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NWB| ↔ Mollys || Communication Channel - Printable Version

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NWB| ↔ Mollys || Communication Channel - Shelco - 07-28-2024

> ./Message.Received .

> ./Establishing.Connection.Node-4728.../Connection.Successful.../Encrypting...
> ./Initiating.../RSSTNC3.bnd.../Recognized.NEW.RESISTANCE.Initializing...

> ./Sender.ID.Paul.Botzler.../Signal.Origin.Base.ID.NULL

> ./Transmission.Secure.../BEGIN...



[Image: aQKeM98.png]

[Image: ZPpxcBR.png]

Esteemed representatives of the Mollys and the Republic of Dublin

my name is Paul Botzler and I am the leader of the New Resistance Movement within the Bundschuh in Rheinland.

Lately, we have been hearing an increasing number of rumors and narratives about what has been happening in Dublin, from major attacks by the Corsairs to invasions by the Bretonian Armed Forces.

From what I've been hearing, however, the Mollys have stood firm and are still in control of the system.

It may be that some of your leaders are surprised at our message, after all, the Bundschuh and the Mollys have not historically been the closest of allies, due to the distance, needless to say.

However, in politically turbulent times like these, it is important for us to make it clear where our solidarity and support lies. As the New Resistance Movement, we speak out clearly and unequivocally for the independence of Dublin and the liberation of workers across Bretonia. We believe that the Mollys are among the only existing groups in Bretonia with a vision that moves closer to a fairer and more socially just world, in the interests of all.

Much of what we hear comes from hearsay and anecdotal evidence, so I would like to hear from one of your representatives before we discuss further. Consider this message an offer for closer ties in the future and a steady streamline of exchange in our respective struggles.

I hope to hear from you soon, should you be interested.

With respect,

Paul Botzler
Leader of the New Resistance

> ./Attachment.NULL

> ./End.Message.CONTENT....
> ./Terminating.Connection.Node-4728.../Disconnecting..../Encryption.Disabled..
> ./Connection.CLOSED...

> ./Message.End .

RE: NWB| ↔ Mollys || Communication Channel - Luminium - 07-30-2024

[Image: cBJ6ymo.png]
[Image: Vr5dqKn.png]

> Incoming transmission <

Source: "Maguire" Comms-Net
Applying decryption algorithm...

Establishing video uplink.

[Image: e7iO3Sq.png]

From: Chief C. O'Reilly
To: Paul Botzler
Subject: New Resistance Movement

Mister Botzler.

Thanks for the vote of confidence, even if the Final Liberation is still a very long way away.

My name is Camille O'Reilly. I'll be your contact with the Republican Provisional Assembly of Dublin.

While it's true that our respective movements have never been close, excepting occasional economic cooperation, the time to change that has never been more right than now. Our Chancellor's Office recognises that the fall of Graves and its ramifications have pushed us into the spotlight of all the Houses. Rheinland in particular is fully backing Bretonia, openly sending expeditionary forces to help them retake Dublin.

If you agree that the Emperor's foreign adventures are an unwelcome addition to Dublin's debris fields, then consider us interested in dialogue.

> End of Transmission <

RE: NWB| ↔ Mollys || Communication Channel - Shelco - 07-30-2024

> ./Message.Received .

> ./Establishing.Connection.Node-4728.../Connection.Successful.../Encrypting...
> ./Initiating.../RSSTNC3.bnd.../Recognized.NEW.RESISTANCE.Initializing...

> ./Sender.ID.Paul.Botzler.../Signal.Origin.Base.ID.NULL

> ./Transmission.Secure.../BEGIN...


>./Faction.Republican.Provisional.Assembly.of.Dublin ./. Mollys

[Image: aQKeM98.png]

[Image: ZPpxcBR.png]

Dear Miss O'Reilly,

the historic precedents never bother to change which makes Rheinland's support of this push against any movement stemming out of class solidarity all the less surprising.

As a proof of our solidarity with your movement, let us offer you a shipment of 3.600 tons worth of supplies of your choice. We will dispatch a transport as soon as possible.

I am sure we will have no issues finding common ground after that.

With respect,

Paul Botzler
Leader of the New Resistance

> ./Attachment.NULL

> ./End.Message.CONTENT....
> ./Terminating.Connection.Node-4728.../Disconnecting..../Encryption.Disabled..
> ./Connection.CLOSED...

> ./Message.End .

RE: NWB| ↔ Mollys || Communication Channel - Luminium - 07-30-2024

[Image: cBJ6ymo.png]
[Image: Vr5dqKn.png]

> Incoming transmission <

Source: "Maguire" Comms-Net
Applying decryption algorithm...

Establishing video uplink.

[Image: e7iO3Sq.png]

From: Chief C. O'Reilly
To: Paul Botzler
Subject: Solidarity

Mister Botzler.

You may bring food rations to Connacht Depot, if you're inclined to show solidarity and stave off a humanitarian crisis in the making. Beware of the Crown's blockade enforcers, mines and Corsair raiders on the way there. Our pilots will be instructed to keep an eye out for your transport and escort it safely.

If everything goes well, it will be more than proof of solidarity -- it'll be a tangible benefit to us, something far more than gestures and promises. Then we can talk about setting up channels for sharing intel and other ways we can help each other.


> End of Transmission <

RE: NWB| ↔ Mollys || Communication Channel - Shelco - 08-02-2024

> ./Message.Received .

> ./Establishing.Connection.Node-4728.../Connection.Successful.../Encrypting...
> ./Initiating.../RSSTNC3.bnd.../Recognized.NEW.RESISTANCE.Initializing...

> ./Sender.ID.Rainer.Langhans.../Signal.Origin.Base_ID.Arranmore

> ./Transmission.Secure.../BEGIN...


>./Faction.Republican.Provisional.Assembly.of.Dublin ./. Mollys

[Image: aQKeM98.png]

[Image: 5VyLehv.png]

Good day Chief and all the others,

I'm Rainer Langhans, me and Activist Ohnesorg commanded the Aufbruch just there. Thanks for escorting us on the way there, didn't expect this amount of trouble for some food deliveries. The crown-polisher-crew sure as hell don't want you lot to eat.

We couldn't bring the food to Connacht, 'cause its shields were up. But it shouldn't be more than a small nuisance, knowing we got it to Arranmore instead.

You'll notice the rations are of good quality. Had to take in some favors from my time at the LWB and had a crew of old buddies raid a depot for it. Bossman made it seem like it's worth it. That should prep you guys for some time.

We're currently still on Arranmore, preparing for the trip back. Your bar seems great, I'll have a good time there. If you got any info on what we could take back from Arranmore to Rheinland, it'd be great if you told us.

I've also uploaded the route we've taken to Dublin so that we have a pathway to you in the future, you know, if you just gotta see other places from time to time, if that's okay with you.

Until then.

Rainer Langhans
Activist in the New Resistance

> ./Attachments.[1}

> ./End.Message.CONTENT....
> ./Terminating.Connection.Node-4728.../Disconnecting..../Encryption.Disabled..
> ./Connection.CLOSED...

> ./Message.End .

RE: NWB| ↔ Mollys || Communication Channel - Luminium - 08-02-2024

[Image: cBJ6ymo.png]
[Image: Vr5dqKn.png]

> Incoming transmission <

Source: "Maguire" Comms-Net
Applying decryption algorithm...

Establishing video uplink.

[Image: e7iO3Sq.png]

From: Chief C. O'Reilly
To: Rainer Langhans, CC: Paul Botzler
Subject: Supply Mission

Good evening, Mr. Langhans.

Well done on completing that run. That was a close call, but it looks like our cooperation is off to a good start -- perhaps the start of a new supply line for us. These rations will go a long way towards helping our cause and our people. I'm sure they'll appreciate you getting the premium quality stuff -- it's good for morale.

You're welcome to stay on Arranmore as long as you need. If you're looking for something to bring back to Rheinland, you could always load up on gold - it is our primary export. Use it for your own needs, or bring it to our mutual acquaintances in Dresden -- they should give you a decent price for it.

Thanks again for a job well done.

Safe travels.

> End of Transmission <

RE: NWB| ↔ Mollys || Communication Channel - Luminium - 08-06-2024

[Image: cBJ6ymo.png]
[Image: Vr5dqKn.png]

> Incoming transmission <

Source: "Maguire" Comms-Net
Applying decryption algorithm...

Establishing video uplink.

[Image: e7iO3Sq.png]

From: Chief C. O'Reilly
To: Paul Botzler
Subject: Solidarity

Mr. Botzler.

Now that your people have witnessed first-hand the Armed Forces' blatant attack on their food transport, there ought to be some backlash. It's clear to anyone that has eyes that the ghouls in charge of the Kingdom are planning to eradicate everyone in Dublin -- their former countrymen, I might add -- to clear a path for recolonisation of the system so they can pretend things are back to the way they used to be. They're not even trying to hide it.

They'll use any gruesome means at their disposal to achieve this goal. The people of Rheinland should be wondering whether supporting Bretonian state-sponsored terrorism is the right thing to do, in spite of their imperial government's edicts. We should make an effort to expose their crimes as widely as possible.

Also, we will let you know if any more Imperial ships appear in Bretonia, so you could take advantage of their absence in Rheinland. And there's a reward for destroying one of the Rheinland warships that attacked Dublin, if your people are willing to take the opportunity. Let's call it the start of a joint information network?

Let me know if we can be of more help.

> End of Transmission <

RE: NWB| ↔ Mollys || Communication Channel - Shelco - 08-06-2024

> ./Message.Received .

> ./Establishing.Connection.Node-4728.../Connection.Successful.../Encrypting...
> ./Initiating.../RSSTNC3.bnd.../Recognized.NEW.RESISTANCE.Initializing...

> ./Sender.ID.Paul.Botzler.../Signal.Origin.Base.ID.Bruchsal

> ./Transmission.Secure.../BEGIN...


>./Faction.Republican.Provisional.Assembly.of.Dublin ./. Mollys

[Image: aQKeM98.png]

[Image: ZPpxcBR.png]

Dear Miss O'Reilly,

considering the odds you face and the crown's overwhelmingly aggressive tactics, I can only express my respect and admiration for your republic's ferocity. Rest assured, we understand what it's like to confront an enemy far greater in size, battling against both steel and ideology. If our homes were not so distant, we would eagerly offer support in your resistance against the crown.

The people of Rheinland, regrettably, are disenfranchised regarding their ability to resist their oppressors or reveal their misdeeds. As you are aware, our movements advocate for those who are silenced and oppressed. The ruling classes of our lands do not consider the morality of such alliances or their public benefit. Only the interests of shareholders, aristocrats, and oligarchs prevail. But you are correct; we must endeavor to expose these crimes wherever possible. There is always hope in dedicating oneself to acts of selfless liberation.

I will relay your information regarding the gunboat Helle Wolke to my comrades in case we happen to encounter this ship. I have only seen it once roaming the Thuringia system. We will certainly reach out to you, should we be in need of help.

We would gladly offer you the same hospitality in Rheinland that you have offered us. Of course, without a system we can call our own, that is more difficult to achieve.

I have heard rumors that the crew of the Aufbruch had an exceptional time with some of the people on Arranmore and would hope that seeing us within Dublin doesn't bring you any discomfort. Some of ours have already mentioned wanting to again, they mentioned well-dosed beverages and enjoyable company.

In solidarity,

Paul Botzler
Leader of the New Resistance

> ./Attachment.NULL

> ./End.Message.CONTENT....
> ./Terminating.Connection.Node-4728.../Disconnecting..../Encryption.Disabled..
> ./Connection.CLOSED...

> ./Message.End .

RE: NWB| ↔ Mollys || Communication Channel - Luminium - 08-19-2024

[Image: cBJ6ymo.png]
[Image: Vr5dqKn.png]

> Incoming transmission <

Source: "Maguire" Comms-Net
Applying decryption algorithm...

Establishing video uplink.

[Image: e7iO3Sq.png]

From: Chief C. O'Reilly
To: Paul Botzler
Subject: Solidarity

Mr. Botzler.

I understand that winning over the people is not something done in one day. There are voices in our own movement that suggest becoming a vanguard for change in Bretonia, through supporting the dissafected working populations on worlds like Sprague. I believe there's a lot we can learn from your example if the Assembly agrees to follow that path.

We appreciate all your support so far, and your offer of hospitality, though I don't know if we'll ever get the chance to take advantage of it. Your ships are always welcome to return to Arranmore.

I will be in contact if we have anything more for you.

> End of Transmission <