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Official Faction Activity Second Quarter 2024 - Printable Version

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Official Faction Activity Second Quarter 2024 - Tunicle - 07-01-2024

Factions Losing Officialdom
These factions were previously warned for failing the check in the last two quarters, and failed this activity check.


Factions Warned
These factions have failed the activity check for the first time this quarter.
If they fail another activity check in the next two quarters, they will lose officialdom.

The Rogues ([R]-) 1d 00:18:09 Must pass next two checks
Junker Congress (.:J:.) 2d 10:05:55 Must pass next two checks

Factions Under Probation
These factions previously failed the activity check in one of the previous two quarters.
They passed this check and, if noted, must pass one more quarterly check to return to good standing.

Slomon K'Hara Nomads (K'Hara|) 9d 21:53:39Warning removed
Xeno Alliance (XA-) 7d 56:12:11Warning removed
Front de Liberation de Gallia ([FLG]))3d 05:24:45Warning removed
All Worlds Enterprises & Securities (AWES-) 3d 11:43:55 Must pass 1 more check
Bretonian Armed Forces (BAF|) 12d 5:07:29 Must pass 1 more check
5th Liberty Navy Fleet (5th|) 5d 22:06:09 Must pass 1 more check

Unofficial Factions Removed From Tracker
These unofficial factions did not meet the minimum activity requirement of one day in three months to remain on the tracker.

Battlegroup Revenant (|>R<|)
MacRory's Irregulars ([>MRI<])
Liberty Police Department (LPD|)
Zurich Accord (AdZ)

RE: Official Faction Activity Second Quarter 2024 - Czechmate - 07-01-2024

Is this the first time in history nobody lost officialdom and we had just two warnings?

RE: Official Faction Activity Second Quarter 2024 - TheKusari - 07-01-2024

There isn't two warnings, from what I read in the OP.

You fail a quarter, you *have to* pass the following two in order to bounce back. If you fail again during those following two, then you lose it.

RE: Official Faction Activity Second Quarter 2024 - TonyB - 07-01-2024

All seems correct to me.
But i would like to add the following remark.
During the holiday period from half december to half of january, the holiday days are not deducted from the total.
It seems only normal to do so, that's why factions like BAF , 5th and AWES did not meet the first quarter requirements.
If a vacation is allowed for POB's, it should also be allowed for factions.

RE: Official Faction Activity Second Quarter 2024 - Slimalou - 07-01-2024

I'm surprised Order| is not on the warning given its only played by a few players now adays.

RE: Official Faction Activity Second Quarter 2024 - Czechmate - 07-01-2024

3 players is enough still