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Echoes of an Inferno - Printable Version

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Echoes of an Inferno - Tartarus Legion - 07-10-2024

Following the failed attempts of Markus to traverse Bretonia to reach Molly space he had to make a decision whether to go beyond and spend more precious time seeking possibilities or turn back and think of an alternative. Sitting in his desk skimming through charts and other information in hope of finding the solution, a bright orange light shoot up from the opposite side of the room reflecting just barely on his face. Perhaps he had the answer all along.

Tartarus Stage One

With the destruction of the Hellfire Legion and their home system in ruins, the remnants who rallied to the call by one of their ex-leaders, Markus Brass, made their way out of Vespucci and fled to the system of Cortez, the fleet laid hidden in the dense fields of ice and rock away from harm. Long-range communications were prohibited as should a fraction of error happen their stealth efforts would be in jeopardy so, a plan was devised for the Polyphemus to travel closer to Molly space while the Redeemer would safeguard the rest of the fleet until its return.

Captain Rou on board the Redeemer carried on with his task for so many days, maintaining order amongst the remnants and organizing the supply routes hoping of worthy news for managing to sit idle for as long. As more time seemed to pass, frustration and eagerness ruled, little by little the idea of Tartarus was fading from the minds of the few first, followed by more as they stood idle. Even the Captain started considering abandoning the idea, thinking that the Polyphemus maybe has finally met with its destiny and decorated some space in the vast Bretonian territory, however, as these thoughts were crossing his mind the alarm of an approaching vessel rang across the ship. Adrenaline rushed to his head and his heart was pounding fast which shaked the negative feelings away. A familiar signal hailed the bridge -at last! he thought-, the sight of Polyphemus rejuvenated his and everyones' spirits.
On screen, Commander Brass was addressing to the whole fleet to begin preparations for departure while requesting Captain Rou's and other ranked members to meet him in the briefing room on Polyphemus. Several people went to meet with the Commander in a room large enough to accomodate perhaps even a hundred people at the same time without removing any of the fancy machinery and electrical components used by the speaker to convey information to his crowd. A large table capable of forming holographic projections was installed in the center of the room, chairs and various monitors all around it. The formidable presence of the veteran Commander had everyone sitting in complete silence.

"Brass: Before I begin I wish to thank each and every one of you, for not losing your faith and keeping Tartarus in one piece."

He powered the projector, accessed the ship's data banks and began transferring information to the hologram. Markus's eyes were locked on the large sphere of white light that sprang to life hovering above the large table, slowly changing to a humanoid shape and gave life to the ship's soul, Hera, the artificial intelligence capable of executing an extreme number of calculations in very short time. She began eyeing each individual in the room, scanning and registering facial expressions while staying silent. After she completed her task, her colors began changing to a bright orange -her original and true color-. Markus started walking slowly in circles around the table, giving a speech to his audience.
"Brass: Some of you are familiar with my assistant, Hera, the ship's AI and one extremely valuable Legionary, she is the key to our success. Now that you are acquainted with her I may begin with the reason I've gathered you all here. As you all know, we made preparations to move to Dublin, the home system of our old and trusted allies." A brief pause occurs while images containing information started levitating in a circular motion in the center of the room "Brass: This is as far as we've managed to go, the Leeds system, and that's after extreme patience and effort. The routes we knew to Dublin have collapsed leaving one single entry and exit in New London where the Bretonians have pulled back their forces to and made it into a fortress meaning that we have absolutely no way of reaching allied space in one piece, if at all. This is the end of this journey."

Everyone was de-spirited by the Commander's speech, disgruntled officers and veterans started questioning the whole idea and commotion was on the rise, that is when Hera spoke.

"Hera: However." The AI spoke in loud tone over the speakers and flashed bright numerous shades of orange, installing order in the room. "Hera: It is of my preference that you would remain civil and respect the Commander while he is speaking. Now, pay attention." Hera switched back to her warm orange color and faced Markus. "Hera: I'm sorry Markus, please continue." His face remained in the same non-emotional state through the changing atmosphere in the room. "Brass: However, when we returned from our journey shortly before rallying the remnants, we gathered information on whatever remained of Hellfire. The information that I'm going to share with you is highly confidential and of high importance." Markus revealed the wreckage of Fate's Hand and the husk of Fort Leniex, their former Headquarters. "Brass: Many of you have never been to that place so you may not recognise it but that is or at least was, Fort Leniex. It would never cross my mind if it wasn't for Hera who was kind enough not only to remind me of it but also create a plan to restore it partially, just enough for our fleet." Hera replied to Markus in a cheerful tone. "Hera: I did not want to distract you with the restoration of our former home when you were so adamant in taking us elsewhere." Markus chuckled momentarily but resumed the briefing with the commander's spirit. "Brass: Leniex as you can see is severely damaged as if it was destroyed by the invasion force, we scanned for residue on the entire structure but we could not find signs of heavy weaponry anywhere in the vicinity, however, after carefully examining its condition it became clear that it was intentional." Everyone was listening to the commander word by word, looking for some positive news. "Brass: The structure was decompressed and damaged in key areas to prevent it from falling to enemy hands but they never got anywhere close to it. The damage was deemed repairable and we will be able to bring it back to a functioning status." Captain Rou raises his hand, interrupting the briefing. "Rou: What would it take for us to restore it?" Markus looks over at Daniel, eager to give him an answer. "Brass: A lot of resources and time and to obtain them we have to work endlessly." Markus, Hera and the rest of the crew debated over the matter in a zealous manner as they were rid of their negative thoughts and had common focus point, Leniex.

Several hours later the alarms rang across every ship in the fleet, everyone was informed of their purpose so that bolstered morale and everyone was working harder and efficiently. Tartarus with Polyphemus as the spearhead would finally embark on their most important mission; to re-claim their home, Vespucci. There, they would follow the steps of their predecessors by hiding in the dense Guerrero field where electronic interference is enormous concealing completely even behemoth sized structures.