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New ID idea - Printable Version

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New ID idea - Corsair - 05-13-2009

Now, it's likely been suggested before. But this would make causes like the ZAS so much more attractive. My idea is to implement a "Human Rescuer" ID that allows you to do exactly what it says - rescue people, like captured pilots, and chiefly, Slaves.

Currently, only Vigilante and Terrorist IDs allow you to demand that the Slaver dumps all of his cargo. Well, what if you don't want to be either? I think that the ID could be set up like this:

*Owner of this ID can trade and escort traders (Because someone has to pick up the slaves afterward)
*Can only hunt slavers
*Can demand human cargo, but only lawful and civilian pilots.
*Can only dock on Freeports with slaves on board. (So that we know the people are safely released)
*Allowed to use force if the ship in question refuses to drop sensitive cargo, like slaves. (So you can't kill police for having other, rescued Police)
*Cannot commit unlawful acts against anybody but unlawfuls.
*Cannot demand any other contraband than slaves.
*Cannot ally with Outcasts and their allies
*Cannot fulfill bounty contracts
Can pilot Fighters, Bombers, Gunboats (Restricted)

The idea is that after they have the Slaves on board, they are taken to the nearest Freeport and released. This would prevent Rescuers from taking their load to Malta. The gunboat idea is in case an organized group of anti-slavers, like ZAS decides that they now have funds to afford capital ships. Freed slaves' families pay quite nicely, after all.

New ID idea - Robert.Fitzgerald - 05-13-2009

Why can't you use the Slaver ID and demand the slaves off them? I don't see the need to create a new ID.

New ID idea - tazuras - 05-13-2009

Yeah, the goal of this is somewhat similar to The Doctor ID that sprolf already came up with, but a little more, I dunno, bland?

New ID idea - Linkus - 05-13-2009

Good luck transporting 5000 slaves in your fighter, that's all I say.

New ID idea - ryuka.shinigami - 05-13-2009

Absolutely, I've seen that, and maybe one freighter/transport with even more than 5k slaves!
Also, I'd love to see a fighter, just a HF or LF, take on a Pirate Transport or maybe even a MiningShip/Salvager.
I'd LOVE to see one take on a heavily armed Mining Ship...
And a salvager has SO much hull!
Even though neither of them should have slaves... >.>

Hell, I'd love to see a fighter go up against a Prison Liner!
Well, not a heavily armed fighter... aheheh...

Wow... now I wanna see a horde of starfleas attack a single royal liner...
That's be great, and I would put that on youtube, like, INSTA-click...
Yeah... whatever... I don't even remember what this forum was about....

New ID idea - Irra - 05-13-2009

hehe , i saw couple of days ago convoy of pirate transports transporting slaves ... you need something big to destroy them quickly and something huge to return slaves to FP ... not sure even battleships cant do what i said

edit: maybe group of 10-20 fighters or couple of big cargo gold capitals could do it ...

New ID idea - Robert.Fitzgerald - 05-13-2009

Transports/Liners could be used, but the situation seems somewhat silly to me.

A Liner is robbed by a Slaver Liner, which is robbed by another Liner.

New ID idea - Athenian - 05-13-2009

The Abolitionist Movement has bountied slavers. You don't need a special ID to stop them. Check the employment office. We don't need ID's for every possible RP permutation, just a little imagaination on players' parts.

New ID idea - Stoat - 05-13-2009

' Wrote:The Abolitionist Movement has bountied slavers. You don't need a special ID to stop them. Check the employment office. We don't need ID's for every possible RP permutation, just a little imagaination on players' parts.

Indeed they have, and you can call in help to rescue the slaves, like I did, if you have to shoot the slaver's ship. Just keep your ship close to the dropped slaves and they won't disappear (die). I see this as a kind of expansion of the shielding which will allow the people to survive while they wait for rescue. Admittedly, it took a battlecruiser, a gunship and a couple of fighters a few runs to return all the freed slaves to Leeds, but they did it.

New ID idea - Corsair - 05-15-2009

This ID was imagined with larger ships in mind. As such, this was developed in mind of groups like the ZAS, who have access to more military materials.