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[Poll] Bring back the swear filter - Printable Version

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[Poll] Bring back the swear filter - Reeves - 07-18-2024

Self explanatory.

RE: [Poll] Bring back the swear filter - Levenna - 07-18-2024

immediate flashbacks of being griefed by filter every time I had passionate comments on the test server

RE: [Poll] Bring back the swear filter - Reeves - 07-18-2024

(07-18-2024, 09:50 AM)Levenna Wrote: immediate flashbacks of being griefed by filter every time I had passionate comments on the test server

"cope" - haste 202x

RE: [Poll] Bring back the swear filter - Lanakov - 07-18-2024

I don't believe that removing lazy players' ability to swear is suddenly going to make them good, sophisticated roleplayers.
Instead of various profanities, those players will simply gravitate back towards "die scum" and that'll be the end of that.

It will however constrain those of us who like to inject a little street talk in their character discourse.
We've all played Freelancer Discover Jesus edition. It's in the past. I'm not saying we needed to swear to have fun, but it's simply nice to have more options for certain situations.

RE: [Poll] Bring back the swear filter - Big Bison Bessie - 07-18-2024

I don't think we need the swear filter. We are adults, we can use our fancy colorful language. But I can understand where you're coming from, there are some people who are lets say, less creative with their use of such flavorful language elements and it can quickly become overtly crass or offensive. But I feel like such things are easily covered by the 1.0 rule

RE: [Poll] Bring back the swear filter - Traxit - 07-18-2024

I wish people would stop slinging whatever derogatory term that comes into their mind, sometimes completely crossing barriers to escalate superficial severity, which also usually sources itself from this very World Wide Web. Most vulgarities are unremarkable or one-off spouts of Manure or the F-word, but then you have people calling you an atrocious human with all their might despite being either inaccurate or just tone-deaf.

Many a time I hear the argument that it "helps" them express their anger from their character. Whether or not that is true, their snapshot taunts do not deliver 99% of the time, likely due to a lack of crescendo. Anyway, It looks like a very poor attempt to vent ICly in an ooRP manner, which is exacerbated with said glossary from the World Wide Web. Regardless of the poll, people need to stop being vitriol-spewers, more often than not it breaks the fourth wall. And do some research about your enemies if you're gonna concise their existence with a singular word.

Corsairs are not cannibals, nobody but the Corsairs themselves know about the Ventru.
Outcasts are not gene-freaks, they are humans like any other Sirian - The contradicting caveat to this is apparent to Atka's researchers, are you?
Xenos are not the Alabama stereotype, nor are they racial supremacists, or bloody child game-enders.
Technocrats are not latex fetishists. This is a blatant Vanu remark.
Libertonians aren't <Insert USA stereotype>
Bretonians aren't <insert UK "">
Kusari aren't <"" Japanese "">
Rheinlands aren't... you know by now.

Most factions and regions have a precedent set of cultural behaviours. Yet people never bother to actually use them, instead defaulting to Current Era lingo which further breaks the immersion that this is a different setting from reality. Stop creative bankruptcy, yes Freelancer has drawn parallels from real world history, of course they did, it is inevitable when writing a fictional setting. But this does not mean we have to stoop to settings like GTA, Saint's Row, Cyberpunk, etc etc who take a massive dump on Current Era and give it a parodical, satirical spin.

Hey...this reminds me of something...
Omicega Wrote:I can't remember experiencing even a fraction of this kind of ""in-character"" treatment from other characters at the time. Not from BAF, not from LN, not even from CR| -- the faction that we probably had the most bad blood with. To me, it's very indicative of real-world political attitudes (to be even more blunt about it, largely American politics) slipping into the roleplay environment in a way that is very jarring and very alienating to be on the receiving end of. I cannot for one second blame lawful players for getting sick of taking another big fat L when this is the kind of context they're trying to operate in.

RE: [Poll] Bring back the swear filter - Lucas - 07-18-2024

The glaring issue with this I feel like is the fact that these stereotypes are often used by either throwaway accounts that don't "need" to roleplay proper etiquette, or a select few members of the community who're better off being warned for it as opposed to taking away the chance of using some light, adequate for the situation swearing. Calling someone an Asshole when they've been rude to you is not something we should really need to censor in this day an age, with our communitys average age as high as it is.

RE: [Poll] Bring back the swear filter - Emperor Tekagi - 07-18-2024

(07-18-2024, 10:27 AM)Lucas Wrote: The glaring issue with this I feel like is the fact that these stereotypes are often used by either throwaway accounts that don't "need" to roleplay proper etiquette, or a select few members of the community who're better off being warned for it as opposed to taking away the chance of using some light, adequate for the situation swearing. Calling someone an Asshole when they've been rude to you is not something we should really need to censor in this day an age, with our communitys average age as high as it is.

+1 to this. Staff needs to grow some spine and just slap, warn, fine, whatever, those who are repeatedly going to lengths showcasing they just want to be bitter and fling as "RP" disguised insults at people.

A general return of the swear filter is like collectively punishing those using insults rarely and as actual RP tool just because some are asshats.

RE: [Poll] Bring back the swear filter - Spectre - 07-18-2024

As long as the rules stay intact, I don't really see any need for the filter. I mean, the AI voice actors swear more than I've seen some players do, and I'd argue it makes the universe feel more realistic anyway.
Your cockpit bursts into flames, the first thing that goes through your mind isn't 'oh bother'.

RE: [Poll] Bring back the swear filter - Kauket - 07-18-2024

People can and will use terms to insult other factions. But players need to remember, you aren't the embodiment of the faction you play. If they're insulting the faction itself, you - yourself - are not necessarily the target of such. And if people are interjecting oorp into RP, well, we have rules for that already.

There's also no real benefit into bringing the swear filter back. Some characters can cuss more, and there's nothing wrong with that. Or if something terrible happens, swearing can ensue. Simply Human nature.