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To: Shipping corporations / transport enthousiasts | From: MFE Academy, O-Theta - Printable Version

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To: Shipping corporations / transport enthousiasts | From: MFE Academy, O-Theta - Pennyfield - 07-07-2024

[Image: MFE-top-logo-noloop.gif]

* incoming transmission *

Comm ID ..... Jill Xi, PharmD
Location ....... Med Force General Academy, Omicron Theta
To ...................... Shipping corporations or transport enthousiasts
Subject .......... Water delivery contract - bidding opened

Good day,

As the MFE Academy in Omicron-Theta continues to expand, we are in need of a reliable and steady supply of water. Given the recent price increases in the system, we are reaching out to discuss the possibility of establishing a partnership for regular and affordable water deliveries to our station.

We are interested in receiving a price quote for regular deliveries, including the price per unit and the number of units you can supply on a weekly basis. Our goal is to secure a partnership with a supplier who can provide 50,000 to 100,000 units of water per week at a competitive rate.

We value both affordability and sustainability in our suppliers and look forward to discussing how we can work together to meet our water supply needs.

Thank you for your time and consideration. We look forward to your response.

Best regards,

[Image: Jill-Signed.png]

Jill Xi, PharmD,
Director, Med Force General Academy, Omicron Theta
Med Force Enterprises

Med Force Enterprises welcomes your help!
Send your donation to [MFE]Donations and join the cause to build hope where little may exist.

RE: To: Shipping corporations / transport enthousiasts | From: MFE Academy, O-Theta - Aazalot - 07-20-2024

[Image: OSI-header-Celcius-Abonwood.png]

To: Jill Xi
Subject: Water for MFE

Dr Xi
As always, it is a pleasure to hear from you and Med Force. I would like to put forward OSI's bid for transporting Water to the Academy. I have had my best Numbers guy go through and calculate what we can offer.
What he came up with is 15 Credits Per Unit of Water though this might change but I will let you know if any changes occur.
Consider this our Bid and I hope It will accommodate what you need.

Celcius Abonwood - Chief Executive Officer - Omicron Supply Industries

[Image: OSI-footer-generic.png]

[Image: hiring1.png]

RE: To: Shipping corporations / transport enthousiasts | From: MFE Academy, O-Theta - Pennyfield - 07-21-2024

[Image: MFE-top-logo-noloop.gif]

* incoming transmission *

Comm ID ..... Jill Xi, PharmD
Location ....... Med Force General Academy, Omicron Theta
To ...................... OSI director Celcius Abonwood
Subject .......... Re: Water for MFE

Good evening director Abonwood,

Thank you for your reply. Your offer is accepted and the buy price per unit has been adjusted to satisfy your pilots with an instant payout. This will ensure they don't have to mess about with delivery notifications and invoices.
The current water tank capacity is 200.000 units and last I checked it was filled to 44 percent of total capacity.

We look forward to the deliveries.

Kindest regards,

[Image: Jill-Signed.png]

Jill Xi, PharmD,
Director, Med Force General Academy, Omicron Theta
Med Force Enterprises

Med Force Enterprises welcomes your help!
Send your donation to [MFE]Donations and join the cause to build hope where little may exist.

RE: To: Shipping corporations / transport enthousiasts | From: MFE Academy, O-Theta - Orex Industries - 07-28-2024

Incoming Transmission
Origin: Freeport 11, Omicron Delta
Signal strength: Strong

[Image: os43XgG.png]

Dear Ms. Xi,

I hope you're doing well. This transmission was presented to me today, hence the late response.

As I mentioned in our previous conversation, Orex Industries has access to vast reserves of water due to the proximity of the Palau Ice field to its main base of operations - the Tokelau Smelter. Unfortunately, the storage capacity on Tokelau is fairly limited, mainly because of the Iridium storage that takes priority.

For this reason, Orex can offer a stable supply of only 50.000 units of water each week for the price of 13 credits per single unit.

As I said, the storage on Tokelau is limited, we'll be able to store as many as 50.000 units of water which will then be loaded onto our ships, ready to be delivered to you.

Now, this is all subject to change - the quantity number as we're prepared to if this all goes well, invest in a dedicated water storage that would hold up more than 50.000 units of water and therefore, be able to provide MFE with much larger quantities of said water.

I await your response, Mrs. Xi,

Terminating message
Closing transmission

RE: To: Shipping corporations / transport enthousiasts | From: MFE Academy, O-Theta - Pennyfield - 07-28-2024

[Image: MFE-top-logo-noloop.gif]

* incoming transmission *

Comm ID ..... Jill Xi, PharmD
Location ....... Med Force General Academy, Omicron Theta
To ...................... Mr. Zavala, Orex Industries
Subject .......... Re: Water delivery contract - bidding opened

Good day Mr. Zavala, Luis,

I very much appreciate your offer to supply the academy with 50k units of water on a weekly basis. Your price is certainly competitive yet I understand that it is important that MFE pays the right amount. For this reason the dockmaster has been instructed to keep the buy price per unit at 15 SC. The payout per delivery is instant on our station which means that delivery reports are not needed.

Warm regards,

[Image: Jill-Signed.png]

Jill Xi, PharmD,
Director, Med Force General Academy, Omicron Theta
Med Force Enterprises

Med Force Enterprises welcomes your help!
Send your donation to [MFE]Donations and join the cause to build hope where little may exist.

RE: To: Shipping corporations / transport enthousiasts | From: MFE Academy, O-Theta - Orex Industries - 07-28-2024

Incoming Transmission
Origin: Freeport 11, Omicron Delta
Signal strength: Strong

[Image: os43XgG.png]

Dear Ms. Xi,

I appreciate the quick response.

The price of 15 credits per unit of water is, of course, acceptable, therefore Orex Industries shall provide 50.000 units of water each week to Med Force Academy.

Though you say delivery reports aren't necessary, Orex Industries keeps track of all its deliveries. That said, if there's a need for delivery documentation at any point, you may request it from me and I will happily oblige.

Lastly, I would like to ask you to provide the amount of water on the base in real time i.e. to highlight it so that we know whether the tanks are full.

Should there be any changes, I shall inform you accordingly.

Terminating message
Closing transmission