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[Infocard] Claymore Torpedo infocard is wrong on several counts - Printable Version

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[Infocard] Claymore Torpedo infocard is wrong on several counts - Petitioner - 07-25-2024

Type: Infocard
Bug: Claymore unique torpedo is called "Dolabra Torpedo" in some places and "Oxybeles EMP Torpedo" in others. Its infocard also identifies the Claymore as a "Super Heavy Fighter" when the ship's own infocard refers to it as a "Fighter-Bomber".

Reproduction Steps:
  • Go to almost any base's equipment dealer (eg, Planet Stuttgart).
  • Look for the "Dolabra Torpedo" in the Ammunition tab.
  • Augh! Sottoscrivete!

Additional Information: Kudos to the pilot who guided me through the maze. The way you appeared out of nowhere and saved me from losing all my RP cargo felt like divine intervention.