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NWB| ↔ Order || Communication Channel - Printable Version

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NWB| ↔ Order || Communication Channel - Shelco - 07-06-2024

Message Received

[Image: aQKeM98.png]
Recipient: The Order; Grand-Admiral Golanski
Sender: Paul Botzler, Leader of the New Resistance Movement
Origin: Bruchsal Base, Frankfurt

[Image: gOai8jD.png]

Respected representatives of the Order,
esteemed Grand Admiral Golanski,

as I assume that most of you do not know me yet - my name is Paul Botzler and I am the leader of the new resistance movement within the Bundschuh.

This contact should have been made some time ago, but we have been more than busy with internal organizational issues. Our movement is barely three years old and has therefore had to overcome a number of administrative hurdles to allow ourselves to approach the Order.

But I don't want to beat about the bush too much. There are important issues to discuss.

The Order has always been the most important ally for the Bundschuh outside of Rheinland. Our cooperation has proven not only beneficial, but vital to the survival of humanity.

The new resistance movement aims to continue and consolidate this relationship with the Order. For us, it is essential that the Order continues to stand by the Bundschuh, and vice versa.

I was therefore all the more shocked by the news that there has apparently been a confrontation between the Order and our comrades in the "Platform".

I don't wish to draw any premature conclusions here. I am disinclined to speak directly about this kind of conflict in our first official attempt at communication, but the situation is urgent, not only in Rheinland, but also in Liberty and Bretonia, there are currently major freedom movements underway that require our attention.

It would therefore be a pleasure to get this inconvenience out of the way as quickly as possible so that we may discuss our cooperation.

I look forward to your reply.

With regards,

Paul Botzler
Leader of the New Resistance Movement

No files attached.

End Message

RE: NWB| ↔ Order || Communication Channel - Omicron - 07-12-2024

[Image: KAQ2z4i.png?1]

New Resistance

Incident involving Platform involved their vessels opening fire on makeshift agreement our operatives made with Corsairs to deal with ongoing Nomad infestation at the time. Alone it was doubtful they would have succeeded and needed all the help they could enlist, any political divides be damned. The Order agents on scene appeared to overreact and defended Corsairs from sudden attack of the Platform mid-battle. In my opinion both sides could have handled it better and from the side of The Order at least, we took notes for the future.

As for the Platform itself… Personally, we see little reason to trust them. By their own manifest and rhetoric, they are a fringe anarchist organisation hell bent on dismantling any form of authority. I do not have reasons to believe The Order is any form exempt from this in the long run, nor is any potential Rheinland state that mainline Bundschuh party envisions for the future. Despite everything, I do not foresee any probability of armed conflict due to both Order and Platform having different priorities for the time being. Nonetheless it is not exactly a fertile ground for mutual understanding. I would be happy to be proven otherwise but idealists have to be taken at face value.

As for the Bundschuh itself… Protocols pertaining to the alliance with Bundschuh are still in effect and never had been rescinded. Historically your organisation as a whole has been loyal and dependable. Neither are any of our goals incompatible. The only question remains where exactly we stand as of now. Every Bundschuh group over the years had somewhat different ideas about precise details of our relationship and I believe we should discuss this in detail to establish how we can mutually assist each other to best effect. Due to our shared history, we will play with open cards. This is the least we owe you.

Grand Admiral Michal Golanski
Black Fleet OHC

RE: NWB| ↔ Order || Communication Channel - Shelco - 07-12-2024

Message Received

[Image: aQKeM98.png]
Recipient: Grand-Admiral Golanski
Sender: Paul Botzler, Leader of the New Resistance Movement
Origin: Bruchsal Base, Frankfurt

[Image: gOai8jD.png]

Esteemed Grand Admiral Golanski,

Your message reassures me insofar as I am glad to rule out a direct confrontation between the Bundschuh and the Order. Our group hasn't had too close ties with the platform, so I do not want to jump to any hasty conclusions.

Regarding our cooperation, the New Resistance Movement firmly stands alongside the Order in the fight for humanity and hopes for the same support from the Order for our cause.

I would like to undertake a journey to the Omicron systems, to your homeland. I have not maintained contact with the good people in the Order as I should have for years. I speak for myself here. Now that the primary groundwork for our movement has been completed, we should bring our cooperation to an appropriate level.

We have several approaches for this.

Within our movement, there are naturally some activists with a history with the Order who therefore advocate for more vigorous support. I am speaking of armed support if necessary. Similarly, my esteemed colleague Merryweather, who is set to chair our party, has expressed a desire for closer cooperation on an economic basis with a focus on effective supply lines.

Accordingly, I am willing to station a few activists in your area if desired. Our cargo ships would like access to the Order's supply lines and, of course, will help procure necessary materials for the Order if needed.

I have one more concern regarding the Neural-Net infrastructure. The Order uses extremely high-quality signature distortions and is technologically up to date in terms of data traffic security within the Neural-Net. Certainly, there are aspects you may wish or need to keep secret from us. We understand that. Nevertheless, we would be grateful if you would help the New Resistance Movement establish an equally strong network infrastructure so that we do not have to worry about digital terrorism and can better conceal our work from Rheinland's secret services.

If you have any comments regarding the delegation, in which I would like to personally participate, please let me know. Should you or an authorized representative be unable to receive us, I am willing to travel with an escort to the border on my own. We should be able to defend ourselves.

Nevertheless, it will certainly be practical to meet in person in the future. This can wait if necessary.

I look forward to your response.

With regards,

Paul Botzler
Leader of the New Resistance Movement

No files attached.

End Message

RE: NWB| ↔ Order || Communication Channel - Omicron - 07-13-2024

[Image: KAQ2z4i.png?1]


Your movement may station as many staff as you deem it necessary to support your own operations in the region. We have sufficient capabilities to house them on Akabat if need arises, whether it is a mere visit, business or wish to wait out some more turbulent witch hunt in Rheinland. You are advised to arm yourself appropriately, border worlds and beyond can be unforgiving. Passage to Order space is notoriously difficult due to current jumphole phase alignment. Advised route entirely depends on the size of the craft you insist on bringing along.
  • The safest in our opinion - if you would tolerate a detour - is to visit Blood Dragon space. I think our common accomplices in Kusari still have you in their good books? This passage however is stable only for smaller craft up to a freighter in size. This risks an encounter with Kusari Naval Forces but should be navigable for a skilled smuggler. Last stretch of the way takes you through Nomad space on a route frequented by Order patrols.

  • Second passage permits transports and capital ships unhindered. Omicron Theta is a war torn region recently made infamous by the latest outburst of violence between Corsairs, Zoners and the Outcasts. However we maintain a small garrison on Pygar, with the next outpost in Omicron Delta. Route from that point onwards hasn’t changed much since your last visit.

Trade wise, our analysts state that Bundschuh could potentially source following materials from your own supply lines, or Bundschuh-adjacent groups like Junkers, Hessians or ALG
  • Fort Carthage has an industrial plant dedicated to revising and refurbishing older or civilian grade munitions into far deadlier stock than those offered on the black market like in Kaiserslautern: I believe we can come to mutually beneficial agreement concerning upgrading your arsenal. In addition it is always in need of additional robotics to keep the entire station at full efficiency at any given time. Last time we checked, Bruschal is the top source for those outside the scope of law.

  • Akabat offers surplus energy field equipment of high quality, a critical component in manufacture of energy weapons, shields, batteries and other important electronic devices. We are very much interested in maintaining trade with the Heisenberg research station in Cologne. Bio-neural processors and pharmaceuticals are in demand here for mutual trading relations.

  • Then there’s also the matter of Dabadoru. It is in constant need of supplies to keep passage open, like munitions from Fort Carthage. The only interesting ware worth stocking up in Omicron Delta is Iridium. It's both in demand back at our shipyard, and by ALG closer to your home depending whether you are on your way in or out.

  • Furthermore: food, MOX, H-Fuel, High-temperature alloys, industrial materials, engine and hull components can also be sourced by Bundschuh locally according to our reports. There is much more, however it would require you to venture far out to the other Houses in the process. Your logistic officers will quickly catch the gist of it.
Armed Support

Armed support is always welcome. The Order’s diplomacy didn’t change much: Nomads, Core, Auxesia and their respective minions are all marked for merciless termination for their treason against mankind. Outcasts aren’t as much of a threat as they were before, Corsairs and Malta’s own recent shortcomings are keeping them extremely busy these days. Maybe they will take the hint to not interfere in our affairs from this point onwards. Bounty Hunters on other hand are ever-present scourge and this is unlikely to change.


Encryption is a difficult but necessary task to remain alive and operational in our line of work. I do not see a reason to deny your request, although keep in mind that it requires ongoing maintenance to upgrade your systems and protocols to keep yourself safe from what you have yourself aptly named: ‘digital terrorism’. I will speak with our experts, see if they can come up with something that could work for you. It cannot be an exact copy of our system: it would inevitably compromise both of our networks.

We will be in touch.

Grand Admiral Michal Golanski
Black Fleet OHC

RE: NWB| ↔ Order || Communication Channel - Shelco - 07-14-2024

Message Received

[Image: aQKeM98.png]
Recipient: Grand-Admiral Golanski
Sender: Paul Botzler, Leader of the New Resistance Movement
Origin: Bruchsal Base, Frankfurt

[Image: gOai8jD.png]

Esteemed Grand Admiral Golanski,

thank you for your swift response. I'm very much glad that we have found an understanding already.

I will take your advice regarding the trade routes and re-direct the information into our local network as soon as your operatives manage to update our infrastructure.

We will send an escort to your ship with the necessary tools and equipment for the installation process and escort it to Bruchsal.

One thing that I am not certain about how to react to is your statement about the Technocracy. We've had contact with the Technocracy already and established a contract over our mutual cooperation, which mostly focuses on us permitting them to use our stations as bases of operation for research purposes in the nearby systems. We haven't heard of anything suspicious or of activities that justify framing them as traitors against mankind.

Perhaps you wish to share the Order's insights about this group?

We will stay vigilant.

With regards,

Paul Botzler
Leader of the New Resistance Movement

No files attached.

End Message

RE: NWB| ↔ Order || Communication Channel - Shelco - 08-02-2024

> ./Message.Received .

> ./Establishing.Connection.Node-4728.../Connection.Successful.../Encrypting...
> ./Initiating.../RSSTNC3.bnd.../Recognized.NEW.RESISTANCE.Initializing...

> ./Sender.ID.Paul.Botzler.../Signal.Origin.Base.ID.Bruchsal

> ./Transmission.Secure.../BEGIN...



[Image: aQKeM98.png]

[Image: b4E0aSc.png]

Esteemed Grand-Admiral Golanski,

there are two separate issues we need to address to prevent any future misunderstandings. I have previously informed you of our position regarding the Technocracy, but you have not yet commented on it.

Additionally, we must discuss the Platform. The renowned member "Civil Servant" has re-established contact with me and expressed several concerns about the Order, none of which assure a partnership.

I have included the specific message in the attachments below. It is crucial for us to avoid unnecessary conflicts between the Order and the Bundschuh, so we find it imperative that you respond to the accusations made against the Order.

With respect,

Paul Botzler
Leader of the New Resistance

> ./Attachment.[1]

> ./End.Message.CONTENT....
> ./Terminating.Connection.Node-4728.../Disconnecting..../Encryption.Disabled..
> ./Connection.CLOSED...

> ./Message.End .

RE: NWB| ↔ Order || Communication Channel - Omicron - 08-16-2024

[Image: KAQ2z4i.png?1]

New Resistance

The issue that the representative of the Platform is bringing up I have already cleared up in my initial response to the NWB. I see no need of repeating myself. As for Auxesia, perhaps some history of theirs will display why there is so much bad blood here.

They are an offshoot of Core that went rogue to strike it out on their own. Their founder member, who is a confirmed infected, took sway over individuals whose nascent Core transhumanist ideology took better over the faction’s desire to amass wealth. If it wasn’t for them being nothing but unsuspecting playthings in the machinations of the Nomads, it would have ended there. Not only that, but their history is full of violence not only against their former corporate masters but also towards The Order. Even their regular members who have nothing to do with the Nomads disagree with The Order’s policy of preserving humankind by total eradication of the Nomads. We in turn, also detest their incessant obsession of replacing what little vestiges of humanity they have left with more chrome and steel when it is uncalled for, further removing themselves from our species by their own choice.

You would do best avoiding them to begin with. They are charlatans claiming to be masters of technology, where their technological and engineering marvels were built by another and more often than not stolen.

Grand Admiral Michal Golanski
Black Fleet OHC

RE: NWB| ↔ Order || Communication Channel - Shelco - 08-16-2024

> ./Message.Received .

> ./Establishing.Connection.Node-4728.../Connection.Successful.../Encrypting...
> ./Initiating.../RSSTNC3.bnd.../Recognized.NEW.RESISTANCE.Initializing...

> ./Sender.ID.Paul.Botzler.../Signal.Origin.Base.ID.Akabat

> ./Transmission.Secure.../BEGIN...



[Image: aQKeM98.png]

[Image: b4E0aSc.png]

Esteemed Grand-Admiral Golanski,

I have looked at the file, the evidence against “Sapphire Raven” seems to be quite conclusive. We were not until now aware that this was the leader of the Technocracy. We've been in contact with Navarch Valentine. I will pass this information on to my comrades as soon as possible.

I think the Platform should also be aware of this, we cannot allow any infiltrators on Bruchsal, the Bundschuh must not fall into the hands of the Nomads.

In the interest of maintaining a productive relationship, it's worth noting that the Platform has not received a response to their inquiries, as they have informed us. Perhaps a minor acknowledgment that both parties could have acted more appropriately might suffice to appease them, just as you have told us. However, we will no longer engage in diplomacy on their behalf and will put this issue to rest.

We will remain available via this channel and contact you, if need be.

Für Rheinland,

Paul Botzler
Leader of the New Resistance

> ./Attachment.NULL

> ./End.Message.CONTENT....
> ./Terminating.Connection.Node-4728.../Disconnecting..../Encryption.Disabled..
> ./Connection.CLOSED...

> ./Message.End .