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To: Barry Foulke, ALG - Printable Version

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To: Barry Foulke, ALG - Shelco - 07-14-2024

Message Received

[Image: aQKeM98.png]
Recipient: Barry Foulke, ALG
Sender: Aktivist Rainer Langhans
Origin: Bielefeld Base, Sigma-15

[Image: 5VyLehv.png]
Good day to you, Barry,

I'm Rainer Langhans of the Resistance. I hope you remember. Me and the crew of that Bundschuh transport helped you scavenge some valuable things in Sigma-15. I've sent you the cargo manifesto as an attachment.

What you sure as hell did forget was the fact that you were supposed to pick them up yourself soon. We're not your personal warehouse.

Now this isn't supposed to be a threat but we've got enough issues where such a transport could be useful on our own.

So report back to us and tell us when you're going to pick up your things or I will demand a storage fee.

See you soon,

Rainer Langhans
Activist of the New Resistance Movement

End Message

RE: To: Barry Foulke, ALG - Caffeine - 07-14-2024

ID: Barry Foulke.
From: Freeport-8.

I remember.

[Image: 5cbkqVc.png]

Greetings again, I didn't forget, I'll send a transport to Bielefeld to retrieve the cargo asap, apologies for whatever disturbance it may had caused, I'll compensate for it if necessary.

Since we're at it, I'll also ask if you recall my plans in securing Sigma-15, you think the Bundschuh would be willing to assist in that?

Awaiting your response,
Barry Foulke.
Space Security Division.
[Image: PtIaDuM.png]

RE: To: Barry Foulke, ALG - Shelco - 07-16-2024

> ./Message.Received .

> ./Establishing.Connection.Node-4728.../Connection.Successful.../Encrypting...
> ./Initiating.../RSSTNC3.bnd.../Recognized.NEW.RESISTANCE.Initializing...

> ./Sender.ID.Rainer.Langhans.../Signal.Origin.Sigma.15

> ./Transmission.Secure.../BEGIN...



[Image: aQKeM98.png]

[Image: 5VyLehv.png]

Hello Barry,

we're not gonna charge you for holding onto your cargo, you didn't let us wait for a response and I can appreciate that.

Now, you're gonna have to remind me about those plans of yours in Sigma-15. I mean, we are regularly fighting our enemies, mostly the Corsairs, in that system. I can hardly see how the Bundschuh and ALG can effectively take control of the entire system.

I'm sure your plan is more well thought out than just that, right? Gonna be interesting to hear I bet.

Until then.

Rainer Langhans
Activist in the New Resistance

> ./Attachments.NONE

> ./End.Message.CONTENT....
> ./Terminating.Connection.Node-4728.../Disconnecting..../Encryption.Disabled..
> ./Connection.CLOSED...

> ./Message.End .