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TO : Task Force Prometheus | FROM : Artemis Alliance - Printable Version

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TO : Task Force Prometheus | FROM : Artemis Alliance - Artemis Alliance - 07-02-2024

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Sender : President Frank Fullard

Recipient : Task Force Prometheus

Subject : An Introduction

Encryption : Triple Hardened

Message : Good day to the Task Force Prometheus,

I am President of the Artemis Alliance and I am Frank Fullard.
I am communicating to you today, to formerly introduce myself and my organisation. My organisation has made endeavours on the front of making extreme amounts of money, and equipping ourselves with certain technology, which seems to be worrying a few houses.

After initial trials we have established a command ship that has stealth capabilities, and is able to launch our technological vessels from the hangar bays. These vessels are Intel gathering drones, and we have been using them to good effect so far. We also have established certain drone areas around certain houses where the drones operate, but I will not divulge their locations as of yet.
Contacting certain houses has been difficult as it seems they do not trust us, which has led us to warrant a shift from our democracy. This shift means that, we can gather intel about said house on behalf of other organisations or individuals.
I can confirm that the Bretonian Armed Forces have basically shunned us, also it seems Law Enforcement in Liberty has been very concious about our drones. And these houses have not welcomed our services.

With all this in mind, we have made the bold move to communicate with you now, because we feel that these houses are sapping the strength of the good people that they are supposed to serve. WE as a Freelance group, should be able to roam freely within areas and gather intel that could be useful for your'e cause.

Believe me I understand your'e pain as I am ex-military myself and left on grounds of misconduct, as I punched my superior officer after he ordered me to leave my men to die, of which I did not do and managed to rescue ten of them, who actually work for me now.

I have had enough of Bureaucrats and Ministers and Governments, and feel it is time to turn the tide on these leeches who suck the population dry and think they can get away with it.

Ahem, ... Sorry thats my rant over, but to be honest, I would like you to respond to me as soon as possible and see if we can work out some sort of at least trial period, where we can possibly be some use to you.
If you require more intimate details of what we CAN do, I am quite sure I can provide that. We as an organisation have also decided that, we recognise your policies and would fully support it.

Awaiting your'e response.

Frank Fullard

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RE: TO : Task Force Prometheus | FROM : Artemis Alliance - Artemis Alliance - 07-07-2024

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