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Memories of Discovery - A Spazzy Series: Part 3 - Printable Version

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Memories of Discovery - A Spazzy Series: Part 3 - sindroms - 06-30-2024

Hello, ladies and gentleboys.
For a long time now I have viewed my youtube channel as a repository of outdated video tutorials, and a slowly dwindling subscriber count that is only understandable given my upload schedule, or rather the absence of one.

For a long time, also, I have thought that it would be interesting for anyone who is a fairly ''recent'' member of discovery and who has kept with us ''only'' for a few years or so, to look back at some of the older uploads and see how Disco was back in the day, when we had no flhook, where the Defender existed in the same space as the Guardian and when the Niobium/Diamond route was the hottest thing ever, trade-wise.
When weapon dealers sold nukemines and paralyzer missiles alongside mk8 armor upgrades and SNs, because setting up a ship was a pain if you had no access to a Guard system.

But recently I became aware that these old videos are nothing more than 480p recordings of random gameplay and provide nothing of the context that would be interesting in the first place, and so I suppose this is the equivalent of your grand-dad telling you to sit down and listen to his recollection of silly stories.

I suppose that this is my method of cataloguing some of these things for the sake of history. Be it my personal one, or otherwise.

My participation in Discovery Freelancer has been best described as a sine-wave back when I was a kid and did not know better. And it continued even when I became an adult and should have known better. So this is a sort of... dunno, really. Autobiography? A look back at old videos? Random memories? At the time of writing this post, I have 3 videos up. I did not trust myself to make a thread for this until I was absolutely sure it was not just a blip of random inspiration that comes and goes, as with many of my video projects.

I am pleased with the reception it has received, this series and will gladly continue until that changes or if I get bored.

RE: Memories of Discovery - A Spazzy Series: Part 3 - Toaster - 06-30-2024

Enjoying the series and getting a big dose of nostalgia

revert to 4.85

RE: Memories of Discovery - A Spazzy Series: Part 3 - Antonio - 06-30-2024

Great stuff, keep ‘em coming.