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Questions regarding underlevels - Boss - 05-12-2009

Right. I maintain and use several underlevel unlawfuls with appropriate IDs for their faction. The problem occurs when I pirate. I get people screaming at me that I can't do that, since I'm "underlevel and i cant attack u"

Since when was I not allowed to intentionally hobble myself in this aspect, if I'm using the proper ID?

The other issue is this: I'm camping a lane with an underlevel Pirate ID'd ship. I shoot out the lane, and a level 14 guy drops past and screams to system that "There's someone shooting the lane from <blah> to <blah>"

What are my options here? As a pirate who just got a black mark on me, I'm considerably upset. I didn't kill him, or engage, because I needed to check if that's acceptable.

Thoughts, please.

Questions regarding underlevels - Jinx - 05-12-2009

the problem is the load of special case rules.

yes, you can mount a faction ID and be "free for all" and fully involved in PR.

but players need to have many many rules in mind, and the global rules come to mind. "don t attack anyone below 30" - some forget about the special case rules. ignorance is the players own problem - but sometimes it feels like players play in a state of permanent awardness about not to commit anything that might get them sanctioned - a state of tension. but its hard to have all the rules in mind as well as the occasions ppl got sanctioned.

so ppl try to simplify it - and they see a lvl30 who is not allowed to engage into RP - in return is immune to others attacking him. - and they might be unsure about the cases where they can attack or he can attack.

all in all, we had sanctions for so many cases that you really have to browse the sanction threads to be aware of most - cause for all you know.... the one that reports you might have done it to find a precedent.

Questions regarding underlevels - Benjamin - 05-12-2009

If you have a non-civilian ID you stop being 'underlevel' in terms of PvP rules I believe.

Questions regarding underlevels - Boss - 05-12-2009

' Wrote:the problem is the load of special case rules.

yes, you can mount a faction ID and be "free for all" and fully involved in PR.

but players need to have many many rules in mind, and the global rules come to mind. "don t attack anyone below 30" - some forget about the special case rules.

' Wrote:If you have a non-civilian ID you stop being 'underlevel' in terms of PvP rules I believe.

This I know, but what about the non-hypothetical level 14 situation? I don't want to appear in-RP a wuss, but I don't want to break any rules either.

Questions regarding underlevels - carlabrams - 05-12-2009

Quote:5.3 Attacking characters of level 29 and below is prohibited. Characters under level 30 cannot be attacked by players of any level, except if they have non-Civilian ID onboard, and except cases of self-defense. Civilians who possess a CODENAME weapon may be attacked within roleplay at any level according to the piracy requirements.

6.8 Civilian ID that is given to beginning players allows them to attack:

- For players below level 30: players of similar level below level 30, or any players above level 30.
- For players between level 30 and 39: any players of level 30 and above.
- For players of level 40 and higher: using Civilian ID is illegal, no PvP allowed.

I think these are the two rules that you're looking for. If Boss Pirate (level 28) is ID'd as a pirate - NOT a civilian - and Boss Pirate initiates the attack upon Agmen Freelancer (level 56) - then Boss Pirate is going to be floating in space. (Self defense - presuming that Boss Pirate actually does the things that count as an attack upon Agmen Freelancer.) Agmen Freelancer cannot INITIATE combat against Boss Pirate, because there are TWO 'and's in rule 5.3. The under-level 30 character must have a non-civilian ID onboard AND the under-level must initiate the combat.

Quote:*For purposes of these Rules, an attack is draining shields to 50% or lower, or hull damage, or when a Cruise Disruptor is fired. Intentional ramming of any large ship is also considered an attack.

Now, if Boss Pirate can't even dent Agmen Freelancer's shields, then Agmen is going to thumb his nose at Boss and sail away.

As for the scenario you mentioned - the level 14 guy is untouchable as far as you're concened. Period.

Questions regarding underlevels - Jinx - 05-12-2009

you can RP all you wish with a proper ID - i just tried to explain how players that are NOT aware of any special cases become uncertain about the rules - which can lead to aggressivness and claims that "something is done wrong"

no ones problem - really. you are right, you can - if you have a faction ID - RP. - but if you got a ... i think recruit or civi ID, you should not really RP ... not 100% sure about it though.

Questions regarding underlevels - Boss - 05-12-2009

' Wrote:I think these are the two rules that you're looking for. If Boss Pirate (level 28) is ID'd as a pirate - NOT a civilian - and Boss Pirate initiates the attack upon Agmen Freelancer (level 56) - then Boss Pirate is going to be floating in space. (Self defense - presuming that Boss Pirate actually does the things that count as an attack upon Agmen Freelancer.) Agmen Freelancer cannot INITIATE combat against Boss Pirate, because there are TWO 'and's in rule 5.3. The under-level 30 character must have a non-civilian ID onboard AND the must initiate the combat.
Now, if Boss Pirate can't even dent Agmen Freelancer's shields, then Agmen is going to thumb his nose at Boss and sail away.

As for the scenario you mentioned - the level 14 guy is untouchable as far as you're concened. Period.

Agmen Freelancer is going to be floating in space if Boss Xeno is involved. Haven't engaged anyone on the pirate yet. (Seriously...those Tarantulas do a number)

Regarding the level 14 guy...So, in other words, I'm screwed as far as doing -anything- to defend myself against an onslaught. Joy...

' Wrote:you can RP all you wish with a proper ID - i just tried to explain how players that are NOT aware of any special cases become uncertain about the rules - which can lead to aggressivness and claims that "something is done wrong"

no ones problem - really. you are right, you can - if you have a faction ID - RP. - but if you got a ... i think recruit or civi ID, you should not really RP ... not 100% sure about it though.

I have a Xeno ID on my Starblazer and a Pirate ID on my Hawk.

Questions regarding underlevels - Jinx - 05-12-2009

with those IDs you are a fair game for all. - you can be attacked by anyone up to a lvl90 battleship. - in turn you can attack and RP / interact with everyone - as it should be... i mean, thats what we re here for after all.

in a way - the rule is meant to protect the "innocents" - those that start the server and get used to it. - any disco veteran would buy a faction ID regardless of being underlevel anyway - i guess.

Questions regarding underlevels - Benjamin - 05-12-2009

' Wrote:Agmen Freelancer cannot INITIATE combat against Boss Pirate, because there are TWO 'and's in rule 5.3. The under-level 30 character must have a non-civilian ID onboard AND the must initiate the combat.
Are you sure about this one? I mean, if what you say is true, why the stuff about non-civilian ID? You can always defend yourself whatever happens, so the whole non-civilian ID stuff is meaningless.

Questions regarding underlevels - Mere_Mortal - 05-12-2009

' Wrote:Agmen Freelancer cannot INITIATE combat against Boss Pirate, because there are TWO 'and's in rule 5.3. The under-level 30 character must have a non-civilian ID onboard AND the must initiate the combat.
I disagree, I think you're looking into the wording too much and overlooking what the rules actually mean. The way I see it is that if somebody is in a Starflier, is level 8 and has a Xeno ID, they are fair game and can be attacked at will by anybody else with an opposing ID, as long as it is within role-play of course.