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[Event] Into the Lair - Printable Version

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[Event] Into the Lair - Das Wilde - 08-15-2024

Into the Lair
Rheinland, Hamburg
Escort Event


With the bulk of New Berlin's garrison in disarray following a daring raid by The Wild, Hamburg's vast expanses were left opened for the Unioners to exploit. Amongst these Unioners lay, until now, a dormant cell of Thralls -- 'brainwashed' individuals working for a Greater Goal and operating under the thumb of an Infiltrator, Hodur. Intending to make full use of the mess they'd created in New Berlin, Hodur sets in motion a larger plan to put commerce between Rheinland and Liberty to sword, but also to start the gears towards an eventual false flag attack by covert Thralls.

On the other side, in Cologne, Krefeld is abuzz with activity; patrols coming in to refuel, others moving out. Moored, at the station, is a Ragnar-class transport, piloted by one such notable Thrall: Hugo Straussler. Under the pretext of establishing a listening post in the Kielfield to acquire valuable data for the Unioner raiders, he readies himself and his crew to make way for Hamburg with the transport to put the foundation for this station.

However, The Wild also has to gain from such a mission -- should the transport deliver the goods to the particle cloud within the Kielfeld and assemble the platform for this installation, the Unioners and their 'masters' shall gaze towards Liberty, towards Hudson, for their next moves.


24th August, 1730 UTC Server Time.


  • A Unioner freighter will head out, from Krefeld Base, to Erkling's Lair in Hamburg at 1730 hours; should it arrive successfully and hold out for a total of 10 minutes, the mission will be counted as a success;

  • Due to the nature of the mission, Unioner escorts -- of up to gunboat class -- will use masked transponders. This allows for Rheinland Wild Unioners and Civilians to join the fray.

  • The Rheinland Police, Military and Intelligence patrols will acquire a sensor reading on the convoy as they make way into Hamburg; that will their chance to strike, but due to Hamburg's vastness, they will get one chance only.


  • For the Wild/Unioner side: Rheinland Wild IDed ships of Unioner or Civilian origin may freely join in, but only and only if they mount human gear exclusively. Do everything possible to save the freighter -- there is but one chance;

  • For the Lawful side: Gather at Alster or at Planet Hamburg. Once the convoy is in Hamburg, a message will be sent announcing its arrival and thus give you the ability to begin interception;

  • The large grouping of ships with masked IFFs won't be missed by neither The Order, nor by the Bundschuh; Pilots that participate in the event may acquire scan data on the freighter. This will come into play at a later date.

This event is the second in a chain of player-decided events around Rheinland Wild and its moves around the region. Join the Wild Discord server if you want to make your very own vote count in this story.

RE: [Event] Into the Lair - Das Wilde - 08-17-2024

Moved to next week due to ongoing sieges in Dublin and Omicron Delta.