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Player Sanctioned: Kruger|Schwermetall - Printable Version

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Player Sanctioned: Kruger|Schwermetall - L1ght - 08-15-2024

Kruger|Schwermetall has been sanctioned for:

Quote:1.2 - Cheating or exploiting game mechanics is not allowed. This can include 'multiboxing' (logging in with multiple characters at the same time), disconnecting during player encounters (post here if you disconnect by accident), abusing bugs, etc.


It is not okay to disconnect and avoid player interactions, something you seem to have made a habbit of. Your credits have left you in shame. Also a small reminder this is your second time being sanctioned for the same thing, the third time could/will result in a ban.

If you require evidence, you may request such via PM from a Staff member. Only the accused or an official faction leader of the accused person's faction may request such. Once you have the evidence, and if you wish to dispute it, you may post in the Sanction Thread below. Do not continue PM'ing a staff member, as that will result in your Appeal being denied. If you PM a staff or post in the sanction thread and you are not directly involved, you are consenting to be subjected to the reprisal of my choice which may involve in game repercussions up to a ban. Blaming members of your immediate family, neighbors, friends, pets, and assorted Orcs, Trolls and any other legendary creatures may result in the use of Admin Right #CTE 750AE

RE: Player Sanctioned: Kruger|Schwermetall - Lukas - 08-15-2024

Send evidence please

RE: Player Sanctioned: Kruger|Schwermetall - L1ght - 08-15-2024

Evidence sent.

RE: Player Sanctioned: Kruger|Schwermetall - Lukas - 08-15-2024

Got it, sadly really rare informations.
I dont See there a escape of an interaction to be honest.
I know that in the past that ship was sanctioned for that rule Brake and this could makes Like now it easier to give it a hit.
I guess since there wasnt any Attachments Like communications before the logout and the Position seems for me Like in Sigma 15 it can be the Case that IT got logged Out for Mining purpose since there Mining area is Close to the named Frankfurt jumphole.
And im very Sure that IT dident got logged Out to escape an running interaction.
I dont know how far that outlog Server msg gets send but IT seems more far then Scanner range what will mean that even If that the Pilot cant know that there is Someone nearby.
So please If there is more proofs of logging Out via an interaction send me them.

RE: Player Sanctioned: Kruger|Schwermetall - Lukas - 08-17-2024

So to clear this, false Sanction.

Some facts to keep in mind for following text:

- 1.2 - Cheating or exploiting game mechanics is not allowed. This can include 'multiboxing' (logging in with multiple characters at the same time), disconnecting during player encounters (post here if you disconnect by accident), abusing bugs, etc.

This above means, there has to be an startet RP encounter with a Ship in Scanner range and a dropped chat message.

The ''Evidence''

[Image: rKG3cnt.png]

What we see here?

An in Space outlogged Barge, sitting near or in the Mining field at Sigma 15 Aluminium.

- Switching Charakters for Mining purpose or any other point isnt against the rules.
- IT Would be against the named 1.2 when an Encounter has startet with an other player.

What we see byside that that the Administrator is telling there are more ''hits'' for logging out in space, what isnt against a server rule until there is a startet Player encouter.

The first of some lets say ''mind builds'' of him, because nothing is wrong as said before.

Now we have a look into the tagged DSAce.Log's

[Image: feihSSg.png]
[Image: Aqb5mUr.png]
[Image: o9bYOIa.png]

As we can see, there isnt any dropped message from anyone in between the ship switching.

Now also in the ''Evidence'' we find the attached message of the Reporter: logged a platform snub to fly to Frankfurt. I saw the Kruger Barge and flew towards it only for it to log off.
As the picture who was attached to the report shows, the Barge is already logged out the shields are offline and the Charakter is sitting into the 1 minute cooldown the disconnect from the server.
If the Reporter was in the range of that Barge before it would log of there is dropping a server Msg but this isnt shown at the picture, means it already was logged out while the reporter came across

A little later L1ght will let us know there are 45 seconds in between the screenshot and the logout message of the server.

Lets do quick math. A fighter like the Reporter has goes in cruise 525 ms x 45 seconds means he was minimum 23,626 k out of the Area.
A Minified Spyglass Scanner has a range of showing players from 18,5 k.

Means the Barge couldnt know that a player comes for it.

Now we come to a interesting communication with the server Admin.

[Image: sm0lrRy.png]

We see here blue marked, hes telling that the reporter was logging to have an interaction with the Barge.
But we know from the reporter itself in the ''Evidence'' that we was just logging to move the ship to Frankfurt, means the Server Admin is here putting some own Mind ideas into the the report.

Overall that whole thing gives a huge bad shadow over the Admin's adding like a line for ''avoide'' player encounters to the 1.2 rule.
This isnt the case as we all know and to the end means this Sanction has no backround except Personal ideas beeing added to the rule and non Neutral acting to this case.

What we can do in future to avoid such big mistakes?

It seems the Server Admins and Developers dislike the fact that you can logout in Space when there isnt an Encounter.
So the 1.2 should be reworked to something fitting for the case.

Im aware that the Barge got Sanctioned about a Year ago for a hit on the 1.2 Rule this was 100% correct acting and with a fundamental backround.
We took the Shame for that and also the lost, we learned from that and did looked even more to not broke that rule again.
This is here the case, it did not got broke as you see in that clarification above.

Thank you for understanding, im awaiting your respond, its not a problem everyone does mistakes but you should come to the point that here isnt a broken rule.
Im requesting to get back my deleted money.