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In search for redder soil [Roter-Lehm] - Printable Version

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In search for redder soil [Roter-Lehm] - Graineater - 07-13-2024

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In search for redder soil
★ Roter-Lehm ★

Born among freedom fighters and yet concept of freedom feels as something foreign, something never truly experienced. How to fight for freedom when all the key-holders to your chains - insist you are free? How much can we win, how much we can loose?

815 A.S.

The Present: 833-834 A.S.
Chapter 1

My father was a hessian and I'm a hessians son, and I'll be with you fellow workers until this battles won.
Which is likely never...
Hessian movement is now hundred thirty four years old, long enough for a hessian child to have a hessian grand-grand father. All got to another day by lying to themselves. 'This year workers of Rheinland will be liberated.' They don't even want to be liberated!

Ever harder metallic hits follow, heavy wrench hitting over mangled panel. Young mechanic working under Mark 2 Odins belly, working to pull out its flight computer. And only after wrench slips out, rings across the metal flooring that he realizes he got too loud.
Go away.. go away.. I'm fine. Just doing my job.. nothing is WRONG.
"Niklaus, everything alright in there?" - Voice responds from inside of parts storage room.
"Yes DAD I'm FINE!"
Shit... will I ever learn to lie?
His father comes by, getting a better look and leaning against Odin's wing.
"Doesn't sound like it's fine. It's every day now, do you just not enjoy mechanics work?"
"It's fine.. everyone has to take part of their day to contribute to greater... Actually, no, it's not fine! Remember watching that film? Showing how Liberty relies on prisoner slave labor? Oh how terribly mistreated these prison-slaves are, sleeping in coffin like pods - their only private space. And from every morning move to factory to work producing ship parts or consumer trinkets. Never seeing light of day. Well that's how WE live. That's how I always lived, and everyone here in Vogtland too. And we somehow convinced ourselves that we fight for freedom. By now I'd gladly pay ninety percent of my earnings to corporation or land owner and the state. To have sun on my back, real air, wind and oceans.. and travel to see every living thing on Stuttgart, then I'd feel free."
To both a dedicated revolutionary and a loving father, finally hearing is quite the punch in the gut. He was willing to leave all the comforts of rheinland worlds behind when choosing life of a freedom fighter, but over two decades later it's a reminder he did not choose this just for himself.
"...I'm sorry you feel this way"
..Sorry you feel this way?! That's the least apologetic statement, Does anyone who says this really think this makes it any better?
"I hope however you'd still agree living on Stuttgart would be better yet, together with a caring community like one we have here, instead of a crushing corporation that holds people as mere drones, a form of resource, just yet another input good in the production line."
"I don't know dad, I never been there. Maybe I'd find it not too bad? ..Most seem not to...."
Niklaus quietly responds, finally pulling out Odin's flight computer. Finding it splattered with metal droplets, alloys that once been part of the hull. Melted by plasma gun, Firekiss most likely.
Working through father's ever-sadder breaths.
"Nothing, nothing of the sheise propaganda Rheinland comes up with... Breaks my belief in communist ways, than seeing you doubt it. The possibility that only those who felt the chains can ever see them.
I'm sorry.. I really thought I'm leaving my son the greatest gift, one of freedom.
So, is this what you want? To live a... 'normal' life as a rheinlander?"

Geez... what do I even say at this point?
"We both know should I leave for Rheinland, police would question me for all of hessian secrets. Accept and throw everyone I knew into fire, reject and I'll be an outcast among them. If not imprisoned outright. And I'll never give up hessian secrets."
For which dad can smile and nod to himself, even if he could not raise a happy son, at least he raised a hessian.

"...So what now?"
"I'll get a ship, see more of the galaxy than Vogtland.. and a fleeting glimpse of Tangier. I want to explore."
That too makes dad grumble. So many young pilots fly out seeking glory, only to add to clouds of wreckage. On the station, working as a mechanic, it is relatively safe.
But he wouldn't dare speak against it now.
"You know your rights as a hessian, and how to get it."
Well that's off the chest. Enough staring at an empty shell of a fighter. Sorry dad I know you fear for me, but I have to...
Niklaus crawls out from under Odin's belly, taking his time to leave.
"Kudos to the pilot though, to return without any avionics... miraculous"

Following dimply lit tunnels Niklaus makes his way toward the council chambers.
That's right, it is my right as a hessian to request it. After whole life putting in the work to common pot, I deserve to take some back. No, not just for me.
Everyone is sick of this shit!
Sick of being cramped up in an asteroid hidden in a toxic cloud!
Sick of fearing for our lives, sick of going hungry when piracy returns no prey!
What I do, I do for us all. To bring fame to the hessian cause!
Bulkhead opens towards empty halls. The place where flame of revolution burns the brightest. Where even cruelest pirate must remember the cause Hessians fight for.
Now empty, not in session.
Local representative left to tend to common needs.
Annegret, a known face - as much as his teachers and friends.
Tapping away at a terminal to manage usual administrative duties.
She turns to face him.
"Niklaus! what can I help you with?"

Steeling his nerves, reminding himself he deserves it and hessians need it, Niklaus raises voice.
"From my fellow Hessians, and for the sake of bettering the community. I wish to ask to provide me with a starship. Specifically, The 'Corvo' design."

Chapter 1/end

In search for redder soil Ch2 [Roter-Lehm] - Graineater - 07-15-2024

Chapter 2

And she turns right back to her work.
"A single Corvo would cost at least four million credits to acquire and outfit. Equivalent to bribing independent miners to bring a convoy of a dozen trains fully loaded with supplies just for us."
"I'm here to handle the little requests, things that don't need action or vote from the greater community. This would need a vote, and I can tell you outright - nobody will approve of this. Now if you wish to explore, I can grant you a light fighter right here and now."
Explore with a light fighter?! Do these words even have the same meaning to us? Did she hear me ask for Corvo class to scan transports cargo?
Niklaus leans on the desk, standing to make his point.
"And keep doing the same things that brought us nowhere? I urge you to think of the grand strategy, whenever transport routes or armaments change, whenever police presence increases, even with routine economic declines of the houses - we suffer. We Hessians need to find ourselves a planet, our own resources."
Annegret works along completely unfazed, responding even more dismissively than before:
"I can assure you, we think of 'grand strategy' every day..."
"Then you should see Hessians are declining, failing. Rheinlanders have infinitely more resources, they will eventually crush us. Just by the numbers, it is impossible to win. Why are we still trying? Space is incredibly vast, we should fly away, find a planet and start fresh. Far from Rheinland, far from corsairs. We will be safe and able to fully live up to communist ideals. It worked out well for sleeper ships which fled sol, we can do that too."

She slaps the desk, turns to Niklaus, herself standing up and leaning on the desk. Now it's serious.
"There is something you forget, and understandably so for you grew up here. You talk as if Hessians are a nation all on its own, you feel that Rheinlander's are different. Let me remind, your father is a Rheinlander, your mother was a Rheinlander, you, me and all Hessians are Rheinlanders. Our homes are in New Berlin, Hamburg, Frankfurt. Our homes we must take back from lying fascist filth! People like you and me live there, fooled by carefully crafted web of lies, slaving away to feed insatiable greed of those in power. Every day some wake up to the lies, become Hessians in the soul without even needing to reach out to us. Even if we found another planet, packed up and left, hessian movement would live on."
"Could you imagine for a moment what that would be like to learn the truth? Only to find that Hessians have fled, everything hessians have built is gone. That you are all alone, that you have to start the fight for liberation again - from nothing. What it would be like to be forced to accept impossibility of it? How would you feel to know there's nowhere to run, no hope to win, that you just have to submit to the fact that your life is nothing more than a plaything to those born richer than you? That's what I think about idea of escaping, starting a new on world far far away.. It's.."

Oh I sure have a good feel for what it's like to have nowhere to run, no chance to win, and to submit to the fact my life is nothing but a waste fighting unwinnable fight.
Annegret sits back down and turns back to work, her point made.
"Now I'm fully aware things look bleak, the supplies are short and Vogtland has more people than food. I get to watch the data every day, I get to see hessians that go without things they need. And I would love it if one of our scouts just happened upon a wormhole and a pristine world just beyond it. But realistically that won't happen, even if we actively looked for it. We remember explorers which made grand discoveries, but we should also remember many more which never found anything. Or rather used their just as impressive talent and ambition to produce surveys of space which, in fact, had nothing of use."
"A light fighter is something I know will be immediately useful, for a small fraction of the cost. So is a mechanic at home and in the field. Explorer is a gamble, expensive gamble with little chance of payoff. You are free to organize however, maybe with a larger group and greater resources council would take it more seriously, but for now request is denied."
Finishing in more irritated tone.
"Will that be all?"

I see, hard no and now I'm in the way.
"That will be all, nothing else."
"Good. Keep up the good work, come back if you need anything."
Niklaus steps away, back into dimly lit corridors, taking the route back to the docks. Every step heavier, feeling sudden onslaught of shame and guilt dragging him down until he's hidden in a dark corner.
Shouldn't have asked, shouldn't have come. I was ridiculous... stupid, selfish. Asking everyone to skip out on their needs for a ship. A Corvo, I may well have asked for a train full of gold, luxuries, food and beer all for myself. Would have been more reasonable.
I should have said.. Anything else. It all gone through so fast.
Grow up already! Twenty-three yet still acting like a stupid teenager.
Not even a single thought made beforehand how to make your case.
I should have said... That we loose out on our credibility, living like pirates. Communist principles? Food for all? Housing for all? We are lucky to have AIR for all.
Who's going to ever take anything we do but piracy seriously?
Niklaus smacks floor with his fist.
THEORY! Basics originating to before the Coalition! Why is air free for all? Because it's everywhere. Why is food carrying a price label, be it money or ration token? Because it's scarce. It will be free only if it is abundant. It will never be abundant to pirates, unless it is so abundant in transports that food is as free as air on Berlin.
Which it can never be, the closer capitalists approach the point, the less appealing the profit, the less they make.
That's why, eight hundred years of interstellar travel and they still cannot feed the hungry.
That's why Hessians are at a dead end!
We can never have more food than those we steal from, and if we can never have more - we will never convince them that our ways are better!
Leave them...
We are not Rheinlanders. We are communists and we need a world of our own!
How inspiring, if only you weren't screaming this inside your own head. Idiot.
Already made a fool of yourself, as if anyone would take you seriously now.
They want to keep doing the same thing over and over...

And yet I'm inevitably drawn to participate in it. Racked my brain about it a thousand times already, conclusions won't change. I can't leave, I can't accept betraying dad. I believe in what we do, I can't accept becoming yet another drone in yet another corporation.
Get up, enough for today. Nothing will change from strong words in your head. Better see dad, hope he doesn't think I'm upset with him... He sure would if I went straight to the buffet alone.

Another door, another bulkhead and Niklaus is back in the docks. Back to the same Odin, now surrounded by tools and replacement parts. And another ship, a freighter - a Dromedary. Shot up as well, look at it makes Niklaus sigh.
Another smuggling ship shot up, more work... It never ends.
"So, did you get a ship?"
Dad asks as soon as he notices Niklaus, himself bringing spare parts for this freighter.
"No.. they would only offer me a fighter, and I don't want it."
"Good, only ever risk your life fighting for a cause you really believe in. This is yours then."
"Mine? I was repairing this Odin."
"Yours as in your yours. I see it was wrong of me to have you all cooped up in here. So here's something to let you see the galaxy for what it is, make up your own mind what you want to be remembered for. That is, if you'd be willing to put in the extra effort to fix it."
Dromedary.. I can have her fixed up without the manual even. Open-source schematics make it a mechanics dream. I can rig it for speed. I can sacrifice part of cargo hold for a mobile home, be stealthy going cold in asteroid fields. I can be safe, I can go to any world.
Excited, Niklaus grabs hold of dads arm for a firm shake and a hug to follow.
"Thanks dad! Let's get her fixed"


Two weeks of work on this hobby project, one week on the engine alone. All the friends visited - goodbyes said. For now, he has to go at it alone. At least if he wishes to carry any salvage or smuggled goods.

Niklaus in the pilots seat, following checklist items.
Helmet on, auxiliary power unit start, life support on, seal cockpit, pressurize, oxygen mask on, request tug to launchpad
"Niklaus, all good, push me to launchpad."
Here it is, Libertonian rite of passage. Freedom to go anywhere is granted. And yet... I feel like I'm in a coffin, I can't move, it's stuffy, vibrating, loud...
What do I even need to feel happy?

Looking down to arms through long sequence of tugging and depressurizing
Little scaly forelegs before him. Scales like gloves up to the elbow. Puffy feathers above cover the rest of his small body. Little predator of Cambridge of similar niche as Earths fox.
Everything around, green, beautiful. Trees, bushes.
Everything smells wonderful.
A quick dash to a bush, scaly snout sticking into a bush. Thorns are no match for armored snout and all the berries free to pick from.
Everything tastes wonderful.
Another dash to cliffs edge.
World so vast, he could run for days. He is free to explore it all
He is.. finally happy and free.

A quick headshake pulls him back to the checklist.
What a ridiculous thought...
Reactor on. Thrusters on. Release clamps. Main engine ignition.
"This is Vogtland control, Niklaus you are free to launch."

And so he's out, onwards into a yellow haze of poisonous corrosive cloud.
Even in a sealed ship it feels like he can smell the sulfur, the reek of hydrogen sulfide.
And a light whimper follows...
Just a moment ago he was in heaven.
I could... go there. Salvage a wreckage for hard currency. Just avoid the police and I'll be there.

Chapter 2/end

In search for redder soil Ch2 bonus [Roter-Lehm] - Graineater - 07-15-2024

[Image: jjj.png]

Sender: Annegret Klein
Subject: Special home-security assignment
Date: 22/06/833

Einen guten Tag Kamerad.

Hessian council calling Rote-front fighter Kiefer,Schmidt. Your orders are attached, use encryption key 5.


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