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In With Spies Yet Not A Spy - Printable Version

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In With Spies Yet Not A Spy - Slimalou - 07-05-2024

[Omicron Mu, Planet Akabat]

Location: Narson Residence, Planet Akabat.

The door to the descent sized apartment opened allowing Captain Eddy Narson to enter. The Order captain quickly spotted his grand father standing at the window as if he were still an Admiral overlooking his crew. Eddy did not say anything as he walked into the apartment and sat down at the long couch. The new apparent was much larger then his old one, one of the perks of being promoted, yet he decided it wouldn't be wise to get used to it after what he did. He might be tossed out of the first fleet or even made prisoner.

"You did something you weren't supposed to do." Eddy's grandfather spoke, it was not a question.

"Is it that easy to tell?" Eddy asked.

"In a way. We Mullers are not known for our spotless record. I had that look on your face more then a few time in my time with the Rheinland military." Petter Muller turned around, he was looking much better since he was put on Order healthcare. Not that Rheinland healthcare was but it just wasn't as advanced as the Order's. The retired admiral approached the kitchen and retrieved a bottle of Rheinland beer before making his away over to his grandson and handing him one of the two bottles he brought.

"I'm not much of a drinker, could never get past that burning feeling." Eddy commented looking at the bottle.

"I would enjoy it now. Who knows how your Order command will take this." Petter replied taking his own seat. "Now, how badly did you step out of line?" Eddy's eyes looked around. "Don't worry about the bugs, I took them out a long time ago."

Eddy sighted as he opened the bottle of beer and took a quick drink. He cringed at the burning feeling that followed. "Broke containment procedures on the Nomad system of Iola, brought a Rheinland Military pilot with me to show him the Nomad mega structure they have hiding in the system next door. In a possibly vane attempt to try and speed along Rheinland's opinion of the Order."

"I see, where you caught?" Peter asked.

Eddy shook his head. "No, not yet anyways, but I'm no spy so looking back on everything I slipped up a few times. For one I completely forgot that the Order constantly monitors the Iola jump gate. The only thing I did right there was in not taking my own fighter and keeping my ship's IFF broadcaster off, only ships in the area would have seen the ship's Order IFF even then it was not registered to one pilot. Otherwise they just saw a Order and RM fighter enter the gate and leave some time after. After that I brought the RM pilot back to Simga-15 and tried to cover myself by offering some training tips to some local corsair pilots. After that I got a ping on my messages, apparently I was reported absent on my ship, from a new deck hand of all people. I made up a report that did not state the full truth but neither did I lie anywhere on it. At the moment the review agent is waving off the matter of some newly promoted captain running a little free with his new promotion, or the report is making its away up the chain of command and I am soon to get a summons. If anything I submitted myself to an infected test as soon as I got back and was cleared soon after."

"Hmm, I cannot speak for The Order's command structure but if I put what you did into Rheinlander terms. You broke a embargo on a system with a bunch of very good infiltrators in it and brought a officially hostile pilot with you, all this without approval from high command." Peter summarized to which Eddy nodded. "Well if you are caught, which I might assume you were given how the Order seems to go. You will be summoned and if you are lucky they will allow you to explain yourself. As they say the road to hell is paved with good intentions and you will have an uphill battle in explaining yourself."

"How do I go about that?"

"Well get into an argument of course." Peter quickly. "You must turn this into an argument if they mean to condemn you, if you let yourself be judged then nothing you say will matter. Your goal was to make RM High Command take this threat truly seriously, then you argue this point and this point only. Admit you have erred in the eyes of command but not in principle and integrity. If time is on your side then RM will be quick to contact the Order about this. If they do then this might end with you only getting a slap on the wrist. Failing that you must argue that your principles in this, a man can be excused for breaking the laws of man but he cannot be excused for going against his conscience."

Eddy nodded, and looked towards the door. Half expecting an Order marine team to come through at any moment.