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[TOP SECRET] Operation: Olympus - Printable Version

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[TOP SECRET] Operation: Olympus - Task Force Prometheus - 07-02-2024

[Image: PdU2YZD.png]

Operation: Olympus


Do not share outside of High Command on penalty of life imprisonment or execution.

Named for the mountain the Prometheus of legend summited to steal fire from the gods, Operation Olympus is the primary mission of Task Force Prometheus: To reclaim the captured citizens of the fallen Commonwealth of Liberty—our "fire"—from depths of the LPI internment camps on Planet Erie. Towards this end, there will be a series of 12 operational phases. The culmination of these efforts shall be freedom for our people and, if possible, the Liberation of Erie.

Before it can begin, we must gather allies: The Technocracy, Zoners, Zoner Militants, Bundschuh, and Red Hessians. We would also like to maintain at least neutral relations with the Junkers in order to launch from their bases, but this seems unlikely. We must additionally secure corporate support from ALG, Orbital Spa & Cruise, and Deep Space Engineering. We must also acquire sufficient materiel with which to launch the assault.

We have thus far been largely successful in these endeavors. Junkers have proven recalcitrant, and we have not received the level of support we would like from the Hessians, but the Zoners have been more helpful than anticipated. While we are still encountering mistrust from the Militants on account of Libertonian propaganda efforts, this is to be expected. Time will hopefully dispel such doubts, but if not, they should not prove problematic as long as they do not interfere with cooperation. Platform ships are already basing out of Pinnacle, and have joined us on raids.

Corporate sponsors have been surprisingly inverted from what we expected. DSE was the most hesitant, unusually. ALG pledged support but were concerned about their capacity following the Civil War in Rheinland. Orbital has been the most receptive; while they are as concerned with their own neutrality as ever, they have proven more than happy to make under-the-table arrangements, especially in their own benefit. Their support—and that of the Zoners of Phoenix—will prove instrumental in our efforts.

With the acquisition of docking rights on Pinnacle and the declaration of siege on the Bounty Hunter base over Erie, this operation is officially underway. Further details are listed below.

RE: [TOP SECRET] Operation: Olympus - Denelo - 07-03-2024

Phase I
Hera Eukelados

[Image: rc8uayF.jpeg]
The Bounty Hunter base is destroyed, and so we can begin Phase I. To sing our hymns of liberation from the heavens, we have acquired a Regent-class yacht from Orbital. It is currently undergoing refitting at El Alto Research Facility in Inverness. A broadcast studio and associated equipment are being installed, as is a cloaking device to ensure its safety from Republic retaliation. We anticipate this process shall take not more than one week.

This floating stealth studio shall be christened Radio Guadalajara in honor of the home whose very name was stolen from us by the junta and whose land and people were taken by the Republic's brutality. We will share airtime with prominent resistance figures within the Pennsylvania Liberation Front, as we believe Zoners will listen most keenly to their own. Content restrictions will be in place to ensure no topics malign to the Commonwealth's values will be shared beneath our banner, but otherwise we will allow them a high degree of latitude in topics of interest.

An interesting proposition from a freelancer organization has presented an opportunity. We will consider combining it with a deal with the Starfliers as part of the Hephaestus phase of the operation. We will reach out to both organizations shortly.

RE: [TOP SECRET] Operation: Olympus - Denelo - 07-09-2024

Finally, the broadcast equipment is aboard. One of the more difficult tasks of this vessel is to broadcast without immediately lighting up like a beacon to every single ship, station, and satellite in the system with basic radio sensors. How do you hide your location when the entire goal is to shine a radio-frequency light to every ship in the system? We could use relay satellites, but deep behind enemy lines, there is little doubt that they would be found and destroyed quickly. Transmissions would be brief and expensive, so this option was quickly discarded.

The answer: Reflection and scattering. Instead of a "lighthouse"-style transmission, we will send small groupings of narrow-beam broadcasts tightly focused at various local celestial bodies. Properly aimed and with a powerful-enough broadcast, this should allow a system-wide scattering off of the requisite surfaces that would be difficult to pinpoint. While it is still possible that, with sufficient computing power, the LSF could use ray-tracing to identify our position, we will use additional countermeasures (detailed below) to mitigate these risks.

While this still runs the risk of interception should a hostile ship pass directly between us and one of our reflection sites (assuming they survive what is for all intents and purposes a powerful long-range laser)—a risk elevated by using a large number of reflection points, though not unnecessarily so—our other countermeasures should prevent this information from being useful to the enemy.

With broadcasting addressed, we must now turn out attention to defensive measures. As an information warfare ship, we expect this to be a high-priority target; as such, protection is of high importance. A yacht is unlikely to be able to hold its own against heavy vessels, and will instead call in aid when so confronted. Instead, we will arm it with point defense weaponry, designed to hold off snubcraft-scale attackers in a local engagement. Heavy shields will compliment these armaments, as ultimately the goal is not victory, but survival until reinforcements arrive.

To minimize the chances of such an encounter, however, Hera's primary defenses will electronic, thermal, and optical countermeasures. Even now, an advanced cloaking device is under construction at El Alto Research Facility for the vessel's use, and powerful anti-munition countermeasures have been mounted as well. Thrusters will be strengthened against enemy fire, as will engines, and a jump beacon will be mounted when available in order to call for aid in case of emergency.

Augmenting these more high-tech options will be old-school guerilla tactics. We can never remain in one place for too long, but must instead stay constantly on the move. This will ensure that if any of our broadcasts are traced back to us, we are already far too invisible and too-long gone to pose a direct threat to Hera.

Another important component of Hera's survival is prior warning. While our own Spyglass technology is far too cumbersome to fit on a transport, and several years out of date even before the Fall due to the Insurgency's failure to maintain core projects, a "minified" variant based on the unit we gave the Lane Hackers exists on the black market. Already security teams are going over it for any sign of Hacker tampering, but such efforts are imperfect against as specialist enemy like the Lane Hackers; we may need to simply take the risk, understanding that, while high-value to us and high-threat to the Navy and LSF, this would likely be a low-value asset to the Lane Hackers. We will take all the precautions possible, but the risk is always there when using technology derived from Hacker tech. As soon as the Pandion is back online, we will be prepared to replace this potentially-compromised unit with a relay for our own full-sized Spyglass.

Unfortunately, these and the broadcast equipment together leave little room for a jump drive. Inter-system movement will have to be via traditional routes, presenting one of our primary threat environments. We will need to use escort fighters and scouts to protect the vessel while inbound and outbound from a given system, limiting our operating environment until this issue is addressed. We will begin by moving it to Pinnacle. Pennsylvania is our primary operational theater for the duration of Operation Olympus, and that is the only realistic base of operations within the system at present.

Slow progress has made our original estimation appear unrealistic. An additional several days will be required; exact date to be determined, but we have set the deadline back an additional week in order to reduce mistakes that might otherwise compromise the project.