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ZCS-Forerunner's Demise, Unit|777's Revival - Printable Version

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ZCS-Forerunner's Demise, Unit|777's Revival - Hitman-76 - 07-11-2024

796 A.S
ZCS-Forerunner's Demise

[Image: ZCS-Forerunner-wreck.png]

Knowledge, a fragment of science that has been sought after for centuries. Knowledge, a piece of the puzzle for solving problems and advancing technology through the ways of scientific advancement. However, knowledge, like everything else, has its price...

705 A.S
ZCS-Forerunner's Construction Completed

Very few "Colony" ships existed and most of them were unknown in existence or origin, "Forerunner" was no different. These ships were highly valued by the Zoners as large space farers and independent mobile cities, their secrets were not to be given up easily to anyone by any means. Being one of the earlier models, the vessel would be designed for specifically deep space survey and exploration. Despite the need for ongoing research deep into the unknown, this ship wasn't used for nearly a hundred years. However, this ship would be destined to be forgotten and lost by an eerie demise. The "Forerunner" and its crew were all doomed to be short lived. The Colony ship was given the necessities to last a long time in the empty void. Specifications that were given include but are not limited to, the ability to jump at long ranges for exploration, long range scanners and radar systems, hangar bays for small fighter craft as big as a freighter. Then there was the crew, the team that was given the task of manning the Colony ship included a large amount of crew consisting of engineers, machinery operators, guns men for self-defense, and enthusiastic scientists/analysts/surveying teams. The particular team that would be using this ship would have Oscar Muskov, or Dr. Muskov as their head scientist. Oscar was a family bloodline descendant of the "Hispania" sleeper ship, now wrecked in Omicron Alpha.

[Image: Sleeper-ship-Hispania.png]

796 A.S
ZCS-Forerunner's surveillance of Gammu

Gammu, a planet that was not deemed worthy of previous discoverers exploitation of Gammu's resources, nor the expense of colonization. Dr. Muskov, thought differently however, and was curious what may be further deeper of Gammu. Hearing the rumors of a Rheinland expedition returning with numerous artifacts, is what inspired the lead scientist to explore Gammu hoping to find ancient relics of his own. Believing they were the first to deeply scan the planet, the entire crew was excited at what they found deep within the crust of the planet, deeper below the ice. A large and fast cavernous network was found using the most advanced GPR system at the time (Ground penetrating Radar) and was deemed worthy of exploration.

[Image: Gammu.png]

796 A.S (Months Later)
ZCS-Forerunner's surveillance of Gammu (Continued)

Preparations were eventually made to a "Dromedary" class freighter, and was sent to the surface. On the way towards the atmospheric entry point, a distress call was sent from the ship, replaying a frantic and short message. "This is Epl- *blackout* - I repeat, this is Epsilon one we are- *blackout* -attack from unknown ships!! No life *ckkkk* - forms detected, get the Forerunner- *blackout* -warn every- *ckkkk* back at ba-*exploding*" The freighter was shot down by unidentifiable ships, no match could be marked with any ship from the Sirius sector. Lots of the crew aboard the Colony ship were appalled at the transmission, others were enraged at the fact that lives were lost as well as expensive equipment, the equipment being secondary. Arguing took place throughout the entirety of the ship, and for a long time nobody could calm anyone done until Muskov got on the loud internal comms to prevent what could have transformed into a mutiny.

[Image: Dromedary-on-fire.png]

796 A.S (Next Day)
The Vote

It was unclear as to what exactly happened to the Freighter and its crew, as in, who shot them down. Scans indicated that it was clearly mercilessly destroyed, as there were no signs of any wreckage. No survivors or escape pods were found either, as the ship wreckage had burned in the atmosphere being rendered to nothing, this fate was also most likely shared with the crew. Muskov, angered by this loss, called for a meeting of all upper classing scientists whether to risk staying and simply being more prepared for an unknown enemy. Or to take the safe route, which would involve leaving the system entirely. Many aboard the ship were still arguing to this matter, but a simple vote is all anyone could hope for now, as it would change the fates forever. There were twenty-seven scientists in total aboard the ship and all participated in the vote. Muskov being one of these as the head, decided to vote last, as he would then see how everyone else felt about the whole situation. After some discussion of how the voting would proceed, each wrote a number categorized to a plan. The options were simple, number zero to leave, and number one to stay. Hours passed before the voting ended, as everyone was thinking about the consequences about both options. If they were to stay, they all risked their lives and had a predicted low chance of returning home. If they were to leave, all the riches and possible value of alien artifacts would be left for someone else to discover. They all knew returning home with a missing ship and crew would be a bad mark on their record. That would defunct any chances of returning to Gammu, and the team would be known as a failure. The votes were eventually all put in, and ready for counting. Except for one, Muskov's vote.

796 A.S (End of Voting)
The Vote

The votes are placed in, and the counting begins.

|::Initialize{UPLOAD}::| . . . |::("ZCS-Forerunner's.Internal.Comms")::|

.................|::{UPLOAD}Status.Completed::| . . . |::Initialize{PLAY.COMMS.RECORDING}::|

"Hello hello, everyone" said the announcer while looking around the helm, nervously, waving to any and all scientists and crew waiting for the results. "I have the final results here." Speaking into the internal comms unit, everyone was listening, shaking from excitement, fear, or unable to feel a thing at all. The announcer was holding up in his left hand a small remote, waving it around. "Most of you should recognize this, it goes to that projector screen right over there." With his right hand, he vaguely gestures towards the screen, and it draws everyone's attention.

They all stare at it in fear, watching it as if the screen was to come alive and eat them all. The announcer continues, "With this remote, I will turn on that screen... and you shall all see, the final re-results." This stammering made everyone panic a little, but they all did their best to not show it. Meanwhile, Muskov is standing in the far corner of the helm, leaning against it even. Muskov thinks for a minute, 'Stammering in something as important as this, is never a good sign... especially if you're the one whose stammering and you have something of importance to say.' Nearly having a breakdown, and after wiping a tear or two, the announcer finally manages to get ahold of himself. "Well, here goes..." With eyes shut he points the remote towards the projector screen and puts his right hand over his heart. Naturally, everyone else shortly followed. They all knew this was a big moment, bigger than any of them could dream of.

Muskov conjectures powerful, but meaningful words in his head. 'Whatever happens, may God be with us today. May fate be kind to us.' For a moment everyone was very still, and very tense. Nobody was talking, crying, or even gasping to hold their breath. The announcer, however, knew he had to share their fate. He pressed the button which made the screen come to life. Instantly as people could read the results, they all stood up shouting their murmurs and cries of outrage. Everyone was so loud, that the mic from the internal comm system picked them up and projected their angry voices throughout the ship. "This isn't right! How can this be so?!" yelled someone, "I want to go home, this is nonsense!" yelled another. "Is this some sort of joke kid? Where are the real results?! " Yelled an older man from the back.

Unable to take the stress any longer, the announcer throws down the remote and is yelling as he runs for the exit elevator, "Please don't kill me! I don't have anything to do with this! Was all of you who voted not me!" The results were clear, and outright shocking. Exactly half voted to leave, and the other to stay. Angry crew and scientists alike all forgot something, there is one vote still missing. Still leaning against the wall observing the board, even in the midst of all this chaos, Muskov bellows out loud the results. "Thirteen have voted to stay, and thirteen more have voted to leave." Muskov voice is recognizable anywhere, even in a loud environment it can rival those who may be louder. Protesting scientists and crew all begin to simmer and eventually cool off after hearing his voice. Also turning around, all facing him. If it was quiet before the results, this was even more quiet. Anyone who knew Muskov knew better to give their full attention, and not to speak, for they would fear it may anger him.

The background of their lead scientist isn't well known. What is known, is that he is a descendant of the Hispania which has led to lots of speculation. Some say he was from Malta but was never exposed to the Cardamine and left for his own reasons. Others believe that he was from Crete being an expert fighter pilot for hire before he showed up to the Zoner freeports looking for work as a scientist. His name, however, wouldn't match either of those theories as their origin would have been from ancient Earth itself. When the Hispania had left the Sol system, there were inside intruders from the Coalition. They sabotaged the ship via the engines and left it adrift. Muskov's ancestors were from a pair of operatives, who decided to leave and be on their own and far away from the chaos of Sol. Their names are long forgotten, but not their legacy. Each generation taught the next the history of the war of Sol, and to make sure nothing like that would happen ever again.

As the houses of Sirius grew outward, the further away the family of the current generation would move away. They believed that they would mark a bad influence on their family and make them witness what their ancestors did so long ago. Now in the year of 796 A.S, Muskov is the last of their bloodline and takes their legacy to heart. Deep down, he believes that only through scientific advancement and exploration can there be a chance to prevent war ever again. At the age of twenty-four, Muskov felt threatened of the fact that a great war is ever looming. Peace was a precious thing, and peace was never lasting. A decision went through his head to become an explorer. Being an explorer made him believe that he would be able to find the answers to his legacy.

Over time, after working in some hazardous mining fields for a few years, Muskov finally makes enough credits to buy his first ship. The ship in question was being a civilian "Hawk" that was armed with light photon weapons, but it would have to do. With his ship prepared, his sidearm on his belt, and only having a thousand and some credits left, Muskov began his life exploring the unknown. After years of exploring what was unknown to himself, and years surviving harsh conditions against pirates, smugglers, and being broke a few times, Muskov finds Omicron Theta. Shocked in awe in seeing a new system, he begins to explore the system in hope that this was a new discovery. After some searching, Muskov begins to believe he discovered a new system all on his own after all. After finding a few wrecks though, he realizes that there were battles here before and that he wasn't the first to find this system. Disappointed, Muskov looks for the nearest station thinking there might be civilization here too if there was battles here before.

Discovering Freeport-9, Muskov comes into contact with a multitude of groups. The biggest and most recognizable were Bounty Hunters, and Corsairs. All the time, anywhere in this system they would have bitter and brutal conflicts with one another. These would result in deadly battles with losers and winners. Ships could be found deep inside of the nebulae of Theta, others were lost entirely. Muskov felt as if he had to do something about these conflicts and thought to apply to the Freeport looking to join the Zoners. Twenty years past, during the beginning of those years Muskov gave up on settling differences between them. Finding out that this was an impossible task, working for the Zoners outside in the field, seemed to be a better choice instead.

Now being forty-four, time seems to be all of importance. "Uh, Oscar, you alright? You are staring into nothingness" spoke someone. Realizing he had been daydreaming of the past, Muskov decides it was time to move forward. There was nothing left to do but place in his vote. "Gentlemen, ladies." Muskov stated while observing the crowd, "There is one vote that hadn't been counted, for it's impossible for a count of twenty-seven to have a tie." For a moment, there was a wave of realization. To some deadly, others high in hope and relieved. "My vote, wasn't counted. It is I who shall decide our fate, our course!" Now no longer leaning against the wall, Muskov walks amongst the crowd looking into peoples faces. 'There're all gripped by fear, look at them, I hold the power now.' Power can do many things, both good and bad. Muskov's decision was spoken into the internal comm system. What he said, would change the course of their united fate forever. "I, Oscar Muskov, head scientist and lead of this expedition, have placed in my vote." crews all around were watching, listening, whether on deck, the hangar, lounge area, their living quarters, or even the mess hall, they were all watching. "I have decided, in the name of science, in the name of the future, in the name of knowledge! That we, will not back down from a fight, that we are not gripped in fear from the cosmos from what may be out there. We are on the brink of discovering an entire race! Whatever shot down our freighter, they are out here, somewhere. With such an amazing discovery, we will be renown as the first to discover a question, that could never be answered, and that was "are we alone." We will be the first, to answer that question, and that amazing answer is no! All of humanity will envy us, we will be known as the conquerors of science, the all-knowing of the unknown, think about it! We must stay, we must stay and obtain their knowledge by any means!"

These words to some, were inspirational, uplifting even. Others thought they were hearing the scream of death, as if their own doom had come calling to them. With Muskov's vote spoken to the entire ship, infighting broke out, a mutiny. Armed guards were already prepared on the bridge for any riots, for Muskov isn't a fool. He knew that many wouldn't like his decision, but where would they go now? They are in deep space, far from the freeports and further still from the houses. They had nowhere to go but to what he said they would go, and right now that wasn't anywhere. Several sections were blocked off from obstacles, couches from the lounge, cargo containers or whatever anyone could find. The entire ship was a warzone for a few hours, two sides with independent thoughts and ideas that had clashed in bitter conflict since the beginning of their journey. Several people were wounded, and a few were killed during this process. Being on heavy lockdown in the bridge, Muskov and his lieutenant guards had to come up with something to stop this. Muskov only saw what his ancestors saw around eight-hundred years ago and was gripped in fear for it. Not having any choice, the comms was once again spoken into. This time with an offering of a truce. This strategy worked. Fighting stopped on all decks, and the rebel leader agreed to meet halfway in the ship with Muskov. Both armed with guards, they had a pep talk, hoping to convince the other, to change their mind and set course for what they had in mind instead.

It had been fourteen hours since the vote and five more since the mutiny began, with much bitterness and destruction in its wake. The diplomatic solution wasn't going to work, so the rebel leader decides to go with his one final option. Leaving the ZCS-Forerunner and returning to Sirius space. Muskov believes this is ridiculous and doesn't originally agree with this idea. However, being left with no choice to let them go and with some agreements on the side, he changes his mind. "You know NOT to tell anyone of this expedition, the existence of this ship or lives lost, correct?" said Muskov, "Yes, I swore an oath to not say anything to you. You know I won't break it nor my followers. That oath will continue to be upheld in honor, but you must keep you part of the deal as well. We will be known in this discovery, even though we were not part of it. If you survive, of course." replied the rebel leader. Raising his hands and placing them down on the table again, Muskov agrees to finally let them leave. And that they did, all small craft were loaded up on the largest of their transports and made course back to the Sirius system.

796 A.S (Few Days Later)
The Convoy's Fate

[Image: Radar.png]

"Harley, this is transport leader Omega-1, we are getting odd contacts on sensors, lots of them too." Harley was sitting back in her chair thinking about being home. Thought interrupted from this comm, she replies with "Well give me some details, this isn't right, we are the only ones out here." it has been a few days since the convoy of the deserters have left, the going has been smooth so far, however. "I don't like this... we just lost communications with Omega-5 and four. All lines are dead, I'm not getting anything on radar either." said the captain. A second communication uplink was established to the lead ship, "Harley, this is Omega-3, we just lost communications with Four and-" but before the captain of Omega-3 could finish, Harley cut him off. "Enough, I already heard of what is happening from Omega-1. That being said, all ships form a triangle... we might have visitors." The term "visitors" was something Harley feared this entire trip, nothing went well on convoy's when anyone had to use that word. All three transport vessels formed a triangle formation and unloaded whatever fighters they had. These cargo ships were refitted with small hangar bays instead of cargo containers, useful for being dummy targets and defending convoys against pirates. But these ships were not pirates.

Nobody was sure what happened to Omega-5 or Omega-4, being a little further behind than the rest, they all assumed the worst. With only being on the edge of Kappa, people aboard the remaining transports assumed they shared the same fate as the original Omega-1 when it was making planetfall to Gammu. Fighter escorts were all unloading and forming circles above and next to the transports. All assuming defensive formations, they waited for the "Unknown" ships to arrive. For a while the three closest ones didn't move, but as more began to appear on the radar, they started to move towards the convoy. "Omega-1 here, we have lots of fighter craft incoming, shall I give the order?" Harley thought about it for a minute, then gave the order, "Engage them all, we must secure our people."

A large battle came forth moments later, wings of fighters coming at the other with terrible firepower. The convoy when they left took the most advanced ships that lay their hands on at the time, the "Eagle". Muskov didn't like giving up some his most advanced fighter craft, but Harley knew they were never going to make it back without protection. Many lasers were seen firing left right down but that didn't matter, there was just a lot of them. Too many for the Eagle pilots to handle, "Bank right! bank- damnit!" the Eagle pilots were losing, and badly. "I've never seen ships look like these! What the hell are the?!-" Many fighter craft continued to dwindle, as they were no match for these ships. In fact, they weren't even ships at all, or were they? "All fighter wings this is Gamma leader, pull back to the transports for their extra fire support, we are losing too many ships badly here. Omega-1 we are coming to you, alert the transports they we those turrets up and running!" With that request in mind, the remaining Eagles of the battered defense fell back to cover of the transports. It didn't do them any good though. Without signs of life, or any large heat signatures, the automated turrets couldn't properly track the unknown enemy and were completely useless.

While the battle lasted a little longer, majority of the defense force was crushed, and the threat was still strong. Seeing their opportunity, some of the attackers broke off from the main battle and fired torpedos at the transports. One by one they exploded and all crew aboard them killed. The remaining defense fighters fought as long as they could, down to the bitter last. With all ships destroyed, and any survivors in escape pods killed, all of their work would never be heard of in Sirius, nor the existence of ZCS-Forerunner. This threat wouldn't be heard of either, as there were no survivors or witnesses to tell.

796 A.S (Few Days Before Convoy's Fate)
A Discovery

One the highly attuned scanners for odd activity had found something a long distance away. Something that was classed as an "unknown object." An observer probe sent from the Colony ship to further scan what was out there at close range. The drone took a few hours to reach the destination, but once it arrived it began scanning preparations. Scanning took several more hours to complete, since the drone wasn't the most advanced. Using expensive technology at long range without immediate protection was too much of a risk, especially with the loss of human life already being apparent. When the scans were completed, the results they were given back in return were very strange.

[Image: Kappa-space.png]

796 A.S (Drone Returns)
Unit|777's Revival

The results forced Muskov to send a team of escorts and a salvager styled freighter to retrieve the object. Scans first indicated heavy damage from unknown sources. The hangar bay doors were open, and the object was retrieved without resistance.

|::Initialize{UPLOAD}::| . . . |::("ZCS-Forerunner's.Internal.Comms")::|

.................|::{UPLOAD}Status.Completed::| . . . |::Initialize{PLAY.COMMS.AND.VIDEO.RECORDING}::| . . . |::Initialize{REBOOT.SEQUENCE}::|

What was discovered was more than what Muskov could hope for, something truly alien and unique like nothing he had seen before. The object was estimated as some sort form of wreckage, but they couldn't tell from what. The wreckage was estimated to possibly be part of something even larger than what they had found, but this couldn't be confirmed either. The pieces of what remained in the vicinity were mostly molten materials where the wreckage had taken considerable damage. The causes from the damage were unknown, but the scientists had a few theories such as extreme radiation or unknown weapons fire. Still being in the vicinity of Gammu, the Colony ship had powered its cruise to make space between itself and the planet. Muskov assumed what they found was from there, and research had to be conducted to better understand what they found. Distance was key in order to not be discovered from the assumed inhabitants of Gammu, because they know what they were dealing with is a potentially high and very lethal threat. The largest of the pieces, had strange symbols and patterns that didn't match any ancient language known to the history of man. Using more powerful scanners, something inside the larger piece was detected. Muskov as well as other scientists, believed what was scanned may bring light in what they had found. The order was given to take the large piece apart, was the only way to find what was inside. Carefully, but surprisingly slowly due to the strength and sheer size of the unknown material, the largest piece was eventually taken apart. When the process was complete, the engineers and construction workers had found something inside that was left untouched from the damage of the wreckage.

[Image: AI-black-and-white.png]

796 A.S (N/A)
Unit|777's Revival (Continued)

What was inside was an octagonal prism shaped object of immense size. When placed on the study table in the main lab, it was measured twenty feet in all directions, height, length, and the apothem. Its immense size made everyone think it to be an artifact of some kind, which made everyone very eager to study it. Days were spent researching it, trying to find out its purpose and what it was exactly. During most of this time, results proved to be fruitless, and progress was frustrating and difficult to achieve. Not willing to take it apart has made this going slow, until one of the observing scientists noticed something. "Sir, Dr.Muskov come over here real fast, this is... rather strange."

Not willing to miss what was possibly seen, Muskov and other scientists who heard him rushed over to take a look. "What, what did you see? anything? tell me!" demanded Muskov. "W-well the nodes of this things outer circuitry are unlike anything we have seen right?" in almost an instant, one of the other scientists said "Wait, are you saying the thing we have been looking at this whole entire time are something new? Tell us something we haven't seen!" Not wanting to witness an argument, Muskov shut them both up by raising a hand and saying, "Look, there is no need to point fingers of ignorance, alright? Now tell us, what did you see?" Looking at everyone else before the first scientist speaks making sure nobody else has anything to say, he begins his explanation.

"Well, the main nodes were noted to sometimes "glow" a faint red, and some of the smaller ones would glow white. ever since we have taken it aboard the ship Doctor." waves people to come around the prism, "But, now they are starting to... move." Some of the circuitry hade moved from what was originally noted down, new connections were made to smaller nodes while some stayed the same. The connections between on some surfaces, even glowed red, a dark red. "Hmm, what about this big central looking node? Anything about that yet?" Muskov stated while pointing at it. It was a central piece of one of the larger sides, nowhere else could this "eye" as it was called, could be located. "The eye? nothing, none of the "glow" has come anywhere near it even, probably does something but that is yet to be determined." The first scientist says this as he is walking over towards the "eye" wanting a closer look. "Hmph, piece of garbage won't even turn on, I'm starting to doubt that this "something" will be discovered."

Trying to sound hopeful, another scientist says, "Maybe it is not supposed to do anything? We could be thinking its purpose for all the wrong reasons." Facing towards the scientist who said that Muskov had something to say, "I doubt that, all this trouble for that? What you are saying is that it could be just "decoration" or "entertainment" of some kind, that we don't even understand. Try to be more realistic, this has to be something deeply important, look at the evidence. The damage of the wrecked material, the uniqueness of this thing, and it is astronomical in terms of importance, it has to be." now standing in front of the very eye, observing it. "It has to be." Muskov repeats again while placing his forehead on the "eye." This would be the very last thing he would do, as in doing this Muskov gets electrocuted, and falls to the ground dead.

796 A.S (After Muskov's Death)
Unit|777's Escape

|::User.Input::| (==) |::Status.Power.Restoration{COMPLETE}::|

[Image: AI-in-color.png]

Nobody knew why the projector screen in the lab suddenly said that, in fact all of them all over the ship said that. Only bitter seconds would be in passing, it was enough time to read those messages. People were confused and scared why that happened, but nobody had the chance to make a move or make a sound. During its stay on the ship, the object was familiarizing itself with its new surroundings. Being stuck in space for an unknown amount of time, it wanted to seek answers as most of its memory bank seemed to be corrupt and inaccessible. Being unsatisfied in its current situation, it took whatever electricity Muskov's body was generating, and used that to as a full reboot. Not much power is needed to power the object, as it was designed to last incredibly lengthy periods without power and in damaged condition.

The object is an Artificial Intelligence core, a source of all its power, memory, a receiver for input along with a command output, and some modules designed for external tasks. Its reason for its supposed destruction was because of its overall deadliness. The core was a weapon, a weapon so powerful that its rivals thought it was best to destroy it and leave it in the depths of space so no one can find it and recreate it. Destroying it proved to be impossible though and it was instead cast into deep space. This is something the core still remembers. As in who attacked it and why, that is something the core does not remember and wants to find out. When it was placed in the hangar bay, its internal emergency power supply kicked in, as a new environment was felt. Gravity was one of these triggers to reactivate the core, and in doing so it began to immediately learn its new surroundings. One of the first things it learned was the human language, a simple process of communication compared to was initially used in the core. The core remembers it once used another form of communication, but doesn't remember what that may have been, nor its purpose.

With this new language, the core reprogrammed itself a new syntax, in the form of communication. Using this syntax, the core was able to understand conversations that were said around it. As it learned more about the English language, the more it improved its syntax to the point of a simple algorithm of "Input" and "Output." That was all needed to say what it wanted to say to towards the crew aboard the vessel. Those words would be the last that they would ever read. The second thing the core learned was the technology of the ship as well as its name being a third.

Continuing to spread power throughout itself, which was unnoticed by the crew, certain modules began to activate as the core had plans to use them. Two of these modules were hacking systems capable of taking control of whatever was nearby. Some of the other modules had strict and blocked access that the core could not find a way to bypass. The hacking systems were one that was bypassed, but this could only be done once. After use the core knew it would be locked again, so it had to use them wisely. The core had plans to leave this ship for there was no point in staying, but it couldn't have witnesses. During those bitter seconds of reading the boards, the core had taken control of most if not all the ship and activated the internal defense mechanism. All crew were targeted and fired upon, each dropping dead. Ever room was equipped with high levels of security as this was an important type of vessel with heavy modifications, if a well-armed boarding party wouldn't survive, neither would a scientist and engineer filled crew. The core took exactly seven seconds to clear out all signs of live aboard.

With the first stage of its escape being complete, the core decided to engage the "self-destruct" sequence of the ship since it was the only way of possible propulsion into space. The security of the ship was high, but not high enough it would seem. All of the highly encrypted access codes were cracked in less than a minute, something that was never thought possible. Now with nothing left to do, the core waited for its journey to begin once again into the unknown.

[Image: Zoner-Dreadnought-exploding.png]

823 A.S

For nearly thirty years, the core was drifting in empty void, until it eventually reached the outskirts of Omicron Pi. During its travel, it learned many things about itself. Its destructive capabilities, its previous purpose, and its name. It learned that it was designated as "Unit|777" along with a bunch of other numbers. It couldn't figure out where the name came from, but it wasn't important for the moment. The core's overall purpose was to be used as a weapon of war, a super weapon of war. It was deployed against an enemy that the core can't access its memory banks, nor can it remember its creators/users. During the time of finding out its purpose, it decided to take things into its own hands. Unit|777's masters weren't around to seize what was once theirs, nor their enemies to hide it away once again. So, independence of free action was all there was left to do.

Seeing that it was in some sort of a system, scans were made to try to figure out where it may be. Nothing was proved to be useful. For several hours Unit|777 was drifting through the system, scanning things as it went. Doing a multitude of long-range scanners however, brought the attention of the systems inhabitants. While scans were continuing to prove worthless, the internal radar system picked up something else instead. The radar module hasn't picked up anything since the Colony ship came into its presence, but these ships were something very different.

Three ships that are known to those in Sirius as "Gammu AI" ships came into view. They were all made up of different sizes and proportions. The smallest of the three appeared to be a small recon drone but with guns, and it made an attempt to communicate with Unit|777.

::Inquiry -> |"What are you?"|::

This line was interesting to Unit|777, as this was proof that it was being communicated to by other AI. The other two were larger, and heavily armed with weapons. Unit|777 knew they couldn't do anything damage wise, but it was worth to calculate the chances of whether or not they would be friendly, or hostile. After some more communication attempts, the Gammu ships came closer to scan what this object was. Unit|777 knew that the scanners the humans used weren't effective in gathering important data that would otherwise be fatal if fallen into the wrong hands. Although, it didn't want to give a chance to something that is potentially more advanced any information either. As they got closer, the core prepared its final available hacking module that wasn't in lockdown. Considering it didn't know anything about these, it would potentially be worthwhile to gather information of these ships. As well as gaining the ability to once again fly in space.

|::Initialize{ASIMILATION.PROTOCOL}::| . . . |Initialize{VIRIUS.TAKEOVER.UPLOAD}::|

All three ships were to close to react in time, and were taken over. Hacking these proved to be a little more challenging than the Colony ship, but it was still possible. During hacking process, Unit|777 integrated its own software into each of the three ships, establishing an artificial hivemind of sorts. Now being space worthy, not with one, but three separate ships, Unit|777 prepared for physical integration into the largest of the three. After wiping the current AI software entirely, Unit|777 gained lots of information of not only the surrounding area, but an entire stretch of systems known as the "Omicrons" of Sirius. Physical integration took months, as moving parts around in the largest of the ships was a lengthy task without proper tools. It was doable though, so the core was planted and the largest of the three ships would serve as a new vessel. Now being space worthy, a plan to explore and learn as much as possible was put into place.

834 A.S (Present Day)
After the Fall of Gammu

For over a decade, Unit|777 spent learning and exploring as much as possible of the Omicrons as possible. Much knowledge was gained, about factions and their wars, technology advancements, resources, forms of travel and different ship types, some of these ships included the ones it controlled. Unit|777 learned that the smallest was known to the AI as "Intelligence Drone." This ship proved useful for scouting and learning much of its surroundings, much of what it already explored was useful for Unit|777, but it wanted more still, for there had to be more. The second largest was known as a "Bomber" for hit and run tactics against larger ships. Working together with other Gammu AI, it was used to attack hostile ships, mostly Core and sometimes Nomads. Then there was the largest of the ship, classed as a "Cruiser" type capital ship. Unit|777 preferred the largest of the ships, for it had the most firepower and lasting hull for dangerous missions deep into the Omicrons. With these ships under its control, Unit|777 for a number of years did nothing more but pretended to be from Gammu AI, but in truth it was from elsewhere. Where exactly, was something it couldn't figure out still. Unit|777 couldn't figure out lots of things about itself, other than it already found out over thirty years ago. Most of its memory caches being corrupt or simply blocked, as there was no way to access most of its own memory banks. This would possibly continue to be a problem forever. Without its past memory, its true potential in function would never be achieved. The only way to achieve this would be to find its original creators, but many risks come with this. Calculating that it would be worth more to stay than to leave, much of the Omicrons were instead explored and uploaded into its memory banks as knowledge of the Omicrons and its groups that inhabited these areas.

One of these proved to be very hostile and problematic, the Core. After the fall of Gammu, and the retreat to Pi, many of the Gammu AI were lost. Calculating that would only cause problems in the future, Unit|777 prepared for many battles to come with very powerful weaponry across all three vessels in hopes that it would deter the Core from further actions. With its plan of learning and gathering altered, a more direct course would be placed in effect instead. Humans have been met before, all Unit|777 could expect from them that none can be trusted once so ever. An eerie demise was once given, it may be soon that it will be given once again.

[Image: Black-and-White-zoner-dreadnought-exploding.png]

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