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TO: Bethlehem Station, PLA - Printable Version

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TO: Bethlehem Station, PLA - EisenSeele - 07-05-2024

Encrypted TEXT ONLY

.......● RECIPIENTS:.........Bethlehem Relay
.......● SENDER:-..............Ernst Riemann
.......● LOCATION:............LV-Ymir, Pennsylvania
.......● PRIORITY:..............█ █ █ █
.......● SUBJECT:..............RE: Introductions

To whom it may concern;

I am Ernst Riemann, of the Platform vessel Ymir. I contact you on behalf of the Platform, a shard of the greater Bundeschuh political movement.
In pursuant to your aims of self determination and freedom from Libertonian encroachment, we have elected to pledge ourselves to aid your efforts to liberate Pennsylvania - if you will have us. We are an experienced combat crew specializing in assymetrical attrition warfare and insurgency, and it is our hope that we can be of service.

If this is the case, we would like to request a temporary docking point on Bethlehem Station to serve as our base of operations while we coordinate with your efforts.


Ernst Riemann, The Platform

Message End

RE: TO: Bethlehem Station, PLA - Fab - 07-05-2024

Neutron Open Source Neural Net AP v1.0.3
"Privacy is a right"

[Image: plfflag.png]

▐ To: Ernst Riemann
▐ From: Pennsylvania Liberation Front, "ANVIL"
▐ Subject: RE: Introductions

Data stream:

We've been expecting you.

You're free to approach the station. The dockmaster has been made aware of your arrival. Moor at point E. Don't be followed.


For freedom,

stream terminated

RE: TO: Bethlehem Station, PLA - Traxit - 07-05-2024

Neutron Open Source Neural Net AP v1.0.4
"Privacy is a right"

[Image: TIBUcR0.png]


⤥ Ernst Riemann
[Image: plfflag.png]




⤥ RE: RE: Introductions

Data stream:

Hello and Welcome! Welcome! Come aboard!

I figure yer the oh-so-kind flotilla our mutual friend has dispatched towards us?
In any case, you will be expectin' a warm welcome into our ports.

Since we will be coordinating face-to-face in the upcoming future, I shall introduce myself plainly - Tomas Fergusson, of the Liberation Front. I am one of the many spokes figures that do all the talking and speaking in the name of our movement. I am also the man who likely prompted yer visit to our lovely little oppressed-ville. He chuckles.
I'll provide ya some directions so that ya dun' git lost;
  • You can find Bethlehem at sector Gee-Two, orbiting Planet Tyrone. It's just north ov the Helium field behind Erie.
  • Pinnacle Station is above Planet Hallam, the gloomy-lookin' moon infront of yer face, assuming you come from Texas.
Please, don't hesitate to ask for questions or accommodations that would soften yer landing.

Fer a free Erie,
"Testament", P.L.F

stream terminated

RE: TO: Bethlehem Station, PLA - Fab - 07-05-2024

Neutron Open Source Neural Net AP v1.0.3
"Privacy is a right"

[Image: plfflag.png]

▐ To: Ernst Riemann
▐ From: Pennsylvania Liberation Front, "FLAGBEARER"
▐ Subject: RE: Introductions

Data stream:

Greetings, captain Ernst Riemann. This is the command group Flagbearer. We're in charge of basic training.

We have heard of your imminent arrival. After studying your profile, we extend the invitation to train our newest recruits.

Unfortunately, we've taken losses in the recent times. Our most experienced combat crews are often occupied with deployments with elevated risk. Currently, there's a lack of expert and veteran officers and crew members to train the new wave of recruits and volunteers. This is where you and your crew comes in.

If setting a few of your crew aside to train the recruits is an impossibility, we have an alternate option. Our engineers will add a tracking computer on your ship, which would allows us to access and review your combat data and performance. Of course, this option isn't as effective as practical training, and would take longer for our recruits to reach combat-ready status in comparison.

Please, consider our offer.

For Erie,

stream terminated