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Arai Akisada - Musashi Innovations Research Log - Printable Version

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Arai Akisada - Musashi Innovations Research Log - Levenna - 07-21-2024

[Image: irfHyQD.png]

"Long day, huh? What does someone even say in a log like this? People just record themselves talking? Gosh, why did I.. ah.. whatever.

Rin gave us an early finish after our trip to the omicrons. Helped unload the cargo afterwards though, and these relics are like nothing I've ever seen before in terms of material sciences. Call it inexperience, but their capacity to store energy seems practically off the charts.. if.. I had any charts but, ah well you know... well I'd hope so it's only me listening back to these logs.. probably.. I'm getting sidetracked again."

He draws in a deep breath, exhaling again slowly.

"They seem like remarkably pure samples, probably something to do with, uh, you know.. how they were acquired, right? Mercenaries and fairy tales, just what your average expedition entails, I guess. So, not only do the artifacts store energy, but they seem to practically hum with it by themselves, right? I can only imagine what mechanisms or materials might be inside, but I think the other lab staff might kill me if I even so much as thought of cracking one open. Priority for now is still setting up the materials lab so we can process.. well I don't know, actually, come to think of it, isn't that strange? I wonder what's in store for us."

The recording goes quiet as Arai ponders.

"I can't help but feel so underqualified. All the stuff happening here makes me wonder how I was even hired in the first place. We're only just getting started and we've already stumbled across alien life both hostile and.. well you know, what's weirder? The one that wasn't. Maybe it's for the best if I get some sleep. Rin seemed to take it well. Tanin, too. Can't say I buy it was a hologram though, holograms don't make me feel like every fibre of my being is being picked apart and examined in real time... Guess these encounters are just the norm with experimental tech, right?" There's a short, bitter laugh. "I guess this is what people mean when they talk about university not preparing you for everything. Best to trust their judgement and uh, get some rest."

There is a shaky breath and sigh as the audio recording cuts out abruptly.

Arai Akisada, Research Assistant
The spearhead of the never-seen-before