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A scientific rendez-vous - Printable Version

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A scientific rendez-vous - Dave Synk - 07-23-2024

Dave walked with easy steps towards the command chair, as his attention was slightly focused on datapad. The bridge was busy with the senior officers exchanging various information about whatever tasks they were assigned to perform. His second in command, left the chair and greeted him.

"Welcome back, sir. The Terminus is ready to leave the Citadel's drydock as instructed. We've also calibrated the forward sensor array for our anomaly scan." The relatively slender woman stood firm and in attention as she reported to Dave.

He looked at her for a moment put a small smirk and casually sat down into the chair. Leaned on the side of it and said: "Well done officer.. Veradrix? You're a new transfer right?"

The woman never changed her posture, her minimalistic augmentations across her face was the clear sign that she was an authentic technocrat. "Yes, sir. Served on Aergia, as a science officer. Stellar telemetry and radiation manipulations, sir."

"And now you're my first officer, Vera. I'm pretty sure you're enthusiastic about it. You can be at ease and you can call me Dave. Most of them do and they still remember I'm their captain and if the situation is required... a Venator." Kept a light smirk easing the atmosphere around the bridge. The other officers knowing him or getting used to his more libertarian style of command were either smiling, smirking or chuckling.

"I am not fond of fraternization but I can comply to your orders if that's what you want si-... Dave." Vera slightly changed her posture but not as much. She was a professional to the core.

Dave chuckled nodding to her. He then changed his attention ahead at the viewport and gestured Vera to take her seat. "Our anomaly scan will have to wait for a moment. We'll make a stop to the Threadripper Research Station. I received an invite by the owner, Doctor Nana Threadripper, to visit her station. We're supposed to talk about a specific "rock" I know of in Omicron Pi. Set course to the station and open a channel when we're below ten clicks."

The helm officer manipulated a holographic overview of Inverness and plotted a course to the station that was registered on the navigational charts of the Terminus. The undocking sound of the releasing mag-locks from the drydock gave the vessel a small vibration and they were good to go. Dave continued to watch and study the pad he carried with great interest until Veradrix notified him.

"Venator Synk, we're approaching the designated coordinates. The station is in our range.. hailing frequencies open."

Dave immediately shifted his attention again to the viewport as he awaited visual link as well.

"Good day, doctor Nana, Dave Synk speaking. I believe you offered me an invitation yesterday, does it still stand?" Dave kept a light smile awaiting for a response from the station.