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LDI - The road to Dublin. - Printable Version

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LDI - The road to Dublin. - Deterrence's Conclave - 07-15-2024

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[Image: qoXsmKF.png] 834 AS - The Imperio lands in Dublin, the gold coming home increases by the thousands of tonnes.
[Image: qoXsmKF.png] 834 AS - A Deterrence battle-group intercepts a drunk Libertonian in Omicron Delta.
[Image: nQ8aBmS.png] 834 AS - The glorious Imperio firmly stands against the use of Slaves in front of the Coalition.
[Image: x2H68jU.png] 834 AS - 100 Hispanic recipes to cook with your kids to celebrate fiestas.
[Image: qoXsmKF.png] 834 AS - A farmer in Nueva Palencia explains why is important to have quality fertilizers.
[Image: x2H68jU.png] 834 AS - The Imperio by the hand of the Deterrence smuggles a record of 20.000 tonnes of artifacts into an unknown base in Leeds.
[Image: nQ8aBmS.png] 834 AS - Freeport 9 today, Zoners are glad with the new partnership, better salaries and working conditions by the hand of the Imperio.

The Imperio lands in Dublin, the gold coming home increases by the thousands of tonnes.

Good morning to all the Imperio, señores y señoras, with you to make your morning happier, Jose Ortiz. We have splendid nuevas to share with you all. Our journalists in Nueva Barcelona parliament delivered today a text from the Imperio's comandantes explaining a new conquest in our horizons, the conquest of Dublin! The 128 pages text explain with all sort of details how our brave fleets managed to deploy a huge contingent in Dublin using a secret route for it that has not been disclosed.

In the text we found amazing news for us all, the mooring ports in high Orbit are already working unloading gold conquered to the Mollys and the Stockmarket for it skyrocketed with more than 20 points rising in this past hour. Looks like Dublin was really a gold mine, eh?. The operations are being managed by the high comandets of the Santisima fleet. We can't access them to ask some details but here in our humble office we send them force, force to defeat the enemigos, force to conquest for the glory of us all!

The Imperio, set up his base nearby the Santander battle-cruiser patrol orbit, they call it Torrelavega on a secure corner and for what we can read is an actual fortress and is well supplied and have huge reserves of resources and gold. I am sure muchos adventurers will be willing to join they'r operations.

Yesterday two frigates arrived at Tripoli shipyard with salvaged parts from Bretonnian vessels to process them for disassembly and re-purposing, and with them, two damaged battle-cruisers returned for repairs. I am sure the junkers will be jealous from Tripoli in the following week, our ingenieros sure will have work dealing with the wrecks! Thank's to Dios that we are here to make your life a bit happier, always with you Ingenieros.

The Deterrence is recruiting miners and adventurous who are willing to take some risks for the Imperio in order to secure mining operations and mine gold, they'r leader, Executor Francisco Javier stated:

"its time to secure the Santander and his operations and by the gloria eterna of the Corsair Imperio, we shall guide the operations to good port, the gold extracted and processed here will fuel the new flotillas, and the salvaged wrecks will serve to repair and fight those Pesky Bretonnians who did so much damage to our people. Never fall asleep, the enemigo never sleeps, we shall not stop until all of them are subjugated under the power of the Corsarios and all they'r worlds bowed under our mighty armada!"

And with that last report we end our broadcast here, happy day Corsarios, stay tuned for more!

RE: LDI - The road to Dublin. - Shelco - 07-15-2024


15 Jul 834 12:21

¡Ay, Dios mío! ¡No puedo creerlo! Mi nieto, mi pedacito de cielo, allá en Dublin, jugando con esos otros Corsairs, metiéndose en problemas. ¡Problemas! Como si esas travesuras pudieran llenar el vacío que deja en mi corazón. ¿Qué le pasa a este mundo? ¡Qué vergüenza! En vez de estar aquí, en casa, con su familia, con su abuela que lo adora, está en algún lugar lejano, arriesgando su vida por tonterías. ¡Qué locura! ¡Qué desatino!

¡Y para colmo, yo, una pobre vieja de Planet Crete, he tenido que bajar una aplicación de esas, una red neural, para poder hablar con él! ¡Una abuela con una aplicación moderna! ¿Te imaginas? ¡Qué disparate! No puedo ni entender cómo funciona, pero lo hago porque lo quiero, porque me preocupa. ¡Esto no es vida! Debería estar aquí, conmigo, comiendo mis tamales, escuchando mis historias, no jugando con esos Corsairs por algo tan sin sentido.

¡Qué mundo más loco! ¡Qué injusticia! ¡Él debería estar aquí, con su familia, con su gente, no en una guerra absurda por tonterías! ¡Ay, Virgen Santa, tráemelo de vuelta, sano y salvo, antes de que esta tecnología moderna me vuelva más loca de lo que ya estoy! Y que sepa, cuando vuelva, ni un tiro de un Titan se compara con la chancla que le voy a dar si llega tarde. ¡Basta ya! ¡Basta de problemas, basta de travesuras! Quiero a mi nieto en casa, ahora mismo.

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