To "CS" of the Platform - Lord Caedus - 07-20-2024
//: Secure Connection Established
Name: DUKE
Identification: Gallic National Intelligence
Encryption access: EYES ONLY
Location: REDACTED
Subject: Acquiring Goods
It was good to finally get to have an in depth conversation with you regarding the services we were seeking from your group. As I mentioned in that conversation, I will be sending you the coordinates for the facility that will receive the goods I asked you for encrypted within this transmission. The Directorate is still in agreement regarding the amount we requested, anything around one thousand units would be more than sufficient for our needs for the immediate future. Also, as I mentioned, I will be appending the transcription of my flight recorder below. Once you have delivered the first shipment in totality, if you provide evidence of delivery to the facility we agreed upon, I will forward the mentioned bonus.
Director of External Operations
[19.07.2024 12:04:52] (=)"C:S": You've come some distance, more so than the Maquis have done in wanting to even contact us.
[19.07.2024 12:06:03] Cloaking device off
[19.07.2024 12:06:26] GNI/-"Duke.V": We're willing to go to great lengths to secure the future of the Gallic people.
[19.07.2024 12:07:22] (=)"C:S": Ah, a tale inscribed on agency walls and oaths as old as inteligencias history.
[19.07.2024 12:07:37] GNI/-"Duke.V": Quite so.
[19.07.2024 12:08:24] (=)"C:S": So, when it comes to the Gallic 'people', in terms of who that is and what it should look like...
[19.07.2024 12:08:32] (=)"C:S": What have you come to us to request on their behalf?
[19.07.2024 12:09:09] GNI/-"Duke.V": We require tools, which are best acquired from an outside source.
[19.07.2024 12:09:56] (=)"C:S": Dirty business... How much are we talking here? And what exactly for? I do remember your discussions about the unreliability of the union. I see this carries true to many within your position.
[19.07.2024 12:10:58] GNI/-"Duke.V": The Union is at best a failed state.
[19.07.2024 12:11:24] GNI/-"Duke.V": The Marechal will eventually die or be replaced by a less capable leader, and our people will fracture again.
[19.07.2024 12:11:50] GNI/-"Duke.V": Replacing him in a way that can unite the people behind the concept of a replacement would be for the best.
[19.07.2024 12:12:19] GNI/-"Duke.V": To put it simply...
[19.07.2024 12:12:37] GNI/-"Duke.V": Gallia needs a scapegoat, and the GNI will manufacture one.
[19.07.2024 12:13:29] (=)"C:S": /Nah-ah/ Those are some very, very, very familiar words that are spoken. Especially when the same thing was planned--
[19.07.2024 12:13:44] (=)"C:S": By the Imperials in their takeover of our Void.
[19.07.2024 12:14:22] (=)"C:S": Execution is one thing, agency stability relies on a functioning and co-operative civil population for support.
[19.07.2024 12:14:39] GNI/-"Duke.V": I can see where you would fear a similar situation rising in Gallia. But we do not want an effete and weak leader such as-
[19.07.2024 12:14:50] GNI/-"Duke.V": -the Emperor in Gallia, it simply would not be effective.
[19.07.2024 12:15:01] GNI/-"Duke.V": Our people are too strong and outspoken for that to ever work.
[19.07.2024 12:16:20] (=)"C:S": You'll find agency support is very sparse here. Are you sure you know what to expect after the switch of heads?
[19.07.2024 12:16:42] GNI/-"Duke.V": Gallia has its history of sudden replacements.
[19.07.2024 12:17:03] GNI/-"Duke.V": A replacement supported by the people on the whole will go over much more easily than an assassination.
[19.07.2024 12:17:16] GNI/-"Duke.V": We cannot allow the Marechal to become a martyr.
[19.07.2024 12:17:38] (=)"C:S": That's a... Step. A good step.
[19.07.2024 12:17:56] (=)"C:S": A civil unrest method will fall out of your hands for direct control...
[19.07.2024 12:18:08] (=)"C:S": Goals might be met, but do you trust it?
[19.07.2024 12:18:47] GNI/-"Duke.V": I trust it more than the ineffective leadership of the new Navy. The only officers that have been promoted are those that knew how to bow down to the correct people, not to actually lead our people in their most pressing hours.
[19.07.2024 12:19:44] (=)"C:S": Revolting.
[19.07.2024 12:20:26] GNI/-"Duke.V": I'm sure you have been following the situation on Marne?
[19.07.2024 12:21:16] (=)"C:S": So these tools, are they to curtail this rancid cronyism on that planet by any chance?
[19.07.2024 12:21:50] GNI/-"Duke.V": Non, they will be used to remove individuals in other locations, not to be turned against the people en masse.
[19.07.2024 12:22:22] GNI/-"Duke.V": Sometimes they will simply be a part of a staged attack that will fail at a critical moment, making us look capable, while doing the reverse to the Marechal and his ilk.
[19.07.2024 12:23:00] GNI/-"Duke.V": The important part is that they cannot be traced back to Gallia itself.
[19.07.2024 12:23:06] GNI/-"Duke.V": Thus, why we seek you out.
[19.07.2024 12:23:42] (=)"C:S": Amusing... Then I have one thing to note in return.
[19.07.2024 12:24:54] (=)"C:S": I want supply and access routes into the Champagne region. I'll be honest that we don't have much--
[19.07.2024 12:26:05] (=)"C:S": In the way of expanding as destructively as that of your royal predecessors. But I think we need a means to survive with trade.
[19.07.2024 12:27:16] GNI/-"Duke.V": While the GNI could of course not support such a position publicly, we would have no issues with ignoring the presence of the Bundschuh in Gallia in general.
[19.07.2024 12:28:33] (=)"C:S": Give it some time, there will be a slow step up but you might find access to our portfolio a lot closer to home.
[19.07.2024 12:29:42] GNI/-"Duke.V": If we are in agreement then?
[19.07.2024 12:31:01] (=)"C:S": If you're happy for us to uphold our fair treatment of customers, then I'm sure you'll walk home with some blank serial numbers on some freshly forged receivers.
[19.07.2024 12:32:12] (=)"C:S": My advice, don't get shot by them, Rheinland favors physical ammo rather than energy based for its small arms.
[19.07.2024 12:32:16] GNI/-"Duke.V": Well, that and some things of a more explosive nature.
[19.07.2024 12:32:32] (=)"C:S": /Ah./
[19.07.2024 12:32:35] GNI/-"Duke.V": Of course, being improvised explosives would only serve us in the long run.
[19.07.2024 12:32:57] GNI/-"Duke.V": But yes, some untraceable weapons could also be good.
[19.07.2024 12:33:36] (=)"C:S": Now when I understood a false flag was to be the method here... But what are we talking about here?
[19.07.2024 12:34:06] GNI/-"Duke.V": Nothing major, we would of course not want to cause any harm to civilians.
[19.07.2024 12:34:35] (=)"C:S": Civil infrastructure, Government complex, Military targets? Usually they say no one gets hurt, but it's the long term damage...
[19.07.2024 12:34:37] (=)"C:S": That comes after.
[19.07.2024 12:35:05] GNI/-"Duke.V": Mostly military, perhaps a few of the more... inept civilian leaders, who are just military stooges.
[19.07.2024 12:35:21] GNI/-"Duke.V": We would also use some of these weapons against our enemies as well.
[19.07.2024 12:35:51] GNI/-"Duke.V": An attack on a Maquis base being blamed on the Brigands would be good for us in general.
[19.07.2024 12:38:44] (=)"C:S": Brigands, Maquis... I'd say that there is a lot of underground rivalry but the Bundschuh have been so small compared to our local competitors we never really felt the heat. But I think that's about to change.
[19.07.2024 12:39:50] (=)"C:S": Are you sure this implication might not send it our way too... It /will/ affect your access.
[19.07.2024 12:40:28] GNI/-"Duke.V": I do not expect anyone of relevance to find out.
[19.07.2024 12:40:36] GNI/-"Duke.V": Or particularly care if they do.
[19.07.2024 12:41:00] GNI/-"Duke.V": I doubt the Buro cares much for internal Gallic politics as our houses remain allied overall.
[19.07.2024 12:42:39] (=)"C:S": Good, because I expect more than just arms to be traded. It's a sensitive matter, but I'm glad we're in... Agreement.
[19.07.2024 12:43:02] GNI/-"Duke.V": Yes, in time other things can be exchanged, once we have a working relationship.
[19.07.2024 12:43:05] Tip: Are you a new player? Discovery Freelancer is not the easiest game to get your head around. If you have any questions of any kind, do not feel discouraged or embarrassed to ask them on our forum or simply approach other players for help.
[19.07.2024 12:43:35] GNI/-"Duke.V": Access to Gallic space in exchange for untraceable munitions is a good start though.
[19.07.2024 12:43:51] (=)"C:S": And a market presence will need to be established on Marne before the actual supply takes place...
[19.07.2024 12:44:03] GNI/-"Duke.V": On Marne?
[19.07.2024 12:44:14] GNI/-"Duke.V": I was hoping for more... subtle delivery.
[19.07.2024 12:44:56] (=)"C:S": Unione Corse will not like our presence of supply within the region. I know that for sure.
[19.07.2024 12:45:36] (=)"C:S": So until we can establish a good relief and aid cover for the overworked and disgruntled masses there...
[19.07.2024 12:45:42] GNI/-"Duke.V": Really?
[19.07.2024 12:46:08] GNI/-"Duke.V": I'm quite sure the Unione Corse would allow you to bring goods in, as long as they get their cut.
[19.07.2024 12:46:22] GNI/-"Duke.V": I was actually going to have the goods delivered to one of their installations.
[19.07.2024 12:46:42] (=)"C:S": Too many eyes that care about the faces.
[19.07.2024 12:47:08] (=)"C:S": The open distribution on Marne makes it easier for your people to come into a local business and walk out with their supply.
[19.07.2024 12:47:29] GNI/-"Duke.V": Hm, true, but it would be much more difficult to organize.
[19.07.2024 12:48:22] (=)"C:S": Eyes in the dark, duke.
[19.07.2024 12:48:22] GNI/-"Duke.V": I know for a fact that the Corse on Epernon would willingly accept the supplies
[19.07.2024 12:48:40] GNI/-"Duke.V": We have an arrangement with them.
[19.07.2024 12:50:06] (=)"C:S": /Ah, I see./ Well then the cut comes out of your agency's vault, if its your distribution and your supply...
[19.07.2024 12:51:11] GNI/-"Duke.V": You will be paid on delivery there of course.
[19.07.2024 12:51:52] GNI/-"Duke.V": A bonus would be sent as well, once confirmation of delivery would be achieved.
[19.07.2024 12:52:51] (=)"C:S": How much are we talking in terms of tonnage? I know a ship that recently pulled a large amount of powderized explosive out as cooking flour last week.
[19.07.2024 12:53:53] GNI/-"Duke.V": *A chuckle is heard over the comms*
[19.07.2024 12:54:08] GNI/-"Duke.V": Ah, well, perhaps a small delivery to start out.
[19.07.2024 12:54:45] GNI/-"Duke.V": A couple of freighters full would be a good beginning, and then we could go from there.
[19.07.2024 12:55:19] GNI/-"Duke.V": Using a smaller vessel would be more discrete, and there's always the back route through Picardy available if you do that.
[19.07.2024 12:57:06] (=)"C:S": And where's the exact drop off...? We talking one of Marseilles resort service platforms? Or one of their stellar--
[19.07.2024 12:57:09] (=)"C:S": Locations.
[19.07.2024 12:57:52] GNI/-"Duke.V": Epernay in Orleanais would work best.
[19.07.2024 12:58:06] GNI/-"Duke.V": I can send you a secure transmission through the net with the information.
[19.07.2024 12:59:00] (=)"C:S": Very well, prepare the manifest.
[19.07.2024 12:59:43] (=)"C:S": And for you, enjoy the flight home under your veil. May the Void fair you well, Agent. //: End Transmission
RE: To "CS" of the Platform - Civil Servant - 07-28-2024
| Private Connection Established
Name: "Civil Servant"
IFF/ID: The Platform
Encryption access: Custom
Location: Bruchsal
Subject: Goods Acquired
"Director Duke, your line of work is as curious to me as the trust you place in a foreign anti-establishment organization. The two conflict so much in interests of the state that its come to my conclusion you're also as desperate for a change of structure as we are...
"The shipment contains several tonnes of plastic explosives both in solid and powdered compounds, none volatile and easily concealable. Several guided munitions slipped off the line of Daumann's manufacturing plants with their serial numbers missing off several warheads and launchers. Although I think you'll find the reliability and effectiveness up to the usual Rheinland robustness. Please ensure the targets you choose don't end up having us making second guesses about who we sell to, I understand the decision making process of intelligence agencies are complex and beyond comprehensible by your average citizen... So consider it more concerning when some who does understand starts voicing warnings.
" The delivery went well, not much on our radar while the goods were in transit. I don't believe the Unione Corse would be too much of an issue in the long term... Some were interested in our goods with the emerging Rheinland market. Maybe you'll find a few civil relief centers on Maine to be a good place to find a variety of essentials in the near future.
"You'll find your equipment on the station in the hands of your local distributors as requested. Please file the funds you deem appropriate for the obfuscation, shipping and handling of the goods to (=)Common-Pool."
Regards - "Civil Servant"
Cell of the 'Damnatio Memoriae'
Perseverance in desperation
| Port Closed
RE: To "CS" of the Platform - Lord Caedus - 08-17-2024
//: Secure Connection Established
Name: DUKE
Identification: Gallic National Intelligence
Encryption access: EYES ONLY
Location: REDACTED
Subject: Payment for Services
I must apologize for the delay in response, we have had several matters to attend to closer to home. The quick delivery of the goods we asked for is very appreciated, and my people are already formulating plans for what to do with these goods. You'll find a payment arriving at the designated account shortly, and we will contact you here again when we require more supplies.
Director of External Operations
//: End Transmission