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Concerns with Nomad factions - Printable Version

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Concerns with Nomad factions - ebadamageplan - 05-13-2009

So I read the Nomad Lore and went and got myself a Nomad LF.

My issue is that I don't see Keepers or Oracles on often.
The fact that with the Nomad trial ID I have so many limitations it makes it hard to get involved with an invite only faction.

I guess what I'm looking for is some advice, is the best way to make this work RP on the boards?

Or is it possible to start a new Nomad faction, because as I understand it the only way to get positive rep with Nomads is via admin intervention.

Do I have something mixed up? What should I do? Because at this point my options of what to do with my new ship are very limited, please give me some feedback.

Concerns with Nomad factions - VincentFerrex - 05-13-2009

Been discussed to death already, so no new Nomad factions are going to appear. At least, not in the near future.

Write a good RP story regarding your Nomad and PM it to Exile. Recruitment is closed at the moment for the Keepers, but if you show exceptional skill in RP and knowledge of the Lore, perhaps they'd be willing to overlook that.

Us Keepers are around often, just on wrong times, I guess.

Concerns with Nomad factions - Exile - 05-13-2009

' Wrote:Write a good RP story regarding your Nomad and PM it to Exile. Recruitment is closed at the moment for the Keepers, but if you show exceptional skill in RP and knowledge of the Lore, perhaps they'd be willing to overlook that.
Don't pm it to me please. It's the reason we closed recruitment. We currently have 200% more Keepers than we had when we started out and no longer need any more members untill spots start opening up.

Concerns with Nomad factions - VincentFerrex - 05-13-2009

Oookay, soz Maik. D:

Concerns with Nomad factions - Tenacity - 05-13-2009

The oracles arent really a nomad faction, more of an inbetween; but they have basically 'dropped off the map'. I havent seen any other oracles around lately, and myself being the 'leader' of the group... well, I havent had much time around either.

On top of that, my own oracle character is probably going to end up taking a different path than the rest, the faction isnt becoming what I wanted it to be so I'll probably break off from the group and go back indy again, I need to find zenon so I can get a new leader established though.

Concerns with Nomad factions - Black Widow - 05-13-2009

Well I have intimate knowledge of how keepers work and the RP they use, as I have spoken to many of them. I even RPed an Indy Nomad called Spirit.Neox and flew with a few keepers. the keepers are indeed invite only and I think it sucks that only they have rights to nomad IDs and Equipment.
But anyway I think an Independent faction of nomads not associated with the keepers could work, if you got the RP right and there was enough enthusiasm for it. Of course we would only be able to use the Nomad Trial Id for now but if things went well im sure the Admin team could grant us with Real nomads ids but only if the faction was run well. Tbh there is not enough nomad Danger around there plenty of pirates and Terrorists but no Aliens and i think Keepers are too few and far between. Thus forgetttin them if you guys are willing to put effort in we could start a new Unofficial Nomad Clan given the RP story is SOLID. If not forget it!! So what you guys think??

Concerns with Nomad factions - VincentFerrex - 05-13-2009

No, no, no, Widow. The room for abuse is too high for that.

Concerns with Nomad factions - swift - 05-13-2009

Actually, not to bounce on everyone's joy, and keeping in mind that I have no problem with the Keepers, I feel that restricting people who are capable, but not amazingly exceptional, or amazingly cushy with the leadership, from being able to RP nomads and have the same things the others do, is too elitist.
I don't know who could or could not do good enough of a job, but it's the principle that counts.

Concerns with Nomad factions - VincentFerrex - 05-13-2009

The nomads are... Hard to play, correctly. Many times have I seen someone misinterpret anything in regards to Nomads. Though they can be taught, the fact that there is plenty room for abuse, I believe prevents more Nomad factions.

Added to that, Nomads cannot be factionalized. They are all a part of Mindshare, ergo, each Nomad is not individual, ergo, there cannot be splits and differences.

Concerns with Nomad factions - swift - 05-13-2009

No Sax, I know, I've read the Lore, and I've known it before that.
It's just.. I don't know.. the idea smells bad to me, having exclusivity over something.
Feels.. restrictive. When the only choice is to conform to the preset standard or.. perish.

And what if they're hard to play correctly?
A "concession" to make a Nomad faction isn't given out lightly, to the first guy that comes along.
If they'd not play it correctly, they'd not be allowed to play it.
Ain't no big philosophy.

And don't think I'm stepping on your guys' virtual toes.