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To: Gallic Gendarmerie | CC: Gallic Navy | From: Rheinland Polizei - Printable Version

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To: Gallic Gendarmerie | CC: Gallic Navy | From: Rheinland Polizei - rwx - 07-23-2024

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Kaiserreichspolizei Rheinland
Encrypted Video Transmission

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IDENTIFICATION: Oberrätin Renate Bommel
SOURCE: Nibelung Polizei Plaza, Planet New-Berlin
SUBJECT: More labor for Hammersee

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

my name is Renate Bommel and I'm part of ze Oberrat of ze Kaiserreichspolizei in Rheinland.
I contact you because of an unfortunate incident zat occurred in ze penal colony Hammersee. As you certainly know, zis is Rheinlands main source of aluminum and zrough ze position in ze Lüneburg system, trade ships are often ambushed by pirates. Fortunately, ze presence of ze empire in ze system was significantly strengzened, so zat we are even able to disable even corsair war ships. Zis happened some time ago and debris of a drifting wreck fell on ze planet. Since zen, we had to complain about ze decline in aluminum production zrough ze unwanted reduction of workers. My superiors commissioned me to find a solution to zis problem.

In ze past, ze menial workforce were gradually replaced by criminals. Zis has ze advantage zat we keep ze costs for ze mining and finishing process of aluminum relatively low and at ze same time can carry out sensible resocialization measures of criminals. I'm sure you already have heard ze slogan

Yesterday they have stolen Rheinlands properties.
Today they're digging deep for redemption.

Rehabilitation through hard work - at the penal colony Hammersee.

Unfortunately, we are victims of our own success. Ze present of unlawfuls in Rheinlandis reduced from day to day. Ze only ways to counter zis fact is to eizer tighten our laws or to export our acquired ability to suppress convert criminals as a service.

Zerefore, I ask for ze consideration of ze following offer:
Ze Rheinland Polizei would like to transfer around 10,000 criminals from Gallia to work in ze mines of Hammersee. As a quid pro quo, we offer around 100,000 units of aluminum for planet Amiens. Zis can be used to raise ze cities on ze planet more efficiently due to ze increased sea level. Zis would also mean zat ze laws on population control could be made less restrictive; as a result, zere would be even fewer criminals on ze planet in ze future.

If you agree, we would also like to aquire a Lucullus liner to our fleet of prisoner transports from you. It is irrelevant, whezer it is a newer model or an already used one. I am sure zat you, as a Polizei pendant in Gallia, understand ze need to adapt such a liner to ze police specific needs zrough appropriate renovation measures. Such a liner would initially be dedicated for ze above proposal and zis would symbolize a clear signal of friendship between Rheinland and Gallia.

Oberrätin Renate Bommel
[Image: qeRD9xS.png]
Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

Renate Bommel

[Image: afJNWwq.png]


RE: To: Gallic Gendarmerie | CC: Gallic Navy | From: Rheinland Polizei - Conundrum - 07-29-2024

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Incoming Transmission
SENDER: Marshal Corentin Auch
RECIPIENT:Oberrätin Renate Bommel


Blimey, do you need labour? Well, our prisons are overflowing - there have been quite a few bad apples that have been disturbing the peace, order and harmony of our peaceful Gallic Union.

Alas - we do have to be careful who we let out on this "worker exchange programme." Naturally, any citizens who have strayed but have enlisted in the Gallic Navy or Gendarmerie in the past are out of the question - we hold those who were willing to serve in high regard in our society, even if we removed their freedoms for their recent misdeeds.

We naturally also cannot risk any Maquisard terrorist sympathizers to move to Sirius. The process for selection of the prisoners will be hard and must be vigorous, and it must be the Gendarmerie that delivers said criminals to Rheinland - but it will be done!

100,000 units of aluminium for planet Amiens of course we will accept as payment - we have the authority to grant short-term exceptions to our Laws for this contract, once we have delivered the criminals (proof will be posted in this channel) we will make the announcement and you may deliver the Aluminum, I am sure you will receive current market price on Amiens for your trouble to boot.

The Liner
Pardon my confusion Oberrlieutenant Renate Bommel - but is that common in Rheinland to use the pinnacle of luxury such as the Lucullus for prisoner transfer? I mean, I am sure we can talk about it, but this seems like such a monumental waste! Our liners are used for diplomatic missions, tourism and scientific data collection. It is the "Taureau" Gallic Frigate that is by FAR more suitable for prisoner transfer purpose - it has been designed for marine transport so it can be easily locked from "the outside" at little cost, is much safer, more agile and doesn't provide the luxury to criminals who frankly don't deserve it as the Lucullus does!

Corentin Auch
Maréchal des Logis-Chef
Gallic Navy Flotte Combinée

RE: To: Gallic Gendarmerie | CC: Gallic Navy | From: Rheinland Polizei - rwx - 07-30-2024

[Image: NcF7fVE.png]
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Kaiserreichspolizei Rheinland
Encrypted Video Transmission

[Image: qP0HoK9.jpg]

IDENTIFICATION: Oberrätin Renate Bommel
SOURCE: Nibelung Polizei Plaza, Planet New-Berlin
SUBJECT: Re: More labor for Hammersee

Sehr geehrter Marshal Auch,

first and foremost, let me zank you for fast and positive reply.

Of course I understand ze need for ze Gendarmerie to select ze criminals, who are suitable for a transfer, zemself. I also appreciate your offer of bringing zem on your own to Rheinland. Please note, zat criminal transportation is typically reserved for law-enforcement only wizin Rheinland and as such, a separate permit from ze Rheinland government is required. In case you want to ship restricted materials from Rheinland back to Gallia, feel free to combine zis wiz your request in ze respective office; ozerwise ze Rheinland Polizei could also request ze permission to transport criminals for you from ze Rheinland government.

I assume zat ze exception wizin §4.4.3. of ze Rheinland laws ([GN]GT-) is refering to transports of ze Gendarmerie; is zat correct or do you use ozer tags for your prisoner transports? (Ze Kaiserreichspolizei, for example, uses primarily KPR|GTV to mark zose.)

Regarding ze Luccullus:
I am aware, zat zis is typically considered a luxury liner. Ze Kaiserreichspolizei uses at ze moment at least one Enterprise liner for prisoner transport. Zis could also be considered as "too luxury". However, as far as I'm aware, zey were heavily spartanized by Daumann and ze main intention was to transport more criminals zan wiz a regular Oasis.
I remember how Direktorin Wolf once mentioned, ze Taureau is more an offensive troop carriers zan a prisoner transporter.
Neverzeless, since ze gendamerie will transport ze criminals, such a ship won't be longer needed.

However, as ze approciate funds for ze ships were already approved, I'd like to outline how important such a workforce transfer is for ze Rheinland Polizei. Zerefore I hereby increase your compensation for ze transport to ze Mecklenburg station by 500 credits per criminal. Zis results in a total of 5.000.000 sirius credits. I'm sure you can do ze gallic currency exchange yourself.

Oberrätin Renate Bommel
[Image: qeRD9xS.png]
Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

Renate Bommel

[Image: afJNWwq.png]


RE: To: Gallic Gendarmerie | CC: Gallic Navy | From: Rheinland Polizei - rwx - 08-19-2024

[Image: NcF7fVE.png]
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Kaiserreichspolizei Rheinland
Encrypted Video Transmission

[Image: OeHQ8hR.png]

IDENTIFICATION: Oberrätin Renate Bommel
SOURCE: Nibelung Polizei Plaza, Planet New-Berlin
SUBJECT: Re: More labor for Hammersee

Sehr geehrter Marshal Auch,

my superiors ask me regularly now about ze promised workforce for Planet Hammersee. I have not yet had ze chance to contact ze Mecklenburg station. Could you please tell me to what extent your preparations on zis matter have been completed? I couldn't help, but notice, zat ze necessary permits have not yet even been requested.

My initial offer still stands:
Ze Rheinland Polizei could take care of ze transport (in exchange for a Luccullus), if ze Gendarmerie is too busy or ozerwise incapable.

Oberrätin Renate Bommel
[Image: qeRD9xS.png]
Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

Renate Bommel

[Image: afJNWwq.png]


RE: To: Gallic Gendarmerie | CC: Gallic Navy | From: Rheinland Polizei - Conundrum - 08-26-2024

[Image: 51f0c340efb25c496c1ba9572a456165.png]
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Incoming Transmission
SENDER: Marshal Corentin Auch
RECIPIENT:Oberrätin Renate Bommel


In fact - we would like to hold a meeting in one of the systems that lead through the highway - Cologne!

The time? Thus Wednesday 20:00 Standard Time! We will discuss the prisoner's exchange, Liner and highway security. The Gendarmerie leadership will be present, as will the Zurich contingent of the Gallic Navy! We will see you there - please do show up in force yourselves, we could expect hostile elements to try to test our resolve!

Corentin Auch
Maréchal des Logis-Chef
Gallic Navy Flotte Combinée

RE: To: Gallic Gendarmerie | CC: Gallic Navy | From: Rheinland Polizei - Conundrum - 08-28-2024

[Image: 51f0c340efb25c496c1ba9572a456165.png]
[Image: 0eea2f2e01e7a781a08367d40c792940.png]
Incoming Transmission
SENDER: Marshal Corentin Auch
RECIPIENT:Oberrätin Renate Bommel


One hell of a meeting! I see your house has problems of its own!

Nevertheless, what was agreed:
  • The Gendarmerie will release only prisoners of Sirian origin, with preference for Rheinladers
  • Given the above - the security risk of releasing Gallic enemies of the state is minimal, you may therefore transport the prisoners and aluminium yourselves
  • There is no need for long paperwork, we are hereby grading you the exception from Gallic Laws
    - Criminals

    For the duration of the Contract, in accordance with
    Quote:§1.3. LICENCES

    Permits & Licenses Registry may grant exceptions from legal restrictions, valid for up to one year without renewal. Official Law Enforcement high command or the Gallic Government can grant short-term exceptions.

These Sirian Origin criminals had a hard time in our prisons, and frankly, we are glad we are getting rid of them.

Today's attack by the Hessians, Bundschuh along with Gallic Enemies of the state only proves that we must work closer together to protect this all-important trade highway - let this be the first step after our heads of state's meetings on New Paris!

Corentin Auch
Maréchal des Logis-Chef
Gallic Navy Flotte Combinée

RE: To: Gallic Gendarmerie | CC: Gallic Navy | From: Rheinland Polizei - rwx - 08-29-2024

[Image: NcF7fVE.png]
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Kaiserreichspolizei Rheinland
Encrypted Video Transmission

[Image: qP0HoK9.jpg]

IDENTIFICATION: Oberrätin Renate Bommel
SOURCE: Nibelung Polizei Plaza, Planet New-Berlin
SUBJECT: Re: More labor for Hammersee

Sehr geehrter Marshal Auch,

her highness, ze Kurprinzessin zur Neckar and Direktorin of ze Kaiserreichspolizei, Freiya Wolf, is pleased about ze outcome of ze negotiations and let me be ze first to zank ze gallic navy for zeir assistance in Köln. It is very concerning to see ze hessian presence raising in zis system again. Ze Rheinland Polizei will take necessary steps to ensure ze system and its inhabitants stay civilised.

Wiz your yesterday granted permission for a Luccullus liner, I already sent out a delegation to your capital system to procure such a ship. It should take some days weeks for zem arriving in Gallia. Once zey come back wiz ze first set of criminals, ze Kaiserreichpolizei will rejudge zeir infringements in a fair trial to compromise zeir sentence for Hammersee wiz zeir already fulfilled prison term.

I'll report back, after I filled some forms of order sought.

Oberrätin Renate Bommel
[Image: qeRD9xS.png]
Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

Renate Bommel

[Image: afJNWwq.png]