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» Bristol Constructions - Printable Version

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» Bristol Constructions - 0xCosmin - 07-12-2024

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[Image: Frei.jpg]
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Sender: Jörg Frei
Recipient: Jaina Wheeler, Bristol Constructions
Encryption: Medium
Subject: Your Status

Guten Tag,

Consider yourselves now in contact with a militarized group within the Red Hessians.

I was recently briefed with a peculiar interaction involving a Bristol ship over Neu Berlin space. Apart from the utter disgust inflicted by your organization in carrying simple hull panels using a ostentatious luxury liner, the unexpected proposal of your pilot peaked my interest. It doesn't come often that a corporate structure suggests a hushed partnership with the Hessians, truth be told I am certain it was just a cheap ploy to trick our men into leaving your ship unscathed. Now, since I wasn't there and our men already returned empty handed, I will bite.

I can see your ships hauling stuff through Rheinland, alright. Where are you based from, where is this stuff going, what are you specialized in and most importantly how would this partnership benefit the Hessians to let your ships roam freely through our turf?

Answer, and fast.

Schmiede Freiheit, Umfasse die Revolution!

[Image: rotfront-4.png]

Rotfront Representative - Jörg Frei

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RE: » Bristol Constructions - Jaina Wheeler - 07-25-2024

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Incoming Transmission

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User ID: Jaina Wheeler
Recipient: Jörg Frei
Subject: Your Status


Good day!

I hope you're having a fantastic day and I'd like to introduce Bristol and myself to you today.
Our technicians have finally managed to make this message readable to me. So first I'd like to apologise for the delay.

While I was of course not personally there, we trust the Zen Star company to pick the right craft for the tasks they pick up. We're Bristol Constructions & Manufacturing and as part of the headquarters board I am authorised to make deals on behalf of the group at large. Before we get to the matter of your group I will answer what we're doing in Rheinland. As our founding and main stay of operations in Bering, we're rather frequently sending ships out for supplies which are all routed back home to Bering. I'm not going to be wasting your time with simple public neural net information any search will have turned up already. At the moment we're in the last phases of an installation within Bering so we'll be on your turf much less.

With our speciality in various space borne structures that is a factory of our own creation. As for working with you, that is something Zen Star is not authorised to offer or negotiate. It is an interesting proposition though that we will have to weigh off with the entire board depending on your requirements and funding. Out of our portfolio of services and what we know of the Hessians, the manufacturing of parts for stations, ships or other systems are the only we see as viable considering the distance. Any salvaging, repairs or space constructions appear too dangerous to send our employees into.

Do let me know if you have further questions and it was a pleasure to meet you.

Thank you and good bye!

Transmission Ends