict. Current predictions place Corsair elements at continuing to disrupt any and all operations in order to draw more forces and investment into the conflict from their enemies. While the Imperio do not currently concern themselves with the actual extraction of local materials in Dublin, insurance rates have skyrocketed even beyond expected wartime rates due to their involvement in blockading and raiding efforts.

The Gold Rush, as has been dubbed by many simpler commentators and participants, may be the last chance for any local entities to acquire supplies of the material. With the political landscape on the verge of being rewritten and no true way of knowing who will come out ahead, everyone is clamoring for a piece of the profits available to those brave enough to claim them before they're locked forever behind the thick walls of bureaucracy.

Story Note: This event is used to play out the ongoing Bretonia-Dublin storyline. Though its outcome has little-to-no effect on what will happen, it may add some flavor to future write-ups.


Trade Bonuses:
  • To receive a bonus, Gold must be purchased from one of the participating player-owned bases. Reply in the thread or pm @Barrier with you base's name to be added to the config before event start. Must be located in Dublin or New London.
  • New salepoints at Kreuzberg, Kabukicho, and Rochester depots have been added and received a moderate profit boost
  • Existing salepoints at Denver, Hamburg, Honshu, and Crete have been equated and received a small profit boost
  • Gold shipments to the depots increase the size of the Molly war chest before the invasion
  • Gold shipments to the House planets reflect Bretonia's ability to export existing gold supplies
  • Gold shipments to Crete reflect the benefits Corsairs have reaped from the ongoing conflict
  • Only the following ids are eligible to receive the trade event bonus and score points: Mollys, Hessians, Coalition, Rogues; BMM, Bowex, Gateway; Corsairs; IMG, Junkers, Hogosha
  • Lawfuls and unlawfuls are eligible for bonuses on House Planets and Depots, respectively. IMG are eligible for either bonus. Corsairs are only eligible for the Crete bonus. Junkers and Hogosha are eligible for all bonuses.

Tier-3 Refineries:
  • Bulk Gold Refinery
  • Materials: fuel (MOX / Promethene / H-Fuel), Mining Machinery, Industrial Materials, Gold Ore
  • Catalyst: 400 Crew
  • Effect: 1.48 efficiency, 8x refining speed

Government Bidding:
  • The governments of Kusari, Liberty, and Rheinland were given a chance to bid in order to boost the sale bonus at their respective planets
  • Bidding was active until Friday, Jul 5, 3PM UTC. Anyone could submit a bit
  • Bids were submitted to Kusari.Bid, Liberty.Bid, and Rheinland.Bid via the /gc command, with comments alongside the bid.
  • Kusari won the bidding, earning a triple sale bonus at Honshu for the remainder of the event, with their corporations (Hogosha, Kishiro, Samura) added to the config and able to benefit from this bonus
  • Bidding results can be found here.

  • Kill rewards are only active in Dublin and New London, and are worth 500k SC per kill
  • Kills represent the losses suffered on all sides before the invasion
  • Mollys, Hessians, and Coalition receive kill bounties on BPA, BAF, BIS, BMM, Bowex, Gateway, and BHG (and vice versa)
  • Corsairs receive kill bounties on all of the above (and vice versa)

Rule Changes:
  • None at this time.

Forum Titles
  • at least 2 player kills or 20k units of cargo delivered: Duffer / Jumper / Sourdough
  • at least 10 player kills or 100k units of cargo delivered: Devil's Club / Gold-digger / Mother Lode

Leaderboards (Lawful kills, Unlawful kills, Lawful deliveries, Unlawful deliveries)
  • 1st: three picks
  • 2nd: two picks
  • 3rd: one pick
(Each spot can be claimed once for each leaderboard. Ties all get rewarded. Corsair kills and deliveries can be added to either leaderboard.)


Detailed leaderboards can be found HERE.

Lawful Bounties Unlawful Bounties Lawful Deliveries Unlawful Deliveries
1. DTR-CNS>Artemida 5, Aegis|Anastasia.Focht 5, Aegis|BeIla.Donna 4, Aegis|Girra 2, Aegis|Showtime 4, Aegis|Vela 12, GFTongueRD)-Mullaghcleevaun 2, GF:SEC)-Croaghanmoira 1, HMS-Mercia 3; Total: 38 @Levenna 1. Black.Rust 11; @Hitman-76 1. GF:LOG)-Largy 400000, GF:LOG)-Lyracappul 1420, GF:SEC)-Susan.Winters 69, GF:SEC)-Susan.Winters. 69; Total: 401558 @Ramke 1. Muscle 103200; @Skorak
2. BSS-Fortitude 14, K.McRoberts 8, BAF|A-HMS-Exuberant 5, BAF|A-HMS-Composite 4, BAF|A-HMS-Strikethrough 1, Small.Fish 1, Segador|Sails 1; Total: 34 @monmarfori 2. RPA|Cuchulain 3, RPA|Lann.Orga 1, Alfanje|Sails 2, Bandolero|Sails 2, Trabuco|Sails 2; Total: 10 @Mort 2. GF:LOG)-Keeper.Hill 160000, GF:LOG)-Hungry.Hill 125000, Destroyed.Delight 71956, CV-Expansion 5000; Total: 356956 @Frostpfote 2. 62854; @James Greed
3. Queens.Knight 10, Aegis|Sand 1; Total: 11 @- 3. MRS-Jackhammer 9; @Magpie Inc & RPA|Banshee-1 7, RPA|PRS-Cheers.Love 1, RPA|PRW-Crownbreaker 1; Total: 9 @Luminium 3. BTS-Firth 268029, Cross_Word 32200; Total: 300229 @monmarfori 3. SCRA|CPS-Gdynia 59939; @henryk5pio

RE: [Official Event] A Cultural Exchange - Congested Transition - TheSauron - 06-29-2024

(06-29-2024, 01:59 PM)Barrier Wrote:
Mollys | Hessians | Coalition | BAF | BPA | BIS | BMM | Bowex | Gateway | BHG | IMG | Rogues | Junkers | Corsairs


RE: [Official Event] A Cultural Exchange - Congested Transition - Haste - 06-29-2024

Gaian players lmao

RE: [Official Event] A Cultural Exchange - Congested Transition - Levenna - 06-29-2024

That seems like an oddly cherrypicked selection of codename rewards to be honest, is there a particular rhyme or reason I'm missing? I like the inclusion of PoBs into the event though, that's pretty novel tbh

RE: [Official Event] A Cultural Exchange - Congested Transition - TheSauron - 06-29-2024

(06-29-2024, 02:07 PM)Haste Wrote: Gaian players lmao

[Image: fNeLLGS.png]

Just let us fly the Gold to Kabukicho and shoot some lawmen, it's not that hard.

RE: [Official Event] A Cultural Exchange - Congested Transition - Chronicron - 06-29-2024

do hessian capships get a ZOI buff for the event? (i.e. can jorms be brought to dublin?)

RE: [Official Event] A Cultural Exchange - Congested Transition - Chuba - 06-29-2024


RE: [Official Event] A Cultural Exchange - Congested Transition - jammi - 06-29-2024

(06-29-2024, 02:20 PM)Chronicron Wrote: do hessian capships get a ZOI buff for the event? (i.e. can jorms be brought to dublin?)

No, normal rules apply.

RE: [Official Event] A Cultural Exchange - Congested Transition - Kauket - 06-29-2024

Damnit I can't be lazy and use a purple frigate to powertrade the event.

Guess I'll slap a red sticker on top of it.

RE: [Official Event] A Cultural Exchange - Congested Transition - Barrier - 06-29-2024

(06-29-2024, 02:11 PM)Levenna Wrote: That seems like an oddly cherrypicked selection of codename rewards to be honest, is there a particular rhyme or reason I'm missing? I like the inclusion of PoBs into the event though, that's pretty novel tbh

The answer is gooold.